"After so many years, I finally encountered something interesting. Mr. Lin, come with me."

  So, Lin Fei followed the God of Dark Moon.

  Get on the elevator again.

  This time, the elevator went directly to the [-]th floor.

  However, Lin Fei felt a little strange.

  The headquarters of the Human Federal Parliament.

  Obviously know a hundred layers.

  Where did the [-]st floor come from?

  "Huh? This is... a layer of enchantment?"

  "Yes, this one hundred and one floor, only our members can reach."

  "This is also the headquarters of the Supreme Council of the Human Federation, the Realm of the Gods!"

  "This is also a space created by Lanyun Chaoshen himself."

  "In the world of gods, the god-level powerhouses of the human federation can communicate freely."

  "A lot of information and materials are also in the oldest way. That is, they are recorded in books and placed in the world of gods."

  "After all, this is the top secret of our humanity and must not be leaked!"

  Lin Fei wandered in the world of gods.

  Said to be a space.

  In fact, it is a small world.

  In fact, such a small world.

  Lin Fei can create.

  God-level powerhouses have this ability.

  But solidity is an issue.

  The super god powerhouse, the space created.

  Very solid.

  can exist for a long time.

  "Mr. Lin, this is our parliamentary hall. Each seat represents a member."

  "The seats at the top belong to the super gods."

  "Every super god powerhouse is the speaker."

  "This is your position."

  The Dark Moon God waved his hand.

  Suddenly, another chair appeared in the parliament hall.

  It has Lin Fei's name on it.

  Lin Fei also looked at the parliamentary hall.

  "¨〃With me, there are one hundred and twenty-nine seats."

  "That is to say, there are now a total of [-] god-level powerhouses in human beings?"

  "As for the chairperson's seat, there are a total of nine seats. Does that mean that there are nine super god powerhouses in the human federation?"

  Lin Fei froze slightly in his heart.

  on a virtual network.

  Even in the Pioneer Corps' internal network.

  Can't find any information about god-level powerhouses.

  This is top secret!

  Even other god-level powerhouses.

  There is also no way to query information about god-level powerhouses.

  Therefore, the outside world does not know at all.

  The specific situation of the human federation god-level powerhouse.

  "Yes, there are currently a total of [-] god-level powerhouses in human beings. Among them are nine super-god powerhouses. After all, in a strict sense, super-gods are actually god-level powerhouses."

  "It's just that our human federation, in order to distinguish between god-level and super-god powerhouses, only listed a super-god civilization separately."

  "However, this is not all the god-level powerhouses born in our human history. Once a member of parliament falls, the corresponding seat of the member will be removed. (Zhao Li Zhao)"

  Lin Fei nodded.

  He knew that in human history, there were also god-level powerhouses who fell.

  Even if the god level is immortal.

  But in fact, once you encounter foreign robbery.

  will also fall.

  Even super gods will fall.

  What's more, the god level?

  "There's a library over there."

  "All important information, including the history of the Human Federation."

  "Even, some of the deeds of various god-level and super god powerhouses are in it."

  Lin Fei's eyes lit up.

  This is good stuff.

  Absolutely top secret file!


  At this time, a burly man appeared in the realm of the gods.

  "I heard that a new god-level powerhouse was born in the Human Federation?"

  "Is it you? Haha, come come, I haven't practiced for a long time."

  "You are a new god, you must accompany me to practice hard."

  This burly man immediately saw Lin Fei.

  His eyes lit up.

  He walked directly towards Lin Fei.

  (Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets!).

第 240

  "God of dragons. Senator Lin has just become a god. You will have time to learn from each other in the future. Why rush for a while?"

  The Dark Moon God shook his head.

  There was a look of helplessness on his face.

  Obviously, he knows this "Dragon God" very well.

  "God of dragons?"

  Lin Fei recalled carefully.

  He hadn't heard the name.

  He seemed to see Lin Fei's doubts.

  The God of Dark Moon explained: "History textbooks don't have the name of the God of Dragons. This guy became a god-level powerhouse and did nothing."

  "After hatching civilization, I found a place and fell asleep for a while."

  "Then, when he woke up, he somehow became a god-level powerhouse. So, he was very lucky. Because of his luck, he kept going and wanted to fight against other god-level powerhouses to prove himself."

  "Uh... After a good night's sleep, you will become god-level?"

  Even Lin Fei was shocked.

  Feel a little weird.

  It took him two years.

  Become a god-level powerhouse.

  This is bizarre enough.

  And now?

  The dragon god.

  After just a sleep, he became a god?

  Even if Lin Fei knew, it was true.

  He couldn't imagine it either.

  The Demon Dragon God's face turned black, and he said to the Dark Moon God: "Dark Moon, you always arrange me like this, do you have an opinion on me? Come on, let's practice together. I did sleep a while ago. I feel, but that's because the civilization I hatched is very special."

  "You have the ability, and you have hatched a civilization like me, and you can become a god in a sleep!"

  The God of Demon Dragon fiercely "glared" at the God of Dark Moon.

  "Okay, God of Demon Dragons, there is still business here."

  "What's the matter? Senator Lin, in this world of gods, you have everything you want. It's nothing more than some information and materials, which can be viewed at any time."

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