Dominates the life and death power of trillions of trillions of devourers.

  Even if the dimensional battlefield is destroyed, it will be good for them.

  But now, the dimensional battlefield cannot be destroyed.

  Instead, they may encounter a crisis of death.

  Look at it this way.

  They continued to fight against Lin Fei here.

  Naturally it's not worth it.

  They are not willing to take risks.

  So, one, two, three...

  Almost all super god-level devourers.

  All of a sudden there is a retreat.

  They want to leave the dimensional battlefield and return to the Devourer civilization.

  So, these super god-level devourers.

  There was no hesitation at all.

  Directly opened the void.

  I saw the long river of time and space.

  Prepare to jump in and enter the space-time corridor.

  "Go? But, can you go?"

  Lin Fei snorted coldly.

  "There is a Taoist friend who works hard and saves goodness."

  "Good to say."

  From Lin Fei's body, a figure suddenly flew out.

  It is the good man.

  The Daoist Cunshan was the good corpse cut out by Lin Fei with the Chaos Bell.

  Therefore, he can fully mobilize the power of Chaos Clock.

  With the appearance of good people.

  on top of his head.

  A huge clock loomed out.


  Chaos bell rang.

  Suddenly, time and space seemed to be imprisoned.

  Ring after ring of bells echoed.

  In the blink of an eye, it swept in front of these super god-level devourers.

  These super god-level devourers are not magic insects.

  Lin Fei's Chaos Clock can't help the devil.

  But can't they help these super god-level devourers?

  On power.

  on the means.

  On supernatural powers.

  In fact, these super god-level devourers are far worse than demon insects.

  The chaotic bell of the good Taoist is an innate treasure.

  It is the treasure of the unparalleled attack in the flood and famine.

  These super god-level devourers are terrifying though.

  But under the full exertion of good people.

  Their bodies are as fragile as tofu.

  Shocked by the Chaos Clock.

  Suddenly, their bodies were shaken into powder in the blink of an eye.

  You know, even in a flood.

  Emperor Taiyi holding the Chaos Clock.

  That is not even a quasi-sage dare to provoke.

  Don't even dare to face it head-on.

  To face the Chaos Clock.

  There must be a strong defensive magic weapon.

  These super god-level devourers, in addition to the terrible devouring supernatural powers.

  What defense is there?

  So, under the Chaos Clock.

  The super god-level devourers have turned into powder.

  Of course, they are still not dead.

  After all, they are all super gods.

  And the Devourer of the super god level.

  Particles are more powerful.

  To be completely annihilated.

  too difficult.

  At least, the Chaos Clock alone wants to annihilate the particles of the Super God-level Devourer.

  Want to kill them completely.

  Difficult to climb to the sky.


  But Lin Fei didn't even think about killing them.

  He's going to be captured!

  So, those super god-level devourers who turned into powder.

  Under the repression of the Chaos Clock.

  Attempting to condense into shape is difficult.

  Because the void is imprisoned.

  Their particles are just pure particles.

  Let anyone slaughter.

  at this time.

  They were terrified.


  I didn't wait for Lin Fei to do anything.

  The Lord of Devouring took the lead.

  Although he was imprisoned.

  However, the particles of these super god-level devourers.

  In fact, it is still self-conscious.

  Just the power of the Chaos Clock.

  Imprisoned in the void.

  It's like trapping them.

  The Devourable Lord is a tough character.

  He actually blew up part of his own particles directly.

  To know.

  Even Lin Fei couldn't annihilate the particles of the super god-level devourer just now.

  And now?

  The Lord of Devouring exploded the particles.

  That is equivalent.

  The Lord of Devouring, permanently abandoned these particles.

  To practice again.

  It's not that easy.

  After all, the particles of the super god powerhouse.

  Every particle is very precious.

  It takes a long time.

  and enormous energy.

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