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Must Say, the Unique Skill of Gray does have its own unique.

The field of attention, it can make the attacking into the beast, and the enemy will make a bite, but not only one, but can form more unacceptable beasts, forming a beo.

This Ability, if there is not too much limit, you can do the unacceptable beast of Do As One Pleases, Gray only needs to sit on the top, and the whole battlefield will be completed on the top, even if it is Magnificent Army with Thousands of Men and Horses, can he discouvel with Stregth of Oneseelf?

Even if the enemy can find the existence of unacceptable beasts according to the person’s Perception, facing these unacceptable beasts, itself can only dodge and cannot make the rest of the response.

Because, they are essentially attack, not a creature, not a hidden helper, not only not visible, not tucptous, even if the sword goes, it is not cut.

For this way, Gray does not even have to attack the Make A Move, a single vocabulary, which can be uninterrupted to his opponent until the opponent is done until the opponent is done.

so Ability, even if you can’t freeze [Icero], it is not inferior to Alidiya’s famous [Volta].

It can be seen that Gray’s strength is indeed on Alidiya.

If there is no Skien, Narley is Genuine’s Humanity’s First Expert.

Unfortunately, this will not be if it is.


When the invisible bite is falling in Skien’s Body, it is not a bloody, which is not a bloody, but also a flying sword, but a Metal Collision Sound.

“clang!” “clang!” “Clang!” “Clang!” “Clang!”

The attack of the unacceptable beast is connected in Skien’s Body, and goes forward to provoke a loud gold iron Colliding Strike, let Skien’s Body burst out Fire Star.

Gray’s Complexion suddenly changed.

is Skien, the look is as usual.

That look, let Gray’s ear again echoed the sentence — – “You can’t even break it.”

Gray in the heart of Gray, suddenly, not only the countless impersonal beast, not only bite on Skien, but also raised his arm, gathered Magic Power, let countless Magic Sword appear, and dominated Skien.

Between a time, the visible attack and the invisible attack have formed a heavy rain, and the Skien Hiding The Sky and Covering The Earth is coming.

Only, Skien actually slowly closed his eyes.

In this moment, Skien expands the maximum amplitude of [Beyond Fate’s Sensation] ‘s Perception.

In his perception, the viewing attack is also good, and it is like a broken attack. It is like a light of Darkness, and he has spoken by him.

In this case, Skien raised his hands and grasped into punches.


A rigid Magic SWORD is flying by Skien, fragment on the spot.


A invisible beast is just ready to fall in Skien’s Body, which is also bounced by a punch, and arouses a knock-like crisp.

Skien is like this, close the eyes, double boxing, a windshield, with alarming speed, a horrified Magic Sword, a Zhangyou.

“Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang -!”

In the fierce, the Skien double boxing is like a wind, and all Magic Sword hits all Magic swords, which will also bounce all the unconventional beasts that bite.

Suddenly, the Magic Sword that is bombarded in Around Skien’s Body, and the unconventional beast is also a tile.

The former is broken, the latter is released by itself.

Since it is essentially an attack, then they naturally disappeared after the attack.

Skien suddenly sent Divine Power, only with both hands, blocked all the offensive of Gray.


Gray has a big eyes.

He can’t believe that his own outbreak, in exchange for such results.

Unfortunately, all this is reality.

“Your unique Skill does Interesting is that Attack Power is not high. For me, I will be mysterious, I don’t care.”

skien eyes opened, looking to Gray.

“Since you have made full strength, then I should also make this awarded sentence.”

says this, Skien’s Figure slowly suspension.

Its Body, Heaven-Shaking, Earth-Shattering Magic Power is in the overhead.

“—–USING THE VAST MAGIC POWER TO Attract The Aurora Beyond The Sky — -”

Skien sang Magic.

“— -The Tears of The Sky, The Rain of Stars, The Bright Sky, Can Now Shine on The Earth — -”

“— -accept the summoning — -”

“— -accommodate the dispatch — -”

“—- uSE The Radiant Sword To Punish The World — -”

“— -Come Down, Stars — -”

The horrific MAGIC POWER rolled up from Skien’s Body, instantly has endless Starlight.

, the night sky is also bright.

countless stars, gather Starlight from Skien Body, gradually starting to illuminate.

A terrible crisis is coming in Gray’s body, let Grem Complexion change.

then …

[auroras meteoric]. “

Skien released the MAGICs you have, Formidable Power and Destructive Power both Strongest Move.

