It was as if he had woken up from a long dream.

Queen Naga opened her eyes, looked around blankly, and then sat up sharply.

He raised his scepter: “Damn demons! ”

But when she saw Harry Siren, she was stunned: “Little Harry, why are you here?” ”

She looked around and was even more dazed.

Beunita breathed a sigh of relief.

“How’s it going?”

Lancelot asked hurriedly.

“Not pretending, she was indeed possessed without her knowledge.”

“This sea tribe without delusion is also too dish, right?”

St. John’s mouth was merciless, its mouth stink and black, and it was now the label of this leper skeleton.

“Aunt Jorna.”

Harry couldn’t hold back any longer, and she pounced on her crying, instantly becoming a little tearful person.

Beunita was a little tired of crying her nose at every turn.

“All right, stay in the future, Queen Naga, we are reinforcements from Emerald, and you, little niece, have sold us the Sea Clan of the Sea of No Delusion, and now the Sea Clan of the Sea of No Illusion is a vassal of Lord Lancelot.”

She spoke straight to the whole story.

Queen Naga listened quietly and finally sighed, “Am I possessed?” ”

Beunita pointed to the demon.

Queen Naga smiled bitterly, “I remember her, we went to the Great Vortex to pacify Leviathan, and as a result I was attacked by stealth, and I don’t remember anything after that.” ”

Beunita nodded, “We’ll talk about this later, take us to the Great Whirlpool, if it drags on for a long time, Leviathan will become a great threat, and the erosion of the magic element will not be able to be removed.” ”

Queen Naga nodded, “Thank you, I’ll talk about it later, I’ll take you over.” ”

“Hahahahaha, you are determined to die, against my clan, you will all die without a place to die.”

Just as everyone was about to leave for the Great Whirlpool, a magic qi as thin as a gossamer suddenly erupted from Hakcha’s body.

Leave a sentence and disappear directly.

Beunita was caught off guard and it was too late to stop her.


Beunita still wanted to chase, but was gently pulled by Lancelot: “No need to chase, it’s too late, this is good, the time to verify our strength has come.” ”

Beyonta blushed and nodded slightly, “Then I’ll listen to you.” ”

Lancelot looked at Queen Naga, “Is there a short way, like a teleportation array or something?” ”


“Lead the way.”

Lancelot had always longed for the existence of teleportation arrays and the like.

Unfortunately, he never had this technology.

Moreover, he also wanted to verify the power of the magic guide.

Left and right are all doomed, but it is better to swim in the world.

Lancelot was confident.

Moreover, the Sea of Innocence was not weak, but the main fighting forces were all sent to the Great Vortex to pacify Leviathan.

The magic seal structure of the teleportation array was recorded by Lancelot.

But the building materials, Lancelot did not have any at all.

The Great Whirlpool refers to the secret realm of the deep sea of the Sea of Innocence.

The most powerful Reiki root, in the ancient times, the strong people of the Sea Clan created an ancient secret realm in such a place full of aura.

And the great vortex of the Sea of Innocence is the lair of the guardian beast Leviathan.

When the crowd passed through the teleportation array and reached the Great Whirlpool, everyone was stunned.

Here and there are still sacred secret places, and it is clear that they have become the lair of demons.

The light of the deep sea has been obscured by the forces of darkness.

The huge guardian beast Leviathan is tied up there.

But that chain has been devoured and corrupted by countless evil spirits.

The magic of the seal is also being assimilated by evil spirits.

Leviathan’s eyes had turned scarlet.

“Hahaha, hahahahaha, you die, all die, today is your death day, dare to rebel against my clan, and there is no place to bury you when you die.”

St. John plucked out his ears: “What age is it, can’t the lines change, your uncle’s, it’s too tacky, I can’t listen to it.” ”

He pointed at the black mist-like demon floating in front of Leviathan and scolded, “All must die, look how domineering this is!” ”

The crowd was stunned, what domineering?

“You’re all going to die!”

Sleepy slot, this demonic brain is not very good, you are really learning to sell ah…

“Leviathan, kill them!!!”

St. John jumped up again: “Are you bothered, slaughter them, kill them, slaughter them, is he not good?” ”

The demon was stunned, “Shut up, you stinky garbage, Leviathan, kill them for me!” ”

St. John scratched his head, “Why don’t you listen, it’s pretty silly just now.” ”

Leviathan’s blood-red eyes lit up, broke free of the chains, roared up to the sky, flew up into the sky, and opened his mouth.

Terrifying waves of energy erupted directly.

The tower shield soldiers instantly stepped forward to block, but they were all shot out of the way.

Barely blocked…

The guardian beast Leviathan, on the other hand, turned its huge body and constantly hovered in the sky.

In the deep sea, he stirred a huge whirlpool.

It wants to strangle everyone in a whirlpool storm.

It roared, roared, and demonically demonized, and he was more powerful than the North Sea Demon.

The guardian spirit beast, which has been deified, has the faith of the Sea Clan.

This is why these demons are targeting Leviathan and not Kraken.

The difference between a divine beast and a demon beast came out.

They want more power, more destructive power.

Obviously, the North Sea Giant was easier to get, and Leviathan had not been easy to hold on to until now.

Queen Naga was in excruciating pain: “Guardian God, please wake up, the Sea of Innocence needs your protection.” ”

“You are really naïve, and it is a miracle that you have lived to this day without vain.”

Beyonta was the first to take the lead, and Lancelot went up.

Alsaris raised his hand: “Magic Gunner ready!” ”


“Understood, Lord Lancelot.”

Beunita stomped her feet, sealing the Demon Realm for the last time today, and unfolding.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth were shrouded in golden light, the darkness was dispelled, and the divine made people worship.

The skeletons and heroes felt strange, they could actually bathe in the holy light, it was really… It’s so much fun.

Lancelot is such an interesting person.

Loyal to Lancelot, loyal to Emerald, and unbelievably skilled, his skills are protected by the Holy Light.

“Is this a husband and wife, Lord Lancelot?”

Lancelot was careful of the rabbit jumping: “Don’t talk nonsense. ”

The warriors around them, especially the Brilliant Bone Legion, screamed one by one, followed by blind coaxing.

Beyonta suddenly smiled like a little fox.

Leviathan, on the other hand, had completely broken free of the chains of the seal.

“It’s too dangerous, you let your lord come forward?”

Queen Naga was shocked, it was against the way of a knight.

Alsaris shrugged, “Lord Lancelot wants to play, and we can’t stop it.” ”


Queen Naga was shocked: “That’s Leviathan! ”

Sylvana, who had always said little, said seriously, “Even the Titans may have to kneel.” ”

As he spoke, Lancelot and Beyoneta shot at the same time.

Lancelot tore up the Divine Dissolution, and Beyonta performed the Holy Light Purification.

The moment the spell was actually fired, Lancelot learned both spells.

He suddenly raised his staff and made a charging motion.

Queen Naga’s eyes widened sharply.

Only to see ten huge sun-like balls of light condensed, and the next moment, they were compressed together by him and turned into a small ball of light.

But that ball of light exuded the breath of destroying the heavens and the earth.

“Knock it down for me!”

Hearing Lancelot’s order, Arsaris gave the order instantly.

The Bone Gunners simultaneously raised their magic cannons and pulled the trigger.

The huge body suddenly slowed down a little, and at first it could fly in front of it, but as the gunners continued to attack.

Leviathan’s huge body actually fell, and every movement was very difficult.

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