Dumplings suddenly became the most delicious food in the whole Emerald!

As a celebration of the great victory, at noon the next day, the 80 people of Emerald Green collectively learned to make dumplings.

At noon, a sea of joy.

Many people are not used to chopsticks, so they use forks to stuff them into their mouths one by one.

The meat of the porcupine is delicious, and it is bred by the porcupine magic beast, with a certain amount of magic energy.

Ability to rejuvenate the mind and physical strength very well.

For a time, everyone dreamed of dumplings and wished they could eat them every day.

Unfortunately, the current living conditions of Fei Leng Cui are not enough to drink wine and eat meat every day.

Especially porcupine, only a few dozen heads, Lancelot sadly found.

In order to feed these huge porcupines, I am afraid that all the fruits and grass of Emerald will enter their stomachs.

In desperation, Lancelot was horrified by the slaughter order, leaving six heads to breed and breed.

The production of porcupines is quite high.

And the meat is delicate, delicious and lean.

Good pigs are high in protein.

Cholesterol is low and there is very little fat.

It is a good tonic, especially the porcupine that contains the magic of the magic beast, which greatly increases his medicinal value.

It can also produce two pups a year, each time with the next litter of cubs.

And omnivorous food is good to feed.

Unfortunately, Emerald’s grain production could not be supplied, otherwise raising porcupines in the future could greatly improve the physical fitness of Emerald warriors.

The main tasks are under way and cannot be produced at any cost.

The next time I went to the Golden Sands Empire, I still brought back some ordinary livestock, chickens, ducks, fish, cattle and sheep.

These emerald emeralds can still be raised.

Alabizan ‘enjoyed’ Songzandara’s tofu brain.

At the same time, it also consumed the tofu brains of several stick monks.

But unfortunately, his bloodline awakening level has only increased to 38%, an increase of 3%.

【Sand Lizard Clan Grand Wizard】

【Bloodline Awakening: 38%】

【Shara Puzan: The Great Wizard of the Sand Lizard Clan】

【Blood Pulse Awakening: 30%】

[Inheritance Skills: Petrified skin, protect 500 warriors, get petrified skin, resist five attacks, once a day]

【Evolutionary Inheritance Skill: Bloodthirsty Rage – Scarlet Fever】

[Inheritance Skill: Crimson Mania, within five minutes, within 500 yards of the battlefield]

[Able to stay sane while falling into fanaticism, speed, strength, magic, instant boost]

[Mage units can use twice as many mana times in five minutes, and have a fatigue state for a day and cannot fight]

[Skills: Falling Rain, extinguishing flames within 500 yards, limit for use three times a day]

Lancelot was a little disappointed.

But what happened next went beyond Lancelot’s phenomenon.

Because Shalapuzan actually gave him a task!!!

“Lord Lancelot, I have a request.”


“Yes, Lord Lancelot, this time I have benefited a lot, Lord Lancelot, I have been given the method of training the Stick Monk.”


“Lord Lancelot, through this inheritance ceremony, I have gained a lot of inspiration and a lot of information about the inheritance, the stick monks of the Sand Lizard Empire are very ancient guardians, they are proficient in fire magic, they can also practice magic and martial arts, they can attack from afar, they can be defended closely, and the most important thing is that Lord Lancelot, we are very lucky, Lord Alsaris is too wise, just frozen them.”

“To the point, Sharapuzan, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Sharap Puzan stroked his chest and saluted, “Lord Lancelot, the cultivation of stick monks requires a fire dragon temple, and they have a talent. ”

“What talent?”

“Flame burst, Lord Lancelot, the stick monk can enter the fire dragon state, turn on the burning mode, and can continue to fight until exhausted, but in contrast, once they are killed, it will trigger self-protection, and the flame burst will make no grass within fifteen yards.”


Lancelot almost squirted out the tea to his mouth.


“That’s right, size fifteen.”

Lancelot pinched a cold sweat.

I went with, and Alsaris had not frozen them, but killed them.

Emerald is dead, and it must suffer heavy losses.


