[The host, seawater sampling and blood sampling, the presence of magic qi was found]

Lancelot suddenly frowned, “Are you talking about the Demon Clan’s Demon Qi?” ”

[Yes, the host, the main source of pollution, to resource a large amount of magic qi, is the blood factor of the upper demon clan]

“What about the solution?”

[Restrain magic qi requires high level holy light magic, Beunita is proficient in light magic, or the faith shop redeems miracles]

[But the host, the scope of the Sea of Innocence is huge, such a huge amount of demonic qi pollution, I’m afraid there is no forbidden spell level holy light]

[It will be difficult to exorcize, the area covered by the miracle is limited, once the effect disappears, if it cannot be removed at once]

[Will continue to pollute, not cure the root cause]

Lancelot hurried to the Faith Shop.

There is also the miracle of the Holy Light Spell.

[Divine Dispel: Covers 100 miles, dispels demonic qi, purifies impurities]

【Redemption price: 1 million Faith Force】

Lancelot rolled his eyes.

He can redeem up to two…

“Are you teasing me, system brother, what level of magic is a miracle?”

[High level magic, arcane set can be learned to use]

Lancelot calculated that he could use 20 high-level magic spells a day, purifying up to 2,000 miles of sea.

It can only be used the next day: “Is it too late?” ”

[Host, don’t underestimate the pollution speed of the magic qi, it is too late]

Lancelot summoned Beyonita, but Beyonita’s miracle of light did have a purifying effect.

However, her Divine Light Miracle was of the Forbidden Spell level, and the consumption was enormous.

Even if Lancelot learned, it didn’t work much!

The Great Magic Heritage set lacks two set components, and is used once every fifteen days at the Forbidden Spell level.

“Use it, I’ll see.”

[Light of Love: Holy Light Spell, miracle scale, can purify the filth within a range of 1000 miles, completely dispel the filth within the range]

[The effect will last for three days, and within three days, under love, heal, dispel evil qi, burn monsters]

Lancelot learned, but not enough.

His power of faith has skyrocketed to 3.6 million.

Lancelot had always been reluctant to spend the money, but now it seemed that the time had come to have to spend it.

He exchanged a divine dispenser.

After casting it once, he can learn to use it.

At least when fighting underwater, it can play a certain role.

They can only fight in the waters that have dispersed the pollution of the magic element, and they are fighting underwater.

Power of Faith Balance: 2.6 million.

“The rest is to improve the odds of victory, and you need to take out the weapons you can handle!”

[Host, pro don’t be happy too soon, although the problem of magic gas pollution can be alleviated, but pollution will continue]

Lancelot frowned, “System Brother, what do you mean?” ”

[Divine dispersal can only act on part of the sea, once the dispersal effect is over, the magic qi will continue to spread]

[Unless the Sea Clan of the Sea Without Delusion is completely transferred, and moreover, the magic element pollution is not only the mixing of magic qi, but also other toxins]


Lancelot was choked up at once.

“Say it all at once, I can hold it.”

[Among the magic elements of magic gas pollution, the ecological structure of the deep sea will gradually change, and the damaged ecology is almost impossible to repair]

Lancelot’s face jumped: “You mean, no delusional sea, wasted?” ”

Yes, host.

Lancelot suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness, feeling that after taking this job, he was not looking for a vassal, but looking for an ancestor…

“I can’t make them a sea out, can I?”

[That’s your problem, host]

Lancelot gritted his teeth!

What can I do if I fight down the Sea of No Delusion?

Doesn’t this mean that even if it is defeated, the Sea Clan without delusion will finish playing sooner or later?

Isn’t that teasing me?

Pretend not to know?

Lancelot thought of this and scolded himself for not being human.

This kind of behavior of falling into the well and not reporting it, he deeply despised himself.

Well…… Do you want to build a sea?

At Lancelot’s order, Beyonta summoned all the Emerald Backbone in an instant.

This time, including the swearing of allegiance, the Senseless Sea Clan who became a vassal of Emerald Emerald.

Members Beyonita, Bonarotti, Alceris, Rinevil, Elvin Sylvana Sisters, Alsaris.

Two magic masters, Adolf the Seal Scholar, were all present.

