Yes, there is only one chance, and they are already deeply aware.

Although it sounds pitying, even annoying.

However, these people are not saying this to bully you, but they are telling you seriously.

You can live, even under my protection.

But be absolutely loyal to Me, show your supreme faith.

Not oppression, just a fact.

And Beyonita, give them a buffer time for the night and let them travel through Emerald.

Go hang out in the shopping street and go to the food street.

Go take a shower, go read a book, go play chess and play games.

Go to the canteen and feel the life of Emerald.

Go to the most comfortable bed you can sleep in…

When they lay on top of that soft and comfortable Simmons, when they ate the mouths of dazzling delicacy.

When they participate in the entertainment of the crowd regardless of each other in public.

Lying on the bed, they understood the good intentions of the Holy Light Lady.

They have value, so they are left behind, although it is not known what kind of value it is.

But the opportunity lay before them.

As long as they are pious and loyal, they can enjoy an endless and beautiful life all the time.

And life here, day by day, will only get better and better.


Their people can also enjoy such a life, as long as they are loyal! Just be religious!

The Demon Clan has always been humiliated and has a low status in the Demon Clan.

It is the plaything of all demons, with no identity and no status.

They are the lowest beings of the Demon Clan, although they have the status of Grand Duke.

However, they are not respected.

But it’s different here, Emerald… It embraces everything!

You see, you see the mermaid, the beautiful mermaid, holding the hand of the Terran youth, they are laughing and laughing, they are happy to each other!

You see the goblins, their faces are ugly, but when they do business, they smile very brightly, but no one discriminates against their ugly faces.

Look at the dwarf, shouting in a loud voice, “Watching chess is a true gentleman!” It’s the puppy who regrets it! ”

The elven maiden also had a good conversation with the Terrans.

Even the mentally handicapped and dirty sand lizard tribe has received the respect it deserves, and they have hooked up with the human race and enthusiastically sold in the market.

Mediana was stunned.

Isn’t that the life he longs for?

Without hesitation, he slammed his head to the ground with all his might: “I, Mediana, to King Lancelot, offer my soul, offer my loyalty, offer my fanaticism, offer my faith, ask King Lancelot, shelter me, redeem me, shelter my people, long live King Lancelot, long live, long live!” ”

The gift of five bodies to the ground.

Yamecca also understood.

Although it was only a short day.

But he saw a world of flowers.

The Demon Realm…

Ben is a land of poor resources, barren land, and eternal night.

His territory can only shine once in ten years.

They long for the sun and fear it.

They want to integrate into other ethnic groups, but they are treated like a plague virus.

Everyone shouted and beaten, they didn’t have enough to eat, they didn’t wear warm.

I am afraid that there is a great power.

Since there is none, then go grab it, and since I am better than you, you control you, fish and flesh you.

But he found out long ago.

In fact, the direction of the demons is wrong.

On this day, here, he saw a new direction.

What the demons hadn’t done in hundreds of thousands of years, this Lancelot did.

It is said that in less than a year …

“I, Amecca, am willing to serve the dogs and horses of King Lancelot, to work hard, and after my death, to offer my king Lancelot, the most sincere blessings, and sincerely thank you, please accept my loyalty and accept my faith, and henceforth Yameca obeys only his orders, and only asks my king Lancelot to have mercy, and one day, he will also give my people a piece of light.”

After saying this, he also knelt down and offered the most devout faith with Mediana.

[Does the host, who has received the loyalty of the demon Yameca and the demon Mediana, provide shelter?] 】

[System tip: accepting the surrender of the Demon Clan will face a huge risk and become the public enemy of the world, please consider it]

“Oh, the enemy of the world, very good, I don’t want to cause trouble, but it doesn’t mean I’m afraid of things!”

Lancelot smiled suddenly, and he stood up and waved a big hand: “Welcome to the Lancelot family, Emerald welcomes you.” ”

Sylvana and Raynivier breathed a sigh of relief.

It was as if I had taken a reassuring pill.

Sylvana’s palms were covered in a fine layer of sweat.

Her hometown, her people, has finally been saved!

Beyonta smiled, “Congratulations, this will be the honor of your life.” ”

Turning to Lancelot, she was a little birdish: “I’m sorry, Lancelot, I think, I need to confess to you, I hope you don’t blame me.” ”


Lancelot’s heart jumped suddenly, and Xiao Bei even had such a twisted side?

Oh my God, that’s so cute.

“I, inject them with an overdose of Holy Light Pomorin, in fact, the two of them…”

Lancelot suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

“The two of them???”

“Yamecca, who can live for five more hours, and Mediana, can live until tomorrow at most.”

Lancelot felt his brain buzzing.


His heart beat faster: “I said Comrade Xiaobei, dare I ask, you, how did you ‘impress’ these two?” ”

Beunita looked up at the sky: “Xiao Ti, the newly opened sheep scorpion in the food street, do you want to eat, I invite you!” ”

Anaya was immediately curious: “What is a sheep scorpion?” ”

Xiao Zhurong flew out directly: “I want to eat too!” ”

Sylvana: “Take me one, and I’ll go too.” ”

Lancelot had a black line in his head: “I want to think about how to solve the problem!” ”

Beunita was a little embarrassed.

Bonarotti cleverly poked Lancelot: “Xiaolan, don’t you get angry, you see how this is, let’s recruit a wave of people, for those who target the kingdom of God, the sacred miracle of our family, don’t you have to keep eating ashes?”

Lancelot was stunned and followed Bonarotti’s fingers as he looked at his own statue.

After the divine statue is fused, it can perform miracles.

Bonarotti smiled, “Why don’t you have a celebration today, perform a miracle, your own people, and heal!” ”

Lancelot gave a thumbs up: “Powerful little Ti, three birds with one stone, in this way, it can heal the pain of many people, but it can earn a wave of prestige and eyeballs.” ”

The more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt: “Little Ti Weiwu, say, what reward do you want.” ”


“Of course.”

“So, kiss and hug and hold high!”

She said that she didn’t blush at all, but the women around her were all blushing and beating.

Lancelot blushed instead, “No…”

“Xiao Lan, a gentleman’s words are difficult to chase, this is what you wrote, and it is also what you said, and besides, there is no joke about Jun, you want to bully me A weak woman will not succeed, where is the prestige in the future?”

Lancelot was stunned.

He knew, he gave it to himself.

“No means no way!”

He saw that Bonarotti’s face was ugly, and he couldn’t hold his face.

Suddenly, he smiled and said, “That kind of good thing, it is rare, at most let you choose one of the three, you don’t have to go inches forward.” ”

Beunita and Raynivier breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought Lancelot was really angry.

Bonarotti burst into laughter: “Here! ”

She pointed to her cheek, “At least twice!” ”

You’re such a clever ghost!

Lancelot was also not polite, red in the face, his heart beating faster, and rushed over.

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