The two of them were so sad that they had to cry.

"Xiao Qinghan♪~Are you okay? Is it because of Ai Lixia that you are crying?" Ai Lixia looked at Tang Qinghan worriedly.

"Ai... Ai Li... No... Don't leave me, okay? I'm really scared, afraid that you will leave me. I don't want to, I don't want you to die for protecting this world." Tang Qinghan raised his head, and Ai Lixia was shocked by his red eyes and tears on his face. Ai Lixia had never expected that Tang Qinghan had been crying silently since he stepped down from the stage.

Nor did she expect that this song would make Tang Qinghan feel so deeply. According to Ai Lixia's guess, this song probably belongs to her, and although the content is cheerful, but... a cheerful farewell? It really fits my thoughts.

Why do I feel like... Xiao Qinghan seems to have experienced many separations from me? Looking at her like this, I feel really bad, my heart is like a knife, is it referring to me at this moment?

Ai Lishiya hugged Tang Qinghan, patted her back, and said softly: "Xiao Qinghan♪~Don't be afraid♪~ Ai Lishiya is here♪~I won't leave you♪~So, don't be sad♪~"

Feeling Ai Lishiya's body temperature and the gentle breathing in her ears, Tang Qinghan's emotions were slowly calmed down.

"Ai, Ai Li, you really won't leave me, right?" Tang Qinghan sniffed and asked.

If Tang Qinghan's little bird-like appearance was seen by those ancient warriors in the previous life, they would probably be shocked, right? The grandmaster assassin lady who kills without blinking an eye actually cried because of one person.

"Of course♪~Ailishiya will not leave my little Qinghan♪~Such a delicious little Qinghan, Alishiya will not let you be snatched away by other stinky men♪~" Alishiya tapped Tang Qinghan's nose, kissed Tang Qinghan's forehead, and said.


The girl's regular breathing sound came. It turned out that Tang Qinghan was tired of crying and had fallen asleep. He buried his head in the two "mountains" of Alishiya and breathed evenly.

"Oh♪~It seems that you are really exhausted♪~" Alishiya gently picked up Tang Qinghan and took him to the room prepared by Eden for them.

He gently placed Tang Qinghan on the bed, kissed her forehead gently, and said softly: "Good night♪~ My dear little Qinghan♪~ Ailixia loves you forever♪~ Don't worry♪~ I will not leave you♪~"


"Today, the reason for calling you all together is very important. I believe someone has already thought of it. That's right! We are going to announce the collapse to the world!"

"Isn't this a little too fast?"

"Yes! The public cannot accept the announcement of collapse now!"

"Then have we been hiding it like this? Haven't you noticed? There are more and more patients with collapse disease recently! If we keep delaying like this and let the public guess it themselves, it will be too late! It will arouse public anger!" Dr. Mei said.

"That's right, the collapse really can't be hidden anymore. We have discovered that now some people even regard the collapse beast as a 'divine beast'! It has caused a large number of casualties! And the warriors also need a reasonable identity! They can't always call themselves the 'International Hidden Supernatural Bureau'!" Lambenis Tesla said.

"Yes, yes♪~ It's really not good to keep it hidden like this. People will find out sooner or later. Instead of letting them find out, why don't we tell them first♪~" Alicia said playfully, and then she looked at Mobius. Mobius seemed to have become younger?

"Let's vote!"

"9 to 21, it's time to let the world know about the collapse!" said the man on the main seat.

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