This is a qualitative change.

  Certainly unusual.

  So, Lin Fei stayed in the secret room with peace of mind.

  Constantly striving practitioners.

  Even, he will manifest various spiritual pills, spiritual fruits and so on.

  Gather many treasures to speed up your practice.

  After all, he spends every extra day in Honghuang.

  Then it will consume more ninth-order world origin.

  Lin Fei's time is very precious.


  Water Creek Tribe.

  Today's Shuixi tribe is quite prosperous.

  With the end of the Lich War.

  Most of the power of the witches and demons is sealed in the witch world and the demon world.

  The life of the human race is also much better.

  Moreover, with the appearance of the human saints.

  The human race also began to prosper gradually.

  The saints of the human race actually refer to the three emperors of the human race,

  The three emperors of the human race are not the realm of saints,

  But it is the saint of the human race!

  They led the ancient human beings, cut through thorns, and stalked the road.

  Finally, in the flood, occupied a place.

  And the human race can also recuperate and develop steadily.

  current human race.

  The strong come forth.

  There are many strong people who practice qi and martial arts.

  Even, the three emperors of the human race are still quasi-sage supernatural powers.

  However, the three emperors of the human race.

  It seems to have been calculated too.

  Only in Fire Cloud Cave.

  Suppress the fate of the human race.

  Don't leave easily.

  But even so.

  The great prosperity of the human race is just around the corner.

  All sentient beings in the Great Wilderness see it clearly.


  Among the Shuixi tribe, a tyrannical aura suddenly erupted.

  "This is... Earth Immortal?"

  "Could it be the patriarch who finally became an Earth Immortal?"

  "How many years, my Shuixi tribe, finally gave birth to Earth Immortal!"

  Many people were in tears.

  Very excited.

  Shuixi tribe, in a secret room.

  Owl also has mixed feelings.

  "Master, the disciple has finally become an earth immortal, and finally he is not disgraceful to the Taoist priest in the valley..."

  Xiao Xiao was very emotional.

  I thought that I would never be able to become an Earth Immortal in my lifetime.

  Unexpectedly, he became the patriarch of the Shuixi tribe.

  The last hundred years.

  He relied on the humane luck of the Shuixi tribe to grow continuously.

  In one fell swoop, he became an Earth Immortal.


  Xiao Xiao left the secret room and walked out.

  (Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets).

第 234

  "Patriarch, have you succeeded?"

  "Earth Immortal Dao, Patriarch, you have finally become an Earth Immortal!"

  "Our senior brothers, finally someone will not embarrass the master."

  I saw the owl come out.

  Many people gathered around.

  These people are the protectors of the Shuixi tribe.

  He was also the one who became the named disciple of Xigudong together with Xiao.

  But now.

  Few are true immortals.

  Not to mention the Earth Immortal?

  "Fuck, thanks to human luck."

  "I didn't expect that this person's luck is so powerful. A few years ago, in order to protect the Shuixi tribe, we wasted our practice."

  "And now, with the blessing of humanistic luck, our practice speed is much faster, and we can even break many shackles."

  "You guys have to work hard too. If you have good luck, each of you will have the opportunity to become a true immortal, even an earth immortal!"

  Xiaoxiao was also very emotional.

  "By the way, Patriarch. You are now an Earth Immortal, do you have to go back to Xigu Cave?"

  A smile appeared on Xiao Xiao's face and said, "Master said back then that if you don't become a true immortal, you must not leave Xigu Cave. We violated Master's will."

  "So, I became a real immortal, I didn't go back, and I didn't have the face to go back. Now that I have finally become an earth immortal, of course I have to go back in person and apologize to the master."

  "I hope Master can officially accept me as a disciple!"

  "This time, I'll go alone. If it does, you can all become the official disciples of Master in the future."

  Everyone else nodded.

  "Okay, Shuixi tribe, take good care of you, I'm leaving!"

  Afterwards, Xiao Teng drove through the clouds.

  Fly directly towards the valley hole.

  Soon, Xiaoxiao arrived at Xigudong.

  "Big Brother?"

  Owl came to the outside of the valley cave and called out loudly.


  Bai Tong appeared instantly.

  "Owl? You're back."

  Bai Tong is very happy.

  He was a little bored in the valley cave alone.

  Especially in recent years.

  He has always been the pinnacle of true immortals.

  Can never go further.

  No matter how hard you practice, you won't make much progress.

  So even more boring.

  "Huh? Xiao, you... have you become an Earth Immortal?"

  Bai Tong was shocked.

  At first, Xiao Xiao was not even a true immortal.

  Why did he become an Earth Immortal all of a sudden?

  You must know that Bai Tong was already at the level of a true immortal very early on.

  But after so many years, it has always been just a real fairy.

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