He didn't even think about anything else.

  Just run away!

  Mainly because Lin Fei was too impressed with him.

  One punch blew up the combined attack of the Thirteen Lords.

  How terrifying is that?

  It's just that he just wanted to escape.

  I saw Lin Fei stretch out his hand.

  At some point in his hand, a dark, mysterious axe with an ancient and wild aura appeared.


  next moment.

  Lin Fei waved his hand and chopped down with an axe.

  The fierce axe force directly locked the Lord of Heiyuan.

  The Lord of the Black Abyss immediately felt a crisis of death.

  Yes, death.

  At this moment, he felt an unprecedented crisis of death.

  This axe.

  Let him fall!


  The Lord of the Dark Abyss did not hesitate.

  Immediately choose to explode some particles.

  There is nothing he can do.

  Then, immediately cut the void.

  The figure flashed, and it has entered the void.

  at the same time.

  Lin Fei's axe, the terrifying axe, also arrived.

  Moreover, the axe seems to directly split the void.


  Axe gas into the body.

  The void is cut open.

  A figure fell out of the void.

  It is the Lord of the Black Abyss!

  It's just that the Lord of the Black Abyss at this moment.

  Was hit by the opening god axe.

  The whole body was cut by the axe.

  His body has been cut into two pieces.

  But this is only the surface.

  And deeper.

  That is, on the particle level of the Lord of the Black Abyss.

  Open the power of the god axe.

  All particles are cut.

  Not annihilation particles.

  Just cut out the particles.

  But that's not much better than annihilation particles.

  Once the particles are cut.

  The body of the Lord of the Black Abyss also collapsed instantly.

  The Lord of the Black Abyss didn't even have time to leave a word.

  The breath of life disappeared completely.


  The dignified Lord of the Dark Abyss.

  Super strong.

  One of the Thirteen Masters of Devouring Civilization.

  Now, even Lin Fei couldn't catch a single move.

  directly fell.

  Also, all particles fall.

  "No, not necessarily."

  Lin Fei's eyes flashed slightly.

  He thought of a possibility.

  The masters of these Devourer civilizations are super gods.

  How cunning is that?

  Wouldn't they leave some particles behind and hide?

  You know, it's a means of saving lives.

  This means of saving lives.

  Must have!

  Even Lin Fei felt it.

  Those god-level devourers.

  The god-level devourer killed by him.

  In fact, it didn't completely fall.

  They definitely leave some particles behind.

  as long as there are particles.

  Then these Devourers will not die.

  Just, leave a little bit of particles behind.

  What if you don't die?

  It's too hard to recover.

  Just to save lives.

  Lin Fei didn't care either.

  He came to the Devourer civilization on this trip.

  It is not to kill these super god-level devourers.

  His real purpose is to capture the world origin of Devourer civilization!

  As long as you get the origin of the world.

  That devours the world.

  Slowly it will decline and collapse.

  The remaining Devourers.

  What storm can it make?

  So, is the Lord of the Black Abyss really dead?

  Actually it doesn't matter.

  "¨〃First place, next, it's time for second place..."

  Lin Fei's figure flashed, and he wanted to leave.

  But he flew into the void.

  He took another look at the city of Black Abyss below.

  "There are no innocents in this city!"

  Lin Fei's eyes were cold.

  Then, he punched directly.

  There are several divine powers in the flesh.


  Under this punch.

  The entire city of Heiyuan was reduced to ashes.

  Whether it is a common devourer.

  Still a mighty devourer.

  All fell.

  In Lin Fei's eyes.

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