Behind Lin Fei, vaguely, a magnificent, huge, wild and mysterious world phantom appeared.

  As if it was the power of a whole world.


  This is a phantasmagoria!

  Yan Jun stared at the phantom behind Lin Fei.

  As if he couldn't believe his eyes.

  "Then...that is the power of the world? The civilization hatched by Lin Fei, the power of the world has penetrated into reality, even a top civilization can't do it."

  Zhao Jun was extremely shocked.

  In fact, this knows this situation.

  However, generally those who can penetrate the power of the world into reality are all great god-level powerhouses!

  It is rumored that a god-level powerhouse can mobilize the power of the world in the civilization ball with every move.

  Invincible, invincible!

  But Lin Fei's distance from becoming a god is unknown.

  How can there be world power?

  (Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets!).

第 118

  Lin Fei felt that this time, his strength increased very quickly.

  As if there was divine help.

  It was as if he was in the middle of a flood.

  Then, he clapped the palm.

  Huge palms that cover the sky.

  As soon as they appeared, the faces of the wizards in the group of wizards suddenly changed.

  Afterwards, the Talon wizard immediately roared: "Quick, use your own means to stop that palm, you must stop it!"

  Talon sensed danger.

  He faintly felt it.

  It is very likely that he will not be able to hold this palm.

  As a result, many wizards have displayed their own means.

  Some display retardation surgery.

  Some cast the trapping technique.

  Some cast attack spells.

  All kinds of means, all of a sudden, the huge palm slammed into the void.

  This is not an ordinary wizard's attack.

  But a fifth-order wizard.

  Even the top fifth-order wizards.

  There are hundreds of them.

  Such a terrifying amount.

  The overwhelming magic poured out.

  However, in the face of Lin Fei's palm, it seemed to have no effect at all.

  Lin Fei patted those attacks and spells with one palm.

  They are all like turkeys, vulnerable to a single blow.



  Finally, Lin 25 Fei's palm fell.

  The gray light shines brightly.

  Suddenly soaring into the sky.

  Trying to block Lin Fei's palm.

  The gray light also blocked Lin Fei's palm.

  Only, the time is a little short.


  The gray light suddenly broke.

  Lin Fei's huge palm finally landed on the heads of this group of wizards.

  These wizards are all top fifth-order wizards.

  However, facing Lin Fei's palm, they were powerless.

  He could only watch helplessly as the palm fell.


  This palm fell.

  All sounds disappeared.

  A strong bloody aura rose into the sky.

  Hundreds of top fifth-order wizards.

  He just died under the palm of Lin Fei's hand.

  With one palm, the top wizard team is destroyed!

  "This palm..."

  Yan Jun is a sixth-order powerhouse.

  But when Lin Fei showed this palm, he faintly felt his heart palpitate.

  even feel quite dangerous.

  "If I resist this slap..."

  Yan Jun made a silent calculation.

  Finally, he fell silent.

  He found that he might not be able to resist this palm either.

  This is a power that has surpassed the fifth-order, and even surpassed the sixth-order.

  "Just now this is... the power of Dao Guo? Yes, Dao Fruit represents Dao Xing, and Dao Xing has a great effect only in the flood. Just now, I seemed to sense the flood, but I was not in the flood. . This is the power of the prehistoric, infiltrating into reality?"

  Lin Fei froze in his heart.

  He didn't feel happy, instead he was a little wary.

  Desolation seeps into reality.

  This is definitely not a good thing.

  An unreal world.

  It can really penetrate into reality.

  Will it be out of control by then?

  In other words, Lin Fei couldn't control it.

  "Lin Fei."

  At this time, Yan Jun flew over.

  He said in a deep voice, "Lin Fei, try not to use that slap just now."


  "Because, that palm may involve the secrets of god-level. The world you hatched can actually penetrate into reality. I've only heard that only god-level powerhouses can do this. I don't know if it's a good thing. It’s still a bad thing, but it’s an indisputable fact that you haven’t reached god level. So, it’s better to be cautious.”

  "Commander, I will pay attention."

  Lin Fei nodded.

  In fact, he probably understood why this happened.

  Innate spirit!

  He just showed a lot of innate spiritual energy.

  These innate auras are all innate auras of the Great Desolation.

  In fact, it bears a little mark of the Great Desolation.

  Therefore, it is equivalent to Lin Fei creating a "prehistoric" environment.

  Therefore, his Earth Immortal Dao Fruit can play a role.

  The increase in his strength can be so terrifying.

  The palm of Lin Fei just now is equivalent to the palm of the top earth fairy in the flood.

  However, this power is certainly strong.

  But it is actually very difficult for Lin Fei to use it in the future.

  After all, he possesses innate spiritual energy.

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