Lancelot opened his arms: “Don’t you give me a hug, just like when I was a kid?” ”

Realanna quickly calmed down.

It had been a long time since she had been so out of shape.

After the reaction, Lyliana understood that Lancelot had said so much nonsense.

Just for the last sentence, he was to determine if it was an aunt…

“You little slippery head!”

Caught off guard, this voice aunt, she had waited for 188 years.

Caught off guard, I admitted it.

Realanna walked slowly over and stroked this familiar cheek.

Grown up, handsome, eyes full of wisdom.

Gently stopped in her arms, Rayliana’s tears also fell: “Lancelot, I’m sorry, aunt I’m sorry for you…”

Lancelot understood what she was saying.

The Grand Duke of Jinsha and his family are cold-blooded people who want to squint their eyes.

His rite of passage was simple and crude, with no flowers, no red carpet, no music.

There is only one paper sealed paper.

The nobles who came to celebrate were all vassals of several brothers, and they were eager to die themselves.

Aunt Leliana, on the other hand, was first turned away by the Grand Duke of Sands at Lancelot’s rite of passage and canonization.

“I don’t blame you, the most ruthless imperial family, Aunt Leliana, you don’t have to blame yourself.”

Realanna burst into tears and smiled, “When, so eloquent.” ”

“If I had been able to speak eloquently, I would have died a long time ago.”

Clariana was stunned and reached out and touched his hair: “All these years, it has hurt you. ”

She pulled Lancelot to sit down, refusing to let go.

Boo Han asked him how he had been during this time.

The two talked as they had been.

Lancelot had nothing to hide about her identity.

His mother did leave her a diary, the password of which only he knew.

Lancelot’s heart was always uncomfortable when it came to her mother, and she had never seen the woman.

Above the oil painting, she is very beautiful.

“Little Lancelot, then you risked your life to come here, I’m afraid you didn’t come to confess to your aunt, right?”

Lancelot nodded generously.

“Life in the desert is not good, Aunt Leliana.”

The remorse and helplessness on Lariana’s face made her lower her eyelids and clench her fists deadly.

Lancelot was pleased with that expression.

“I need your help.”

Realanna nodded, “As long as I can do it, go to the soup and go to the fire…”

Lancelot waved his hand: “Although it is a little risky, it will not go to the soup and fire, nor will it be a sword, aunt, I am here to send you money.” ”


Lyliana couldn’t keep up with his rhythm.

“I wanted to do business with you and opened a secret trade route.”

“Do, buy?”

Lancelot nodded, “Dolnigun, bring it in.” ”

Dolnigun pushed the door in, saluted Leliana respectfully, and then laid the clay pot on the table.

“The subordinates retreat.”

“What’s inside, my little Lancelot?”

“Open it and see, my dear aunt.”

Realanna is not interested in the mystery of the little fart’s pretense, but she has a headache for her nephew’s troubles.

Playing dumb puzzles with his aunt like this, but really!

“In front of the family, remove the disguise, you little slippery head.”

In front of Lancelot, Lyliana was never the decisive Canary Princess.

She’s just an aunt.

I opened the small jar that was almost five pounds and there was no smell.

The snow-white color catches the eye, the particles are uniform, crystal clear, and small like dust.


Leliana’s heart shrank violently, and she subconsciously reached out and grabbed a handful of it, her fingertips scratching and inhaling quicksand.

“Little, little Lancelot, this won’t be table salt, will it?”

“You can taste it, Aunt Leliana.”

Before he could say it, Leliana had already done that.

Perfect taste, finer than the table salt on the market.

“It really surprised me, my little Lancelot.”

She took a deep breath: “What do you want your aunt to do?” ”

“Cooperation, you take it and sell it.”

“How much are you going to sell?”

“The table salt on the market generally reaches 200 golden dragon coins a jar, Aunt Realana, as long as you are happy, you can sell 50 golden dragons, 100 golden dragons, 150 golden dragons, even if 300, you are happy, but I suggest that 100 to 150 golden dragons is good, the pot is full.”

Leliana transformed into a shrewd businessman: “150, this is debatable, if the price of hell is too low, I am afraid it will be suppressed, and the Empire is very strict on salt, one can is not enough, little Lancelot, how much can you provide?” ”

“500 cans.”

