Lancelot nodded unceremoniously, “Then I’m not welcome.” ”

He took the shell, glanced at it, and suddenly opened his mouth.

[Eye of the Sea: The eye of the deep sea without delusion, which can stabilize the sea water and produce a livable water for aquariums, but it is on the verge of exhaustion]

[Repairable, but requires pure, unlimited water sources]

[Tidal Totem: A sea treasure without delusion, which can control the tides on the sea, cause tsunamis, limit the number of times to use 3/day]

[Xianbei Bed x3: Sea Clan Spirit Weapon, lying on it can prolong life]

【Luan dust beads: can bring a soft light source to the sea tribe, adjustable, covering an area of 500,000 square meters】

【Coral Sacred Tree: Nourishing the Plankton of the Sea Clan and Improving the Ecology of the Sea Tribe】

[After taking root in the deep sea, it can improve the geological structure of the seabed and be suitable for the ecology of deep-sea organisms]

[Sea Spirit Orb: Enhances the ability of the Sea Clan, has a huge buff effect on the water mage, can forge water weapons, armor]

[Can amplify water spells and make orbs of deep-sea teleportation arrays]

【Aquaman: Sea Clan Secret Treasure, controllable sea beasts】

【Qiong Whale Battleship x5: Sea Clan Battleship, can accommodate 1000/ship, with 50 Neptune guns】

[Each Neptune cannon can fire 30 intermediate high-density water cannons, and the charging time is one day]

[Neptune Bubble: Sea Clan Miracle, Large-Scale Magic, Cover 10,000 Soldiers when cast]

[It can enable soldiers to fight in the deep sea, without being restricted by the sea]

[Neptune Gun: The supreme artifact of the Sea Without Delusion, ruling the Sea Clan of the Sea of No Delusion, controlling the sea, and using it only at sea]

[After leaving the sea, you can cast all the magic of the Sea Clan]

【Restricted Users: Lord of the Sea Without Delusion】

[Flying Fish Unit x1000: Flying Fish Troop from the deep sea, can fly within territorial waters at an altitude of up to 5000 meters]

[Capacity: 10, unable to fly out of the sea]

[Mirage: Sea Clan artifact, can project the mirage, can never be approached, if you approach, will be lost forever]

【Mysterious Map: Unknown Things】

The rest are some treasures, gems, pearls, miscellaneous spell scrolls, books and documents.

Lancelot was astonished, these things were solid hard currency.

Even for Lancelot, it was a supreme treasure.

[Host, found the mysterious map, damaged, the system requests recovery, parsing]

“Recycling is allowed.”

【After the recovery is completed, the analysis begins, and the repair analysis is expected to be completed within seven days】

Lancelot breathed a sigh of relief and hid his joy, still expressionless.

“Queen Naga, you are doing a good job, with these, our sea-making plan will be put on the agenda, we don’t have much time, you should take it out early.”

Queen Naga was a little embarrassed: “Everything is gradual, Lord Lancelot.” ”

“You’re right, Beyonita, tell me how we’re getting here.”

Beunita nodded slightly, and she sighed, somewhat unbearable: “So far, there is no proper solution…”


There was a dead silence all around.

The members of the Sea Clan looked at each other one by one, and they saw that they were about to get angry and go away.

However, Beyonta did not give them that chance.

“Through in-depth exchanges with the Sea Clan compatriots, the situation is not optimistic, one-third of the Sea Clan compatriots are not willing to leave, and once the Holy Light Spell disappears, these Sea Clan compatriots will be demonized, and eventually become Deep Sea Demons, and the life expectancy of the Sea will be exhausted.”

Out of thin air, a huge map appeared out of nowhere.

“Regarding the mobilization of the sea tribes, you must also deal with it yourself, and about the plan for making the sea…”

Babynata took a deep breath, and she could see that she was very excited, even a little hot.

“So far, we have designed two solutions.”

She zoomed in on the map, took out a small stick out of thin air, and nodded on the map.

This map is a map of the entire endless sand sea, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

According to our current surveys and maps, the Sea of Innocence is about 20,000 miles away from Emerald.

With the current transportation conditions of Emerald Emerald, up to three round-trips per day, transporting about 6,000 people.

But the Sea Clan could not leave the sea for too long.

Therefore, this sea-making plan, the resettlement and survival of the sea tribes, was listed as the top priority.

Lord Lancelot is kind and will continue to perform the miracle of the Holy Light to fight the pollution of magic and magic qi.

The good news is that we are capable enough to pull out the magic infection from your body.

Unfortunately, once you leave the sea and go back, you will also get infected, so…

Beunita shrugged helplessly, I’m afraid you’ll endure the pain of the magic infection until the sea is finished.

Queen Naga clutched Harry’s little hands deadly, their palms sweaty.

Queen Naga respectfully saluted, “Your Honor, please continue.” ”

Beunita circled an area on the caption.

According to our Griffin Knight mapping and the nautical charts provided by the Sea Clan, the area of the Sea of Innocence is almost 30,000 nautical miles.

The area is too big and the time is too tight.


Beunita became extremely serious: “We have fifteen hours to prepare, to map, to lay the foundation, and then to test your loyalty. ”

“Test loyalty?”

Beunita narrowed her eyes, “I need your absolute faith in Lord Lancelot, to worship him as a deity, to pray to him, to desire him, and only then can you proceed to the next step.” ”

Harry was a little shocked: “What kind of next step?” ”

Beyoneta took a deep breath, “Arrange one of the most powerful gathering spirits in the history of Haagen-Dazs, or even since the creation of the world, mobilize all the artifacts of Emerald Emerald, drain the aura and mana of all the people of the Emerald and Senseless Seas, and replicate a complete topography of the Sea of Innocence.” ”

The whole room was filled with the sound of inhaling cold air.

Queen Naga was shocked: “This, can this be done?” ”

Beunita snorted, “Lancelot is the supreme deity, of course he can do it, but for you, it is really not worth it, I only say once, Naga, Siren, your chance is only once, because it is the entire terrain of the Sea of No Delusion, once there is a person who is not religious, the Gathering Spirit Magic cannot be performed, miss this opportunity, the life and death of the Sea of No Illusion, each of them will be destined for heaven.” ”

It’s a fantasy.

“It’s a fool’s dream, you Terrans are talking about it, even if what you say is true, so what?”

One of the Sea Clan elders said with some anger, “That’s right, are you bullying the Sea Clan ignorant?” ”

“We know enough about the Terrans, you are not much better than the Sand Lizard Clan, if there is the assistance of the Sea Eye, you may be able to fill a sea area and come out, but the Sea Eye has dried up, and the ecology of the entire Sea of Innocence has also been destroyed.”


Dolnigun was directly annoyed: “You dare to question Lord Lancelot! ”

Lancelot waved his hand, “Well, Dolnigun, don’t be like them. ”

He looked at this elder with very strong mana fluctuations and smiled slightly, “I never said that I was a god, but this does not prevent me from creating miracles. ”

The mighty Sea Clan Elder suddenly sneered, “If you can do it, I will submit to you on behalf of the entire House of Elders, and I will personally persuade every Sea Clan to worship you as a god and crawl at your feet.” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Very well, Elder Tekremp, you can kneel!” ”

Lancelot took a direct dose of the drug.

“You dare to humiliate…”

Before I could say anything, Lancelot pulled out an object.

【Endless Spring!!! 】

[Endless Spring: Use near the water source, once used, the water source will never be exhausted]

[System prompt: Once used, can not be moved, please choose the use of the location carefully]

And the Endless Spring is exactly what is necessary to repair the Eye of the Sea!

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