Looking at Lin Fei's disappearing back.

  The commander of the Thirteenth Army Corps couldn't help but said to Zhao Luo: "Old Zhao, you have already brought Lin Fei to the twenty-first Army Corps, so you never thought of keeping Lin Fei? This is a treasure, the ninth rank. Combat power, and there are almost no shortcomings. The effect of pressing one person is even worth a few ninth-order powerhouses."

  Simple theory.

  Lin Fei is indeed more effective than the average ninth-order powerhouse.

  (cfcd) Zhao Luo stared and said, "Old Liu, you think I don't want to? But the key is that Lien Yan helped me. He 'lent' Lin Fei to me. If I really don't let it go, hehe , Do you believe that the flames can directly kill my [-]st Legion."

  "Uh... If it's the flames, it's really possible. It's just, it's a pity... We didn't strive for it at the beginning, and let the flames take advantage of it."

  "Actually, it's not so unfortunate. Lin Fei has always wanted to obtain the origin of the ninth-order world, so he needs a lot of merit. The ninth legion of the flames, it is impossible for them to rest and go to the front line with Lin Fei all the time, right? When the time comes , we go to 'secondment' again, and there is hope."

  "Yes, it can be 'seconded'. The flames can't stop it..."

  Lao Liu's eyes also brightened.

  Two dignified ninth-order legion commanders.

  This starts to add up to the "calculation" of the flames...

  Lin Fei didn't know that the two army commanders were already fighting his "ideas".

  He went straight back to the Ninth Legion.

  I also saw the Captain of the Flame Legion.

  The Flame Legion commander just asked a few questions, then nodded, expressing satisfaction.

  After that, Lin Fei returned to his room.

  in the room.

  Lin Fei directly sent the image on the brain.

  This is the whole process of his battle this time.

  They were all recorded by Zhinao and Civilization Sphere.

  Therefore, the powerhouse of the human federation.

  In battle, there is no fear of not being able to get credit.

  Don't be afraid of taking credit.

  Even if it is an enemy killed together.

  The credit will also be determined by the brain.

  Brains are absolutely fair.

  Even a god-level powerhouse cannot interfere with the intellectual brain.

  The ultimate core of the intellectual brain.

  In the hands of the great super god.

  Only the supernatural powerhouse has the authority to interfere with the operation of the intellectual brain.

  Because, in the human federation.

  What people trust most is the brain.

  "Send battle images."

  "Intellectual brain has received and is calculating credit..."

  Lin Fei waited quietly.

  This time, he killed tens of thousands of seventh-order Devourers.

  This one alone is enough to get a trillion credits.

  What's more, there are dozens of eighth-order Devourers.

  That's another hundreds of billions of credit.

  There are also two ninth-order devourers, who he and the two legion commanders joined forces to kill.

  It depends on the judgment of the brain, how much effort he has put into it.

  How much credit can you get.

  "Hey, Lin Fei, deputy commander of the Ninth Corps, an eighth-order life. Killed [-] seventh-order Devourers, and got [-] billion credits."

  "Beheaded sixty-five eighth-order devourers and gained sixty-five billion credits."

  "Kill two ninth-order devourers. Lin Fei gets half the credit and one trillion credit."

  "Lin Fei received a total of 27800 trillion credits!"

  Lin Fei looked at the credit this time.

  A smile appeared on his face.

  What a bountiful harvest!

  Get nearly three trillion credits at one time.

  What is this concept?

  In other words.

  Lin Fei is not far away from ten trillion credits.

  And ten trillion credits can be exchanged for a ninth-order world origin.

  That was Lin Fei's dream goal.

  "Come on, I believe it will be enough if you come back a few times, ten trillion credits will be enough..."

  Lin Fei was full of confidence.

  "By the way, this bundle of fairy ropes doesn't seem to be enough..."

  Who is the powerhouse that Lin Fei is dealing with now?

  Those are all ninth-order powerhouses!

  Belongs to the existence of Daluo.

  And tied the fairy rope.

  It is used to tie the opponent.

  Used to bind Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian.

  That's still no problem.

  However, trying to tie up Daluo is actually very reluctant.

  Lin Fei now has the ability to kill the ninth order.

  But the premise is to trap the opponent.

  Otherwise, it's hard.

  "By the way, there is a magic weapon, which is also a rope, which can also bind the enemy. But it is much stronger than the immortal rope. It is a magic weapon of the same level as the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover."

  Lin Fei thought of a magic weapon in his mind.

  The golden rope!

  This is a belt of Taishang Laojun.

  And Taishang Laojun is one of the three corpses cut out by the Taiqing sage.

  Taishang Laojun is good at alchemy and treasure refining.

  Respected status!

  One of his belts is unusual.

  Once used to tie the enemy, it can make the opponent unable to move at all.

  Neither flesh nor mana has any effect.

  "Present gold rope!"

  Lin Fei did not hesitate.

  Realization started.

  "Successful realization, you get a golden rope!"

  Sure enough, a golden rope appeared in Lin Fei's hands.

  "Well, tying the immortal rope is useless, so let's return it to the original owner."

  Now that Lin Fei has the golden rope, where else does he need some immortal rope?

  Therefore, the immortal rope was returned.

  Anyway, it will go back to the flood.

  "With the golden rope, even if you encounter a ninth-order powerhouse alone, the other party will never try to escape."

  A strange light flashed in Lin Fei's eyes.

  His last weakness was also made up for.

  At this time, Lin Fei was truly comprehensive.

  Hardly any weakness!

  (Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets!).

第 216

  Lin Fei has been silently waiting for the opportunity.

  Waiting for the next opportunity to do it.

  However, there was bad news from the front.

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