Lin Fei said in a deep voice: "This is my upgrade of the civilization index level to the super-divine level. I had a whim, so I tried it and realized the whole world."

  "The results of it?"

  "Civilization Ball reminds me that the energy is insufficient."

  "It's not that the level is not enough, or the authority is not enough, but the energy is not enough."

  "What this means, I believe everyone knows very well."

  "Once there is enough energy, can we really manifest the world we hatched?"

  "Once the entire world is manifested, from the virtual to the real, we can completely control the power of a world. How tyrannical will we be?"

  Lin Fei's words undoubtedly made the hearts of the nine super gods a little hot.

  Although, they have already decided.

  Rework the power system of the Human Federation.

  However, for those who have already embarked on the path of the civilized power system.

  Once really able to manifest the whole world.

  That is undoubtedly the greatest good news.

  "It seems that we all went in the wrong direction before."

  "You shouldn't be guarding the time-space Eudemons all the time."

  "Instead, we should look for energy, continuously improve the civilization index level, and accumulate energy."

  "Wait until the day when the energy is sufficient to manifest a world within the body..."

  The nine super gods obviously believed Lin Fei's words.

  Even, I feel that I have gone in the wrong direction for so many years.

  Lin Fei continued, "Don't be upset, Speakers. In fact, this is just my speculation ¨々."

  "Also, there is a very practical problem. How much energy would it take to materialize a world?"

  "I'm afraid that kind of energy will be unimaginable. It can only be seen in the mirror. Just take a look."

  "Speakers, it's better to find the origin of the super god world first. Only in this way can we hope to manifest the inner world..."

  Indeed, to embody the world inside the body.

  There are many problems that need to be solved.

  Especially the origin of the super god world.

  Just having a problem is actually very troublesome.

  After all, so many years.

  In the human federation, only Lin Fei has obtained a copy of the origin of the super god world.

  "By the way, do you have any clues about the human power system?"

  Lin Fei asked again.

  Now the top priority of the human federation.

  In fact, it is to develop a power system.

  Hearing Lin Fei's question, the nine super gods looked at each other.

  Still Lan Yun Chaoshen, said with a wry smile, "Speaker Lin, we are just going to talk to you."

  "It is too difficult to re-create the power system of human beings."

  "However, according to your suggestion, we have determined the direction on the flesh."

  "Therefore, there is a little bit of a small result."

  "The most important thing to temper physical strength is energy."

  "So, we draw lessons from the Devourer civilization, the demon clone, and many civilizations that temper the flesh."

  "Combined with the actual situation of our human federation. We have temporarily determined a direction, of course, it is only an approximate direction."

  "We're going to use the method of tempering the particles."

  "Every particle, we use various forces to stimulate."

  "Tempering particles keep getting stronger."

  "Then the particles are so powerful that they reach a certain critical point. You can follow the practice of Pangu in the prehistoric world of Speaker Lin, and open up the world."

  "Being at the brunt of a particle creates a world."

  "This is fundamentally different from the particle space of the Devourer. We are creating particle worlds. Once we succeed, we will have particle worlds in our bodies."

  "In this way, you can reach the level of gods or even super gods..."

  Lan Yun Chaoshen [-] introduced the details of the human power system to Lin Fei.

  Lin Fei's eyes lit up.

  From this power system, he saw the shadow of many familiar power systems.

  For example, the particle space of the Devourer civilization.

  Another example is Pangu Kaitian in Lin Fei's prehistoric civilization.

  There are also some physical power systems, the most common tempering the body, tempering cells, and even tempering particles.

  This power system is different from other power systems.

  It seems normal.

  But in reality, the more common the better.

  For example, below the god level.

  What is the way to temper the physical body?

  All kinds of energy can stimulate and exercise.

  For example, electrical power.

  In the human federation, it is simply commonplace.

  A little more powerful, like some ray power.

  This is also very common.

  If the physical body is stronger, then there will be all kinds of radiation in the universe.

  Or, the stellar magnetic force of the universe.

  The stellar magnetic power of those planets and so on.

  Any of these will work.

  This is just the human federation.

  What if it was some other civilization or world?

  For example, wizarding civilization.

  some medicines.

  It can also temper the physical body.

  Some Gaowu civilization.

  Some of their cultivation energy, strength and so on.

  It can also temper physical particles.

  Therefore, this is the advantage of this power system of the Human Federation.

  under any circumstances.

  under any civilization.

  They can continue to temper their physical bodies and continue to improve their strength.

  This is the most terrifying place.

  As for the physical strength to a certain extent.

  That opens up the world of particles.

  At that time, there are countless worlds in the body.

  Every move is accompanied by the power of the world.

  The same power is attributed to itself.

  The power jumped to a god level or even a super god.

  As for later.

  It can also fill the inner world.

  At that time, will the energy reach a certain level?

  Naturally become a walker-level powerhouse?

  thought here.

  Even Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little excited.

  "¨〃Well, the general direction of this power system is correct."

  (Zhao of Qian) "Now we need to implement the specific details."

  "To make this system of power work and not be a fantasy."

  Lin Fei obviously affirmed this power system.

  Even, if enough time.

  He also has confidence.

  The human federation will definitely be able to completely perfect this power system.

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