Watching them leave, the patriarchs of several forces in the Mobius Mountains did not have a very good face.

It was so desperate, although it had been expected.

I didn’t expect things to get to this point.

Zaklama, the patriarch of the Stone Spirit Clan, sighed: “King Lancelot may not be so difficult to speak, but as the prime minister, Beyonita, is really difficult to get along with, what we have done has angered her, as the prime minister, Lancelot must take care of her feelings, we have taken the wrong step.” ”

Pankini rolled his shrewd little eyes: “How about providing enough benefits?” ”

Zakrama shook his head: “Then don’t you think, didn’t you see what he did, he created a sea out of thin air, what kind of interests can drive this man?” ”

Hussein took a sip of wine and wiped his beard: “Indeed, King Lancelot is probably not asking for tribute and bribes. ”

Goblin Patriarch Hussein smiled treacherously, “There’s no one who doesn’t love money. ”

Irma sighed, “Forget it, Hussein, your theory won’t be valid this time, from the moment we just look at it and don’t shoot, Emerald has excluded us, I’m afraid it’s not on the aid list.” ”

“Oh, how can I see that?”

“Because in their view, by doing this, we mean betrayal in the future.”

Zakrama nodded, “That’s right. ”

The hearts of the people are not tasteful.

“What to do, go back?”

Pankini was a little impatient.

Irma shook her head, “I want to go back, you go back yourself, I want to stay here.” ”

Pankini sneered, “It is very sad that you are the queen of the elves of the Mobius Mountains, the current patriarch, the proud elf, and it is very sad that you have to bow down to a human being and bow your noble head.” ”

Hussein burped, “Well, that’s right, Lady Irma did it right, it’s the best bet, let go of pride, otherwise, we’ll be the target of slaughter by the Sand Lizard Empire, and there’s something more troublesome, there’s a trail of demons here, and we can’t fight it.” ”

Pankini shrugged, “As long as you can live, no matter who he is, join the Demon Clan.” ”

The cold eyes of the crowd looked at him in unison.

In anger, everyone is murderous.

Pankini fell in a cold sweat: “You know, I’m a kidding guy.” ”

Zaklama’s eyes suddenly turned red, and the fierceness flashed away: “You know the price of betrayal, Pankini, this is not the first time, you seem to have a lot of affection for the demons, I can kill you directly here, in order to avoid the consequences.” ”

“Ah, no, no, no, Zaklama, you know me, I’m a man who just owes my mouth, I don’t have that ability at all, you let me mine with my lover, collect gold, let me be a lackey to the demons, I also have integrity.”

Irma was very surprised: “Your shamelessness is obvious to all, you say you have integrity?” ”

Pankini was a little shocked.

“Oh, Elma, I am so sad that you say this, have you forgotten the scene of us working hand in hand against the enemy, and I have made a great contribution to the race of the Mobiswu Mountains.”

“That is a peaceful and prosperous world without danger, and in the chaotic world, aren’t you the first to advocate defecting to the Sand Lizard Empire?”

The bearded dwarf Hussein suddenly laughed, “Hahaha, yes, now he advocates defecting to the Demon Clan.” ”

Pankini was really panicked: “Enough is enough, comrades, don’t do this, you are falling into the well, remember that we are companions, for the Mobiswu Mountains, we have fought, now we should talk about the problem of staying, are you sure you all want to stay?” ”

Several patriarchs stood in front of the emerald gate, this dream-like wonderland, but at this moment, it turned them away.

Hey, one step wrong.

Irma sighed and raised her hand, “Anyway, I won’t join the Demon Clan, and I won’t be with the Sand Lizard Empire, so I decided to stay.” ”

Zakrama also nodded, “There is no turning back from the bow, and besides, I hate the Sand Lizard Empire and the Demons, so I stayed behind for help and forgiveness.” ”

Hussein laughed and took a sip of wine: “King Lancelot will surpass the demons, I have this premonition, my premonition has always been very effective, I will also accompany you to stay, waiting for an opportunity.” ”

Hugo Cecil had been standing there as if he had lost his soul.

He felt like he had done something wrong.

Irma touched his head: “You don’t have to blame yourself, you did the right thing, but sometimes, people are in different positions, different identities, his situation will be different, maybe King Lancelot will not care about those, but he is a great king after all, his subordinates will not allow some things to happen, this is the rule, there is no rule, not a square, we have broken the rules, if you do not accept this punishment, Lancelot will be difficult to convince the public, you know?” ”

Hugo Cecil nodded, “I don’t quite understand, but I can understand.” ”

It was he who asked everyone to see for themselves.

Unexpectedly, now because they stood by and watched, they provoked the dissatisfaction of the empire in the prime minister.

Hugo Cecil blamed himself somewhat.

The crowd stopped caring about the goblin Pankini.

The goblin patriarch shrugged helplessly.

An ass sat down.

Suddenly, a ball appeared out of thin air, and he sat inside the ball, floating in the air, yawning.

As we all know, in addition to liking gold and mining, goblins also love precision instruments.

Tinker out a lot of fun stuff.

For example, this suspended sphere, a bit like a UFO, this cargo sits on it, it feels even more funny.

And at this moment, Lancelot was watching them in the city.

Yes, it was so hard at the time, and these guys were watching the hilarity.

Without teaching them a lesson, I really think of Lancelot as a great benevolent person.

Moreover, Lancelot could not make Beyoneta and Alsaris chill.

No rules, no squares.

If you do something wrong, you should be punished, and if you can’t say you want to surrender, I will open my arms.

In this way, these patriarchs of the Mobius Mountains were exposed to the door for three days.

Rest is only possible in temporary camps.

Halfway through they did not say a word, and at dawn nature took a stand and waited for King Lancelot to summon them.

One wait is three days.

Lancelot received a special reward from the system.

I couldn’t imagine that the mysterious item of the Sea Clan, after the system parsed it out, was actually a fragment of the map of the Jewel Kingdom!

With two fragments of the map, Lancelot couldn’t wait to compare the desert terrain.

However, he was disappointed.

Because compared with the map he had mapped out in his hand, there was no resemblance at all.

In desperation, a team of five Griffin Knights was sent out to conduct a map comparison.

When the sea was built, they had already done a complete map completion, this time comparison.

Hope that will be rewarded.

Lancelot’s expedition plan has begun a new round of layout.

The temporary throne of the Ruling House is magnificent, and it is the ingenuity of Bonarotti.

Left and right were done, so Lancelot offered to ask for it.

Dragon, he wants the throne of the dragon, he wants to establish the kingdom of dragons in this world.

Since everyone asks him to build a country, then build a country.

But before that, you have to do a big job: “Welcome to Emerald, how’s the climate here compared to the Möbiswu Mountains?” ”

Irma was the first to speak: “Beautiful as a fairyland, but the Möbisu Mountains are not bad.” ”

Lancelot smiled, “So do you like this place or do you like the Möbisvu Mountains?” ”

Here it comes, the deadly multiple choice question.

There was a chill in everyone’s heart, after the question appeared.

From above the golden throne, a breath of slaughter emanated!

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