Gluttony is supplemented, and all things can be eaten.

It doesn’t matter if he’s a North Sea demon or a sand lizard half-orc.

Under the roar, Cranken’s body quickly dried up, and the shadow of the gluttony became full.

Alsaris sneered, raised his sword, and took off into the air.

“Die, garbage!”

Alsaris was so angry that he chopped up Kraken’s head and everything was fine.

However, the Naga queen’s scepter waved, blocking Kraken’s body for an instant.

“You’re strong.”

She looked at Alsaris quietly: “If you are willing to serve me, I will give you infinite glory, share the sea of innocence with you, and even let you be my husband, and you can still have eternal life!” ”

The answer to her was the sword of Alzaris without hesitation.

Queen Naga waved her scepter to block the sword qi.

Alsaris was not at all surprised, this woman, exuding a powerful aura.

Even without the help of the demons, she was still a powerful warrior.

“If you’re willing to turn back to the shore, I might consider warming your bed.”

“That’s really, really sorry!”

Queen Naga’s eyes were cold, and a tyrannical bloody aura permeated her body.

Since the undead’s attacks were ineffective, and since Kraken couldn’t deter them, he could only use the strongest tricks.

“Horse monkey shochu, a library of wow!!!”

Lancelot, who was watching the bustle there, suddenly froze.

“What, what’s that?” What is she shouting? ”

Beyonta rolled her eyes, “She’s speaking the language of the Demon Clan, Demon King, come down.” ”


Lancelot froze for a moment.

This, how is it different from the version he understands.

Isn’t Monkey Shochu a Magical Girl?

That one library or something… Isn’t that what it means?

Lancelot couldn’t help but shiver.

Looking at the Naga Queen’s face again, it was different.

This sea queen, there is not much clothing… Moreover, this little skin, tender enough to come out of the water.

Look again, the eyebrows are clear, the charming, the convexity, the upturned.

The harmonious place is almost exposed.

Lancelot couldn’t help but swallow, “I didn’t think this Naga was such a queen!” ”

How could Berneta think something was wrong with that?

With her chanting, the heavens and the earth changed color again.

Countless undead spirits actually became manic and restless at this moment.

And the dry Kraken, violently opened his mouth and sucked furiously.

The whole Sea of Innocence seemed to be clean at this moment.

Because all the dark magic, and countless undead, were all sucked into the stomach by Kraken.

It opened its bloody mouth, sucked furiously, and its body quickly grew larger.

It swelled, kept expanding, and it became three times larger than it had just been, completely obscuring the sky.

The Naga Queen fell on Kraken’s head.

She waved her scepter and commanded Kraken: “Kraken, crush them.” ”

Kraken growled.

The Deep Sea Palace, at this moment, has lost the possession of the Demon Clan and lost the ravages of the undead.

The possessed warriors were all awake.

One by one, they were lying horizontally and vertically, and even many were dying, but they saw this scene.

Suddenly fell into a daze.

That person is… Queen Naga?

What about that, what about that, little princess?

What’s going on here, and why does the queen look so evil?

Why is Kraken so violent?


The roaring Kraken, opening his mouth and squirting, suddenly overwhelmed with ink, the home with a frenzied dark magic breath, crushed down.

Lancelot frowned.

“How come the Lord can’t come out yet!”

Beyonta narrowed her eyes, “It’s in her body.” ”

Lancelot couldn’t resist a wit: “She’s possessed?” ”

Beunita nodded.

Sylvana was eager to try, “I’ll shoot this beast down!” ”

“Don’t !!!”

Harry Siren was startled, “Please don’t, those warriors, sea warriors… Still, still alive…”

She’s a little underwhelmed.

This time, they hid a lot from Lancelot.

After all, Lancelot was not obligated to help them.

But he still sent troops.

The sea of innocence owes him, and owes it to Emerald.

Lancelot grinned, “Girls’ family, shooting around all day, what kind of system…”

Sylvana felt that this was not right, but she did not know what was wrong.

Lancelot sighed and raised his hand, and the huge light shield spread out like an overwhelming force.

Directly blocked Kraken’s attack.

The holy light illuminated the entire deep sea, and Lancelot looked at the Naga Queen in the sky: “Are you coming, or am I coming?” ”

“To Die!”

Queen Naga roared in anger, and her eyes shone with resentment.

And it was very unexpected, obviously he did not expect that this man who looked weak and couldn’t help the wind could use such a huge amount of holy light power.

He had never seen anyone other than the Archbishop of the Holy See use such a powerful Holy Light spell.

Kraken’s claws slammed down.

Before Lancelot could move, Sylvana excitedly pulled her bow open: “Rift! ”

The speed of the arrow was faster than the photoelectric one.

The sting slammed directly through the tentacles that Kraken had smashed down.

The smashing tentacles suddenly stopped, and the next moment, they had shattered into countless pieces, emitting a fragrance.

A burning arrow slashed across the cheek of Queen Naga.

She just tilted her head slightly, this team, what the hell is going on!

It is also a human race, a powerful Holy Light spell, and a skeleton warrior who is not afraid of the Holy Light.

And this knight, what kind of ghost is the cold air of resentment and loneliness in his body, he is obviously so sad.

But it can block her charm technique, the charm art from the Demon Clan!

And this weak and windy man, how could he use such a strong Holy Light spell?

Where did this damn little loach find such a strong helper?

Damn, damn it, the complete erosion of Leviathan will take at least seven days.

Never let these guys ruin her plans!

Sylvana sighed and bent her bow and arrow again, “You’d better come down, I don’t have the patience of Lord Lancelot.” ”

The wings spread out, creating a beautiful and dazzling light and shadow.

The bow and arrow in his hand condensed into a thin wire: “Otherwise, it is your death date.” ”

“Just a grazing bug.”

Queen Naga snorted, and her body suddenly entered Kraken’s body.

The next moment, Kraken twisted himself into a human form and stood up.

Instantly transformed into a hundred-armed Shura, clenched his fists deadly, and then smashed down.

Beyonta skimmed her lips: “There are many things I hate, such as men who don’t understand the style, women with big breasts and brains, Sylvana, shoot her!” ”

It said that the power of the Holy Light was integrated into Sylvana’s arrows.

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