He only invited some close, connected friends.

  After all, really want to invite.

  All the god-level powerhouses will rush to come.

  That Lin Fei was also too busy.

  Therefore, Lin Fei will also selectively invite.

  For example, Lin Fei invited Liu Yuheng.

  At the beginning, he and Liu Yuheng had a cooperative relationship.

  Lin Fei also invited Liu Xuenuo and Heizi.

  As for whether Liu Xuenuo would come, Lin Fei didn't know either.

  There is also Yan Jun, who was originally in the Pioneer Corps.

  Yan Jun was also very protective of Lin Fei and helped Lin Fei a lot.

  Fatty is also indispensable.

  After all, they are playmates since childhood.

  There are also the captain of the flame army, the god of war Xia Jun, the god of dragons, and the god of dark moon.

  These god-level powerhouses had all communicated with Lin Fei.

  After that, there are the nine super gods.

  Lin Fei invited them all.

  His wedding with Chen Xiaoxiao.

  The peak powerhouse of the human federation must naturally appear.

  And the nine super gods will naturally not refuse.

  Now Lin Fei is the number one powerhouse in the Human Federation.

  Who would not give his face?

  After that, there are some relatives and friends of the Lin family and the Chen family.

  For example, Mr. Lu, etc.

  Every invitation is very precious.

  Some people even offered [-] million credit points.

  Just to buy a wedding invitation from Lin Fei.

  It's a pity that no one will come up with invitations to sell.

  To be able to have a relationship with the first powerhouse in the human federation like Lin Fei.

  What's more than [-] million credit points?

  Even Liu Yuheng.

  Even if Lin Fei has not cooperated with Liu Yuheng for a long time.

  But only by virtue of the relationship with Lin Fei once cooperated.

  Liu Yuheng's company has grown by more than ten times.

  Become a giant!

  This is now, Lin Fei's influence.

  It was even said that this time Lin Fei made it public.

  Become the first person in the human federation.

  Liu Yuheng's company will expand again.

  As long as it can be related to Lin Fei.

  Countless people have tried their best.

  An invitation to make the entire Human Federation very lively.

  time flies.

  Soon, the wedding date will arrive.

  Lin Fei, the first super god of the Human Federation.

  Wedding with Chen Xiaoxiao in Anyang City.

  about to start.

  The whole Anyang city immediately became lively.

  This reception is a major test for Anyang City.

  After all, every guest is extremely precious.

  Over Anyang City.

  A spaceship gradually descended.


  The hatch is open.

  A figure stepped out of the spaceship.

  "I'm back, Anyang City..."

  This tall figure.

  With a complicated expression, he looked around and murmured in a low voice.

  (Ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket!).

第 301

  "Big sister, you don't come back to your own hometown."

  "If you want me to tell you, don't come back this time, do you deserve to come back this time?"

  "Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you met Lin Fei?"

  Sunspot stepped out of the spaceship.

  Just, talking.

  Looking at Liu Xuenuo~ that indifferent gaze.

  He shrank his neck - and did not dare to continue speaking.

  The two are Liu Xuenuo and Heizi.

  Liu Xuenuo has not returned to Anyang-shi for many years.

  Perhaps unwilling.

  Maybe he's avoiding something.

  In short, she hasn't come back for a long time.

  But this time.

  She was invited.

  Lin Fei's wedding invitation.

  She measured for a long time.

  It finally came.

  Just, go back to Anyang City again.

  But found that Anyang City has undergone tremendous changes.

  Perhaps it was because it became Lin Fei's territory.

  The whole city of Anyang is booming.

  The economy is already very prosperous.

  It is comparable to some of the top first-tier cities on the parent star.

  Even, predictable.

  After Lin Fei's wedding this time.

  Anyang City will continue to develop.

  After all, Lin Fei is now a super god.

  There is even a faint title of the first person in the Human Federation.

  Is his territory ordinary?

  "Dear two distinguished guests, are you here for Speaker Lin's wedding?"

  At this time, a ninth-order powerhouse came to the two of them.

  Although I saw Liu Xuenuo and Heizi, they were only fifth-order powerhouses.

  Not even Tier [-].

  But this ninth-order powerhouse.

  But still did not dare to neglect.

  This is Lin Fei's distinguished guest.

  Even ordinary people.

  He has to be treated with respect.

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