So, his consciousness was activated.

  Try to see clearly the particles in the body of the space-time Eudemons.

  "Little little."

  In Lin Fei's eyes.

  The physical body of the space-time phantom beast in front of him.

  Start to get smaller.

  An inch of flesh, a cell, a particle...

  In fact, it was Lin Fei who was going deep into the flesh and blood of space-time Eudemons.

  He wants to see clearly, what is the situation of the flesh and blood particles of this time-space phantom beast?

  Only, when he tried to check the flesh and blood particles of the space-time Eudemons.

  The whole person was a little stunned.

  "What about particles?"

  In Lin Fei's eyes at this moment.

  Particles of life can be seen through at a glance.

  After all, particles are the most basic units that make up flesh-and-blood life.

  And now?

  Lin Fei didn't see the particles.

  "Could it be that, below the particles, there is even smaller flesh? Similar to particles, smaller than particles?"

  Lin Fei frowned.

  Without any life, there would be no particles.

  No matter how strong the body is.

  After all, some basic particles are needed to form life.

  So, Lin Fei's consciousness continued to deepen.

  He is equivalent to magnifying a cell tens of thousands of times.

  Then it reaches the particle level.

  And the particle level is magnified tens of thousands of times.

  The results of it?

  Still haven't seen the basic unit of the time-space Eudemons' body.

  "No, I don't believe it. I can't see the basic unit of the flesh and blood of the space-time Eudemons."

  "It's not enough to zoom in [-] times, then [-] times, a million times, or even hundreds of millions of times!"

  Lin Fei tried his best.

  Even the physical supernatural power, primordial spirit, and mana almost erupted.

  Anyway, he tried his best.

  Just to see clearly the smallest particles of the space-time Eudemons body.

  But the result?

  Lin Fei was shocked to find out.

  No matter how many times larger.

  It is impossible to clearly see the basic particles of the flesh and blood of the space-time Eudemons.

  In other words, the flesh and blood of space-time phantom beasts actually have no elementary particles?

  No matter how you look at it, it's actually just a particle?

  What he saw was just one (cfcd) particle!

  "If, the physical body of the space-time Eudemons is really just a particle."

  "Then it proves from the side that the physical body of a walker-level powerhouse is so terrifying..."

  Lin Fei was really shocked.

  This is the case.

  If you don't see it with your own eyes.

  Will not believe anything.

  Such a huge space-time phantom beast.

  How is it possible that the entire body is just an elementary particle?

  To know.

  Even Lin Fei.

  There are countless particles in the body.

  These particles constitute the flesh of the space-time Eudemons.

  Particles are good.

  There are also downsides.

  The advantage is to separate out a particle.

  As long as the particles don't die.

  Then it won't die.

  What's the downside?

  A lot of particles.

  Eventually there will be some conflict.

  The power is in the particles.

  It can't be integrated after all.

  thereby affecting combat power.

  "If the walker-level life is to integrate the particles into one."

  "Then, I use my strength to prove the way. Seal the magic weapon and then fuse the particles. In fact, it fits this path invisibly?"

  Lin Fei thought of his own way of proving the Dao with strength.

  Not just fusion particles.

  Of course, he fuses particles.

  In fact, it is the magic weapon sealed in the fusion particle.

  With the help of the magic weapon summoned the alien energy.

  Therefore, it is possible to elevate the physical body.

  However, he never thought about fusing the particles into one.

  To know.

  There are hundreds of millions of trillions of particles in his body.

  Once it all comes together.

  It's actually dangerous.

  Particles keep merging.

  It is equivalent to all flesh and blood coagulating into one.

  Gradually, Lin Fei's flesh and blood would be squeezed into one piece.

  Forcibly squeezed, it is equivalent to the combination of countless forces.

  Not only was that ineffective.

  Instead, it will damage itself.

  Even the physical body will collapse.

  Similar to the gene crash.

  Even the super god powerhouse in the Devourer civilization.

  Fusion particle space.

  Not all particles are fused into one particle.

  "The physical body of the space-time phantom beast is actually a particle."

  "Or, I guessed wrong. Time and space Eudemons, there are no particles at all."

  "In other words, the particles of the space-time Eudemons are too small. So small that I can't even see it with all my strength..."

  Lin Fei was more inclined to the first and third guesses.

  When in the flesh, no matter how you look at it.

  It's all the same.

  This also means.

  There are almost no flaws in the flesh.

  has been condensed into one.

  Such a body.

  A true immortality!

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