There are also two elders of the Sea Clan, a princess and the next queen.

“I’ll get straight to the point, Miss Siren, all of you compatriots who have no delusion of the sea, sea water sampling, blood sampling, we have all analyzed and there are results.”

The Sea Clan of the Sea of Innocence was suddenly overwhelmed with excitement.

However, Lancelot’s words completely shattered their dreams.

“But I’m sorry, the pollution of the sea is a foregone conclusion, and I don’t have the skills to go back to heaven.”


The backbone members of Emerald knew about it, and they already knew Lancelot’s result.

However, the members of the Sea Clan who had no delusion were like mourning concubines one by one.

“You, you’re in… Are you kidding? ”

“Am I joking?”

Lancelot directly pushed a report over: “Look at the test results for yourself, the entire Sea of Innocence is polluted by demonic qi, there are demons behind this, the ecology of the Sea of Innocence has been destroyed, if you came to me three months ago, maybe I still have a way, but it has dragged on too long, I have been unable to completely remove the magic element, even if you find the Pope of the Holy Light Sect, I am afraid there is nothing you can do.” ”

At this point, Lancelot sighed: “I give you the opportunity to choose, if you are still willing to be my vassals, I will do my best, continue to send troops to quell the chaos, help you solve all future problems, but if you do not believe me, you can tear up the agreement now and find another way.” ”

Lancelot became extremely serious: “Now tell me your choice, if you choose to believe me, continue the meeting, if you choose to find another way, I will send someone to send you to your destination as fast as possible.” ”

Harry Siren was young or a child, and she had experienced such a scene there.

At the end of the day, Lancelot knew it now, and the look of despair on the child’s face now said it all.

I’m afraid that’s what was being hidden at the time, right?

They came with the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

“We need some time.”

A few old men of the Sea of Innocence pulled up the little princess and went to another room.

Five minutes later, they returned.

Back at the conference table, the little mermaid princess was already bloodless.

But she gritted her teeth and said, “Ask Lord Lancelot to save our Sea Clan without delusion.” ”

After saying that, the tears broke the embankment again.

They were indeed ungodly to Lancelot, let alone loyal.

Otherwise, there would be no one who did not listen to the propaganda and constantly emphasized this matter.

They don’t intend to be constrained, they want people to help…

Moreover, the Sea of Innocence has had nothing to do with the Terrans since ancient times.

They don’t like struggle, and they don’t like the Illuminati.

The Endless Sea of Sand was Lancelot’s domain, even if they could cross the border and pass through many checkpoints to reach the Holy Light Church.

I can’t catch up.

The Sea of Innocence is now truly life and death.

“Is there anything else I don’t know?”

The shameless self-esteem of the people of the Sea of Innocence.

It wasn’t their intention to let Lancelot wipe his ass, but there was nothing else they could do.

Lancelot smiled, “Rest assured, I am not a tyrant, you are hiding the demonic qi, I know that you are afraid that I will not send troops, but now, I don’t want you to have anything to hide, do you have a plan?” ”

The old man shook his head in shame, “We definitely don’t have the intention to hide, it’s just that the demon qi involves the Demon Clan, and we are also helpless, there is no vain sea, it has been called every day should not be called the earth is not spirited, Lord Lancelot.” ”

After the old man finished speaking, he directly knelt down: “The Sea of Innocence will offer absolute loyalty to you, please do so.” ”

Lancelot waved his hand: “It’s not popular to kneel here, it’s not your turn to say that.” ”

Lancelot glanced at Harry Siren, “Since you are the next queen, do you think that crying your nose will solve the problem, you say, I listen to you!” ”

Harry Siren was stunned for a moment, and she knelt down on one knee: “As long as you are willing to rescue the Sea of No Delusion, the Sea Clan of No Delusion, from now on, obey your orders and always be your vassal.” ”

“Do you have any countermeasures?”

The people of the Sea of Innocence were bitter for a while, and they were all silent.

Lancelot sighed and got up to do it: “Beunita, Alzaris, give you a task, and in three days, the army will be sent out without vain, and the Brilliant Bone Legion will attack with all its troops, and before that, I want you to make a plan to create a sea out of the endless sea of sand!” ”

Everyone’s face jumped.

Is this a dream?

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