The first time I saw her was on fire, but I was late.

At 8:32 in the morning, Tang Qinghan slowly got up from the bed. She had a great party last night and drank a lot of wine. As a result, she slept until 8 o'clock!

It's over. It's over. She just promised Himeko to help her train Hua yesterday! The appointment time was also at 8 o'clock in the morning! Now she is 32 minutes late!

She hurriedly put on her clothes and went downstairs to see Ai Li preparing toast and milk. She took two slices of toast and a glass of pure milk, said hello to Ai Li, and ran to the Fire Chaser Moth.


12 minutes later, in the Fire Moth training hall, Kevin saw Tang Qinghan coming and shouted, "Here! Qinghan!"

Hearing Kevin's voice, Tang Qinghan looked up and found that Hua had been with Kevin during her absence.

"Sorry, I'm late." Tang Qinghan came to Kevin and Hua breathlessly.

"Hua, is Kevin ready? Special training starts now."

"Ready! Master!"

"Ready, Senior Tang."

"Okay, show me how your basic skills are first." Tang Qinghan said.

Seeing Kevin and Hua doing the basic movements very standardly, Tang Qinghan couldn't help but smile, and then said, "I'm going to teach you my own creation, Hunyuan Tai Chi."

"Hunyuan Tai Chi? It must sound very cool!" Kevin said excitedly.

Hua was also moved when he heard about Tai Chi.

"It is divided into eight methods and five steps. The eight methods are: Peng, Lu, Ji, An, Cai, Lie, Zhou, and Kao. The five steps are: Jin, Tui, Gu, Pan, Ding."

"Today I will teach you two of the eight methods: Peng and Lu."

"Peng Jin: Peng Jin is the upward and forward force. Peng Jin is like a wall, which is used to keep the enemy out of the door. It is used for attack, defense and movement. It is the main force in Tai Chi. Some people call Tai Chi Peng Quan, which means that Tai Chi must have Peng intention everywhere, requiring the two arms to have a circular support force. This circular support force is an expansion force from the inside to the outside, and it has a certain elasticity under any circumstances.

"The formula is: Water carries the boat. First, fill the Dantian Qi, then the head is suspended, the whole body is springy, and it opens and closes for a certain period of time. No matter how heavy it is, it floats naturally.

"Pay attention to the following three points

(1) Stick to the opponent instead of fighting against him.

(2) The arm of the Peng Jin should be kept at a certain distance from the body.

(3) When using the Peng Jin, the principle of retreating when the enemy advances and advancing when the enemy retreats should be followed and the opponent should be stuck to it."

"Kevin, Hua, both of you attack me with all your strength. I will show you a wave."

Kevin and Hua attacked Tang Qinghan together, but the result was obvious. Kevin did not hurt Tang Qinghan at all, but Hua actually broke the Peng Jin.

Seeing the damage caused by Hua to Tang Qinghan, although insignificant, Kevin still felt a little frustrated.

"Hua, you did a good job." Tang Qinghan smiled and praised Hua, and then said: "Do you understand?"

"Almost understand, Senior Tang." Hua said.

"This is really hot! I can't wait to know the Lu Jin!" Kevin said.

"Okay, then the next step is to use the force." Tang Qinghan nodded:

"Using the force in Tai Chi is to dissolve the force. According to the opponent's force, you can move and dissolve it. "Pull in the palm" means that when you use the force, the force point of the front hand is at the ulna near the wrist, lightly touching the opponent's elbow, and the force point of the back hand is at the palm or back of the palm, touching the opponent's wrist, and the two hands are one arm's length away from the opponent. It can move diagonally to the side of itself according to the changes in the opponent's external force. Take advantage of the situation and dissolve the opponent's force. Then you can change the attack.

"The formula is: guide it forward. Follow the force, be light and agile without losing the top. Lead it to extend, and it will naturally be empty when the force is exhausted. Maintain your center of gravity and don't let others take advantage of you.

"Pay attention to the following four points:

(1) Move along with the opponent's strength and slightly change its direction.

(2) Turn your waist, sit on your hips, round your crotch, hold your chest and pull your back without being stiff.

(3) Stick to the opponent's wrist and elbow to prevent the opponent from being pulled and taking the offensive.

(4) When pulling, be sure to be gentle to play a pulling role. When changing its direction, it is not easy for the enemy to detect it."

He demonstrated it to Kevin and the others again, and then said: "Practice these two methods today, and I will teach you the other methods in the future."


"By the way, Hua, don't call me Senior Tang anymore, just call me Qinghan." Tang Qinghan said.

Next, we have to go to that place. Let's go and say hello to Ai Li first.

Bar ♫~

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