Isn’t that a good skill?

Once the battlefield is fought, it will be a big scuffle, and if it explodes, won’t it hurt even your own people?

“Lord Lancelot, the Stick Monk is a magical warrior blessed by the Fire Dragon, and they are Fire Free in the Stick Monk state.”

It seemed that after the increase in the awakening of the bloodline, Sharapuzan was more intelligent, and saw Lancelot’s thoughts.

Lancelot frowned, it was dangerous too.

However, there is value in existence, and if there is a siege war, there may be a value of sacrifice.

If the number is large enough, after exhausting the mana, let them rush to the front line, it may not be a good choice.

“Very well, Shah Puzin, what conditions are needed?”

“Lord Lancelot, I ask you to build a temple of fire dragons.”

“Fire Dragon Temple?”

“Yes, Lord Lancelot, that Fire Dragon Blade, made of the teeth of a Fire Dragon, has a strong fire element, and can be placed in the temple, and we can cultivate the Stick Monk.”

I see.

Lancelot remembered that Songzandara was indeed holding a flame knife.

Look at the powerful look.

System tasks follow.

[Host, detects the request of the vassal hero and opens a special mission]

【Special Mission: Build the Fire Dragon Temple】

【Construction Price:800 Gold Bump】

【Construction time:30 days】

【Function: Training stick monk】

【Condition: Fire Dragon Tooth】

【Fire Dragon Temple Unlocked】

【Mission Rewards: 20 Sand Lizard Clan Stick Monks】

Do you accept the request of the vassal hero? 】

Lancelot hesitated, and the conditions were all set.

However, Jin Que is not strong, and he still has the main quest and time-limited mission to complete.

“Accept the task.”

Lancelot agreed.

“No problem, Shah Rapuzan, but I think I am afraid that I need to delay the construction time, the construction period is not allowed now, we lack resources, and when the Emerald Infrastructure is completed, I will build a house for you in the lower city, build a house, and then build the Dragon Temple?”

“Thank you for your gift, and praise you, Lord Lancelot.”

“You’re welcome, Sharap Tsang, open a cemetery outside the city of Lower Town, and prepare a funeral for the dead Sand Lizard warriors, I think you’ve given them all names.”

Sharapuzan opened his mouth, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes: “Your kindness has thrown me to the ground, and Sharapuzan will serve you all my life.” ”

After the funeral, Lancelot sang a sigh of relief, and his power of faith rose again.

It’s already two hundred and seventy thousand.

As Beunita said, it is determined not by the head, but by the people’s fanatical belief in Lancelot.

And making everyone happy and comfortable in their lives seems to be one of the ways to gain the power of faith.

Lancelot chose a suitable place and landed in the Magic Workshop.

He couldn’t wait to open the magic workshop and check it out.

【Magic Workshop: Forge magic items, equipment, and produce magic scrolls】

[Unlock production methods: Need to recycle magic items, equipment, scrolls, books]

【Currently available:None】

Lancelot frowned slightly, none?

“Alzaris, send someone to the warehouse and bring the captured Staff of the Sand Lizard Empire Stick Monk!”

“Do as you are told.”

Inside the Magic Workshop there is a huge workbench with powerful magic runes shining on it.

Under the flow of brilliance, it reveals a mysterious atmosphere.

Lancelot’s mind turned, and all 150 wands were recovered by the Magic Workshop.

Lancelot quickly opened the Magic Workshop to check it out.

【Unlocked Production: Spitfire Staff】

【Fire-Spitting Staff: Can use fire rays 3 times a day, and the fire-breathing distance is 5 meters】

【Suitable occupation: law, host, hero】

【Cost:100 gold bumps】

【Duration: 1 day】

【Simultaneous production capacity:100pcs】

Lancelot was suddenly happy, this equipment is very good, if you equip the mage, it is equivalent to three more spell casts.

Moreover, flame rays are too practical.

The headache is that mages can’t fight in close combat.

“Lord Lancelot, Miss Bonarotti invites you to come and the library is completed.”

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