The star in the night sky is dropped in At this moment, turned ONE AFTER ANOTHER, dragging long light tail, Dropping from the sky, to the land.

The scenery, great beauty.

, under the scenery, it is the huge meteorite of One after another, and I will hit the Calamity of the earth.

“Skien Bezth -!”

Gray live and issued this resounding HEAVEN AND Earth’s Shouting.

Next second, the meteor shower drowned his Silhouette.


Central City, Supreme One Castle.

At this time, many people have explored their heads from the various windows of the castle, balconies, open spaces, and gates, etc., caught in the hustle.

They look at the beautiful meteor of the sky from the sky, but there is no sigh for this beauty.

Because Demon World has never had a meteor, the meteor shower has never been so close to others, and it will not be in the city, set off a burst of the Earth Quaked and the Mountains Shook, let the entire center The city has fallen into the chaos.

Demon Race has been alarmed by this meteor shower, and I am going to send people, and I will find out in the city.

as The Saying Goes Boldness of Execution Stems from Superb Skill, Demon Race is not like Human Race, most of the people don’t have a strong one milli-Battle Stregth civilian people, but all the people have POWER, even children, They are all at least 10, and have one, two Skill, which can form a valid Combat Power.

Plus the Demon World multi-ethnic group, many strong ethnic groups in the central city show great attention, so many people are ready to go to the suburbs, check the truth of the meteor shower.

until, a sound stops everyone.

“All Demon Race listens, anyone may not go out of the city to approach the meteor shower, violation, heavy punishment.”

This is the sound of Demon Race Supreme One, no one will be mistaken.

Thanks to this, Demon Race that is ready to go out is that he has canceled his thoughts.

Although I don’t know what is going on, since the supreme one has made it, it will not be unrestrained.

Even more how, Demons does not think that At this time, who will come to trouble.

After all, this Period of Time, Six Great Devils is all concentrated here, no absence.

Sitting here with Six Great Devils is here, Goddess of Fate Lidas does not dare to be here impudent.

, all people of Demon Race stopped out of the city, only for the distant meteor shower, don’t know what to say.

Only the top of the Supreme ONE Castle, on a sunny balcony, several Devil appear.

has LID, Milu, Carmina, also has Ai, but does not see Sera’s trace.

Ai looked at the stars, and said it faintly.

“The just sound is Elder Sister Schiffne?”

is it.

Other people may listen to the sound of SERA, but the devil will not.

They are almost guess, just the sound is being disguised.

No way.

, SERA is not in the central city at this time, but it is going to do things.

two …

“The just sound is not in the ear of Magic Power or Magic, but in his heart, this kind of thing, only the second sister’s [心】] can do.”

LID said this.

“in Other Words, this meteor shower is from the second sister?”

CARMINA is so inquiry.

Answer this problem is not LID or AI, but Milu.

“is not a second sister!”

Milu shakes his head, watching the meteor of the dropping from the sky, in the Eyes is full of joyful stars.

It seems that this Girl really likes the beauty of this star dropping from the sky.

As for it, what happens to Milu?

She only knows that there is very beautiful, very nice, then o ** K.

ai is also the old COMPLEXION.

“It is not the second sister, it is my mouth.”

Ai can guess what is going on.

Of course, Carmina is not guessed.

“How? Have he encountered danger?”

carmina is almost instantly straight to the body, a pair plan to look like Rush Out.

Fortunately, the LID blocked her.

“should not be dangerous.” LID this way: “Otherwise, the second sister will not let everyone go.”

“This is.” CARMINA thought, think it is reasonable, relax.

“Go back.” AI is directly: “It seems that it is worth a thing.”

Leave this, Ai turned back to the house.

The remaining devil Nodded, except for Milu of Somewhat reluctant to part with, there is no nostalgia and worry.

Schiffne is in Skien’s Side, and everyone doesn’t think there is any problem in such a close place.

moreover, Skien Today’s strength is also the same, it may not be under them, worry is completely excess.

Even Yurin is holding Lilith’s Hand, and this dialogue is made on another open-air balcony.

“Let’s go back, Lilith Elder Sister.”


Two people is so embarrassing, and it is completely unfounded by Skien’s safety.

This, perhaps, Schiffne has done anything to do with [心 妖], let everyone get unconsciously caressing?

only there’s a person, looking at the distant meteor shower, one in the heart of GLOOMY AND UNCERTAIN.

Finally, this person can’t help it into A Flowing Light, flew to the city.

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