Before Beunita’s fury could be unleashed, she was taken to the realm world of the Queen of Dreams.

They were in a palace, and on the bed, there was still the smell of Lancelot and the Queen of Dreams.

Béunita smelled it at once, and this was all too familiar to her.

Because Lancelot’s clothes were washed by her and Xiao Ti by hand.

Never by the hands of others.

She was suddenly even more annoyed.

“I chopped you shameless woman!”

However, her terrifying holy light suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Beyonta was stunned for a moment, and then she was even more annoyed, her power of holy light was actually sealed?

No, it’s not a seal, it’s just gone!

“Draw your sword, you Bichi!”

In a fit of rage, Beunita sheathed her sword.

The next moment, however, her sword disappeared out of thin air.

The Queen of Weaving Dreams said expressionlessly: “This is my realm world, I am the master here, here, I let you die, you absolutely cannot live, I hope you calm down, in the end, why are you so angry, isn’t it very inexplicable?” ”

Beunita was furious, but after hearing this, she took a few deep breaths to calm herself.

“If I rob your man, won’t you be angry?”

Lancelot heart tremors…

A sense of shame came over me, but this thing… He really didn’t complain about me.

Lancelot didn’t think he would one day experience this kind of dog blood plot.

The Queen of Weaving Dreams thought slightly, “As it is, you are looking at this male and think that I robbed you.” ”

Beunita had the urge to vomit blood.

“Rest assured, though, I have no intention of competing with you for favors, nor do I have the idea of being a queen, I can just be a side room, and I have an agreement with Lancelot that I will not interfere in your kingdom.”

Beyonetta’s tears were about to fall, and she looked at Lancelot viciously.

Lancelot had a headache: “When I woke up, the raw rice was already cooked…”

The Queen of Dreams smiled, “This female is jealous, Lancelot, but the female, what he said is true, I gave him the spell of love, this child, even if it is a kind of coercion, can also be regarded as a guarantee of freedom.” ”

Beyonta gritted her teeth deadly: “Your words make people angry, dare not dare to duel with me!” ”

The Queen of Weaving Dreams shook her head, “Female, your behavior is very stupid, whether it is physical strength, mental strength, mana, you are all under me, even if you are outside the realm world, you are still not my opponent, you don’t humiliate yourself.” ”

However, Beyunita unceremoniously rushed up: “Female, female, old lady named Gaia Beyonita, you damn ancient species, do you know why you are hated, because you sleep too much, your brain has pits, and your feelings are weak!” ”

The Queen of Dreams frowned.

She did not forbid Beyoncia’s behavior, and the two got tangled together.

“We are also married and widowed.”


While beating, Beunita vented her anger: “You intercept the summons without authorization, kill people without success, admit it, admit it, admit it, play yin, without love to use children to coerce Lancelot, it is simply shameless, today you dare to play like this, you can betray in the future, Lancelot does not need you!” ”

When she said this, she snapped her fingers, and a sunlight that emitted more terrifying than a mushroom bullet condensed in her palm.

“I’ll kill you shameless woman today!”

No matter how good your temper is, you will be angry when you are scolded like this.

What about a queen?

The Queen of Weaving Dreams raised her hand: “I don’t know the thick stinky piece of the sky, it seems that the language is not comprehensible, I can only beat you up.” ”

But that’s where the two men talked.

Suddenly, at the same time, I felt a hard slap on the buttocks.

Both were stunned at the same time.

The face was brushed red.

“You two, pretty much okay, when I don’t exist!”

Beyonta is really blushing, she already has a crush on Lancelot, and she is beaten by her sweetheart.

Be careful that the liver is going to jump out.

The fire suddenly subsided by seven or eight points.

The little mushroom bomb was naturally discouraged.

Even the ancient Seed Weaving Dream Butterfly Queen from Chaos was blushing.

As a king, one of the most powerful females, she had never felt such feelings before.

Very strange, complex, even, a little thrilling.

Lancelot sighed: “Xiao Bei, the matter has become a foregone conclusion, no matter who is right and who is wrong, it will not help, I have a proposal, do you want to hear it, if you forgive me, just nod your head, calm down and listen to me, okay?” ”

Beyonta pursed her lips for a long time before she nodded reluctantly, “Say it.” ”

But she still didn’t give the Queen of Weaving a good look, the Queen of Styx in this chaotic era, which really annoyed her.

Lancelot waved his hand, and suddenly there were more tables and chairs in the house, and the aroma of coffee was overflowing.

Lancelot poured coffee for both of them.

Smiling, he held Beunita’s weak and boneless little hand: “Although the ancient species have ideological differences with us, they are essentially organic creatures.” ”

The first time he took the initiative to make intimate contact, Beyonita, suddenly overwhelmed.

But she noticed that Lancelot could control the realm world of the Queen of Dreams?

“I’m not excusing her either, but it’s a fact that she has a baby now, and besides, she wants to escape from chaos, we have signed an equal contract, and in the next five thousand years, she will serve me, I know you’re angry, but the problem has happened, let’s solve the problem, I need your help, don’t you want to use Anaya’s ability reasonably?”

The Queen of Dreams was not pleased: “I am married to you, and I am very grateful that you did not ask me for a slave contract and a master-servant contract, but I hope you understand that my ability allows you to use it alone.” ”

Lancelot nodded, “You can rest assured, I am asking someone to help me make a plan, of course it is I who gives the order, and, without your permission, no one can enter your realm world, what are you afraid of, make any decision, I will ask for your consent, this point, we said okay isn’t it?” ”

The Queen of Dreams thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

Beyoneta could see that Lancelot’s eyes and helplessness, especially for the Queen of Dreams, wanted to kill her, and there was no way to take her.

And, from time to time, the eyes swept over her abdomen.

Obviously, it seems to be really pricked…

“So how are you going to use her powers?”

Beyonta knew that she couldn’t fight, and she really couldn’t.

Then humiliate her fiercely and take advantage of her!

The Queen of Dreams frowned, and Lancelot glared at her, “Sit well, don’t you want to be bored?” ”

Anaya nodded.

Lancelot’s eyes lit up: “I intend to use Anaya’s ability to weave dreams, the spiritual world, and the infinitely profound wave of mind power to create a dream weaving network!” ”

Weaving Dream Network, what is that?

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