These two people are really…

One dares to say that there is a mine in the family, and the other is stunned to describe the slave trade as an export of labor.

It’s still as good as playing a puzzle.

The Samoyed leader hesitated slightly, he moved a little closer to Lancelot, lowered his voice and asked, “Is there really someone who can talk?” ”

Lancelot nodded, “That’s right, but you’ll have to wait at least four days, at least three days.” ”

Samoyed suddenly smiled: “My relationship, then I will stay a few more days, the emerald scenery is pleasant.” ”

Lancelot laughed suddenly, and the Samoyed guy seemed very interested in the talking lizardman.

“Until then…”

Lancelot laughed, “I think your Paladin can send these labor-exporting lizardmen back to the Samoyed Chamber of Commerce.” ”

“What a perfect proposal, Lord Lancelot.”

Without hesitation, he said, “How many labor export sand lizard clans can you sell?” ”

He had already decided to change all of the family’s slave market into a labor export market.

It’s a beautiful word.

Lancelot captured 800 sand lizard tribes this time, and so far, he has not been able to house so many sand lizard tribes.

The main thing is that these guys are so dirty that they are absolutely not allowed to defecate on the ground.

Stained the surroundings of Emerald Emerald.

“It’s not good to mistreat workers, Mr. Samoyed, it depends on how much you can pay.”

Samoyed looked at the lizard men who had been shivering.

They were placed far away from Emerald.

But no one dared to escape.

“300 bars, 40 gold for our long-term friendship.”

However, Lancelot waved his hand: “600 labor exports, 35 gold scoops one.” ”

Samoyed opened his mouth, “Heck, you’re really… Too good at trading. ”

But it was clear that he was moved, but fell into hesitation and struggle.

“What, do you need a bigger discount?”

Samoyed quickly shook his head, Lord Lancelot was really clever.

He shouldn’t have shown so much affection for the talking lizardmen.

Got the lead from Lancelot, and most of all, he really needed a talking lizardman!

He didn’t need that much labor for the business, but now he had to take it.

Instead, he smiled, “How about 30?” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Deal! ”


Samoyed didn’t react at once, just now the fool can see that it is a joke, right?

Lancelot patted him on the shoulder: “There’s nothing wrong with that, a joke saves 5 gold, but no next time, if my conscience is uneasy, I don’t come back often.” ”

Lancelot showed a sly smile.

Samoyed laughed and said, “You’re so funny, Lord Lancelot, very well, then we’re friends now.” ”


Lancelot could always surprise him: “From the moment you came to Emerald, we were.” ”

Samoyed nodded, “Well, then I accept, and I’ll send someone to send them back to the mine now.” ”

Lancelot, labor exports, 18,000 gold and money into the account, the pressure on the vassal population is reduced.

This entry will be taken from the people and used for the people.

Now, Lancelot couldn’t wait to get back to the Ruling Hall, he needed a bath, he needed to rest.

Unfortunately, Emerald does not have a bathhouse!

But before that!

Lancelot looked at his 12 honor points and smiled brightly.

He lay on the bed and directly opened the system interface.

“System, start the lottery, 10 consecutive draws!”

[Open the system honor draw].

【Hello host, since you have performed ten consecutive draws, the system gives away an additional time, do you open the eleventh consecutive draw? 】

“Draws, lotteries make me happy!!!”

He can’t wait to get it as long as it’s something that the system draws to give, never garbage!

【Start Draw】

Lancelot held his breath, he had been waiting for this eleven consecutive pumps for a long time.

Any lottery can affect the development of Emerald Emerald, or even the victory or defeat of a war!

Colorful treasure light bloomed in the void.

A series of brilliant splendor burst out.

Lancelot was immensely dignified, and his heart prayed that he must take care of something good.

Just as he was looking forward to it, the system prompt sounded.

【Lucky Draw Successful】

[Congratulations to the player for living a special summoning stone, Mythical Heroine: The Heart of the Imperial Female Phase Reconstruction].

The heart of the mythical heroic reconstruction?

Imperial Woman?

Lancelot couldn’t wait to open it and almost forgot to breathe.

Above the heart of reconstruction is a woman who has brought calamity to the country and the people.

She held high the battle flag as if she were a mortal fairy, with a posture of seduction to all beings.

And the above description makes Lancelot crazy.

[Imperial Woman: The Mythical Ancient Kingdom Heroic Spirit Lost in Time and Space].

[Divine consciousness is immortal, wandering in the gap between time and space in the system divine kingdom].

[The Imperial Lady of the Ancient Divine Kingdom has supreme wisdom, divine authority, iron wrist, and Wen Tao martial strategy].

[Wen Neng Shang Kang Sleep Lord, Wu Neng Battlefield to kill tigers and wolves, turn over hands to govern the country and the country, and cover the palm of the hand to wake up the world].

[can reconstruct the body, designate the host as the only belief


[System tip: The recovery of heroic souls requires great power of faith


[At present, the power of faith is 0, and the reconstructed heroic spirit can be selectively reconstructed, and only part of the ability can be reconstructed


[Reconstruct the Heroic Optional Ability].

Cohesion of Faith: Passive skill, the Imperial Lady is the darling of heaven, and her existence is faith.

Upside Down Beings: Passive skill, anyone will submit to the pomegranate skirt of the Imperial Lady, obedient.

[Note: Non-human organisms are equally effective, but some organisms are ineffective].

Empire Blueprint: Imperial Lady Wen Tao Wu Strategy, for the development of the Empire, she can propose a lot of design blueprints.

[Including military, construction, agriculture and other fields


Holy Light Miracle: The Imperial Lady has her own talent, and the Holy Light can heal injuries with a range of 500 meters, and can be used three times a day.

At present, the host does not have the power of faith to protect, and the ability to reconstruct the female phase of the empire is limited

The number of open optional abilities is 4, only two of them can be selected

[System prompt: You can increase the ability to mention the female phase by consuming the power of faith].

[Specific capabilities, can be viewed after refactoring].

Lancelot was stunned.

Oh my God, this… This is a perverted to the point of outrageous prize, right?

This is a heroic spirit that can be reconstructed, that is, a hero that Emerald can summon, a hero of mythical quality.

And her ability is too perverted.

If the reconfiguration of the Imperial Female Phase is completed, he can be a handshaker?

Emerald will develop like a day.

Lancelot held his breath.

Great, there is nothing better than this, he needs a perfect assistant!

Now, isn’t that what it is?

Lancelot shook his hand and immediately prepared to reconstruct the Imperial Lady.

The system’s tone interrupted his movements.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Epic Hero Summoning Stone].

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