Lyliana’s hand shook, and the shisha bottle almost didn’t hold.

“This trip only carried so much.”

“You, you’re running around with five hundred jars of such exquisite table salt?”

“I didn’t dare, but with my aunt, I have the confidence, and I can only come to seek my aunt’s help.”

Reliana was somewhat moved.

“If I can, aunt, I can provide more goods, more than 500, once a month.”

Leliana’s breathing became heavier.

“Are you sure?”

Lancelot thought for a moment, “Of course sure. ”

Blally Anna was silent, it was a big deal, not to mention long-term, just five hundred cans, enough to buy a city.

Moreover, if the price is well controlled, these five hundred cans of table salt can far exceed her earnings in the past five years!

Lancelot scratched his head, “Aunt Celeanna, you don’t have to be nervous, I’m joking with you, I don’t want you 300 gold dragon coins, if you think more, 50 is good.” ”

“Don’t make a fuss, little Lancelot, the 50 Golden Dragon has no room for interest at all…”


Leliana reacted at once: “Little Lance, you, you say, give it to me?” ”

Lancelot nodded, “Yes, Aunt Celeanna, you won’t be so stingy, I’ll give you 50 cans, you can sell 150 golden dragons, you can make 100 golden dragons.” ”

Realanna rubbed her temples.

“You stinky little devil…”

She grew up so big, and after so many years of business, she was stunned for the first time by a small fart.

“Little Lancelot, is there a mine in your territory?”

Lancelot smiled.

“You don’t have to be wary of me, this matter, I promised, I am your aunt, I will not take advantage of you, three seven points, you seven, I three, you are responsible for supply, how much to give, once a month, I am responsible for distribution channels.”

Lancelot shook his head: “Really no, Aunt Leliana, it is enough to have your words, you need money more than me, Aunt Leiliana, the Star Moon Empire also needs money, don’t be polite with me, 50 golden dragons a can, the goods you take, whatever you want, guarantee that you are alone, if you feel embarrassed, help me get a batch of materials.” ”


Lancelot handed over the list that Bey had written.

“Well, daily necessities, farm tools, and, a portion of armored weapons.”

Leliana thought for a moment and suddenly smiled, “This is better than buying and selling what I did, and the Canary and the Star-Moon Empire will remember you, what is needed, despite the opening.” ”

Three days later, an endless sea of sand, five carts of supplies, fifteen camels, thirty Emerald warriors.

“Lord Lancelot, your aunt’s people are still following.”

Lancelot nodded, and when they entered the desert, they went back, after all, women cherished skin.

“No, Lord Lancelot, I’m talking about the bandits, they’re ready to kill them.”

【300 desert bandits detected】

【Temporary Mission: Fight the Hummers】

[Mission Rewards: 1000 Gold Bumps, 1000 Reputation Points, 10,000 Imperial Seal Reserve Experience]

Very good, the Imperial Army Seal can not only store overflow experience, but also task rewards.

“Raise Yuki, Dolnigun, load the crossbow and give them some color.”

“Yes, Lord Lancelot.”

“Scalan, go get your guns.”

“Do as you are told, sir.”

The knights dismounted and methodically took their weapons from the house cart.

“I ask none of you to die, to be hidden, to wait for your chance, to output in place, and as the enemy approaches, the knights charge.”

“Obey the order, Lord Lancelot.”

As soon as they left the Cave City, they were targeted by many forces.

Finally someone couldn’t help it.

The bandits were impatient to wait for this moment, and they shouted and shouted slogans.

The bandits who were the leaders saw that these fools were all immobile, and they were suddenly extremely rampant: “These rookies are scared silly, hahaha, sons, rush, finish this ticket, go home and hold the ladies to sleep.” ”

“Oh yeah!!!”

Those thieves who pretended to be clever hid not far away, waiting to reap the benefits of the fishermen.

“Shanniya, we’re not going to help.”

“Something’s wrong…”

The next moment, less than ten meters before the bandits approached Lancelot’s caravan, Lancelot raised his crossbow and revealed the armament under his cloak: “Shoot! ”

No one would know that camels and horses were the quiver of the Emerald Ranger, three bags each.

In an instant, blood stained half the sky.

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