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“— -”


death-like sales.

When the posture is straight, it has quietly appeared, and when entering everyone’s eyes, no matter what people who know him, people who don’t know him, all Involuntarily fall into a difficult silent .

This is even more like this to Nams, Nub, Meldo, Joseph and THE Others, in particular Skien.

“He is Skien Bezthoth®?”

Misgi is condensed.

“Hero Skien …”

Nub and Josezi simultaneously.

“He is …?”

Meldo looks far than your own young Hero, in The eye glittering is inexplicably emotional.

As for the other Legendary Expert and Great Influence of Characters, all the LOOKED TOWARDS is Skien, Complexion changes.

The crowd onlookers is also gradually appearing some noisy.

The death in the air is gradually being replaced.

Skien is so sudden appearance, which makes everyone spiritual, and playing a moretely unprepated.

“sir bezth …”

Uhler also looks at Skien, which seems to be compared to before, I don’t know why, there is a feeling of shares in my heart.

After all, he and Skien’s relationship is still good. This time, it is a big potential. It is quite a kind of flocking with others, and it is a little exaggeration, but it is enough to make Uhler feel a little. .

skien does not seem to find UHLER, while stepping on the clear and audible footsteps, sweep the eyes to the audience.

“Master!” Yurin This only gave the cold look, shake Dragon Wings, in Skien’s Side, the drums appeared: “them …”

One sentence, has not been reached out by Skien.


Skien is like anything, it is still the same expression.

However, looked at Skien’s calm look, and everyone in the scene felt a pressure of Hard To Describe.

So, between the time, the entire square, one by one is very big, and there is no opening.

Skien is open to this, coming to everyone, the eyes of One After ANOTHER has swept each one in the field, and it seems that they want to recognize them. After a long time, they smiled.

“What happened?” Skien Said with a faint smile: “Do you want to see me? Now I am here? How do you look unhappy?”

The meaning of the meaning of the meaning, order these all days and people preted politeness and company, have long been a little on the top of the face.

Misgi, Nub, Meldo, Joseph and the Others is soon to organize a good mood, watching Skien, suddenly appearing, and the heart is moving.

For this nearest Hero, everyone is not curiosity, and it is not the idea of ​​nothing.

If you really can visit Skien, and talk to Skien, it is also a very good thing.

For the past, the Influential fit here must have been full of smiles, and talking with Skien.

is unfortunately, the shadow of the dream of the heart is more than the shadow, even if he is Hero, it has rely on it later.

Everyone thinks so, and intends to ask for a message to inquire Schiffne.

However, these people who stand in the vertices of Human Race, regardless of the remaining omnipotent Character, there is no such a good patience.

Legendary Expert of a Back of A Tiger and Waist of a Bear is the first to catch up, see Skien, standing up immediately, shouting.

“Hero Skien! You bring the Schiffne His Royal Highness to …”

“Where to go” – – – this later, the other party did not say it.


A loud fried sound suddenly resounded.


The Legendary Expert at the Back of a Tiger and Waist of A Bear only feels his own Vision Blurred, and then the abdomen is bombarded by Fiercely, which makes him feel that the use of Xin the Body’s Internal Organs is moving. Under the hurt of the pain, I can’t help but mourn, holding the abdomen, poured down.


The sudden violence, the people who are in their hearts, and they can’t even be tight, let Magic Power penetrate from Body.

“What !?”

The people onlookers are also surprised because of this sudden change.

“sir bezthoth, you …”

Uhler is also full of stunned toards skien.

I saw that Skien still stood in place, and it did not move.

But people who feel kens are all spotted, just, Skien’s Form gently shake, become Fuzzy, shortly afterwards, returns to the original.

“so fast …!”

Joseph who has the title of Wind SweT Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint Saint seems to see any incredible scene, and the pupil is zero.

is ahead of all people or incredible or incredible eyes, Skien glances at the place where Legendary Expert is glanced. Serene said.

“Don’t care, but what should I respect this kind of person who is not educated? Don’t learn from him,”

a word of light, but it is a lot of people to look at each other in Blank Dismay.

Misgi, Nub, Meldo and Joseph and the Others looked at Skien, in The Eyes, began to appear Look of Dreaming.

This Hero seems not to be good to deal with, and the temper is not good.

a bit trouble …

Everyone’s heart began to become heavy.

They dare to come like this, and a big reason is that they think that Hero should choose compromise.

Because the Hero of the past is a famous justice, abide by the principle, it will never move in Military Force.

as the Saying Goes reached out and not smashed his face. For the same race, the companion of the same camp, Hero will only do our best to guard, protect, go to justice, and the truth, how can it be unable to What is it?

can be said, Hero is the existence of Guangwei, in the world, it should be very good, very good, even if he is unreasonable, he will go to an accommodation, go to love, not like this.

In view of this, before, everyone thinks that HERO should not unilaterally reject everyone’s meeting, let them all give it Outside the door, but will be convenient for all people.

This is HERO?

But … this Hero seems to be a bit wrong.

Looking at Skien is a calm standing there, but the eyes of the glance are full of palpitations. It was originally planned to exclaim and rerimand guys closed their mouths, and they did not dare to come out.

“hum hum.”

Only Yurin is standing in Skien’s Side, looking at this all, there is a shelf with “lesson of this Fiercely”.

final, or UHLER is the point of this.

“SIR Bezthoth, we don’t malicious, please believe us.”

uhler spoke with a forced smile.

In this, Skien is calm Nodded.

I know, you don’t have malicious, not all rushing on me. “Skien admitted this, but the tone is still very impressive:” You can finally be chaotic on my site, In this case, I as the host, do not teach you how to defend the rules, isn’t it particularly derelicted? ”

Hearing this, Meldo can’t help.

“What do you mean? Hero Skien?” Meldo histed Skien, said: “There is no one in the status of the status of the status, even in our country’s Your Majesty is coming. You don’t pay attention to That’s all, so rude and unreasonable, can I treat this is the provocation of MITHRAS KINGDOM? “

When you come out, the atmosphere began to get worse.

This is not capable of CRACKING A JOKE.

Meldo uses a sentence of Kung Fu, put this matter on the contradictory conflict of the country and the country, this is a good answer, and the problem in diplomatic is definitely very serious.

especially mithras Kingdom and Magic Guiraa, which can take the front three in the top three in all countries in all countries in Human, if you can’t get good, you can’t get it. What big mess.

and, the country in this country is very special in the human forces, if Possible, no one wants to sin.


is not allowed by the situation.

The three countries of Human, respectively, Ragna Empire, Mithras Kingdom, and Magic National.

Among them, although the ladabes is the weakest in the three major countries, it can be unfair than Mithras Kingdom, but also the country that is best to hold Ragna Empire and Mithras Kingdom.

Who let Ragna Empire and mithras Kingdom can be counted as a world, maintaining a whole millennium?

Under this confidence, if the ladie is biased in which country, the country will finish Almighty and pull the other country to the silkworms?

At the same time, this country for a long time has always been except for themselves, Sit On The Mountain and Watch The Tigers Fight gives people a possibility that Ragna Empire and mithras kingdom have been fighting you. Run out the feelings of Sit Back and Become The Fisherman Who Sweeps The Benefits.

Therefore, there is such a powerful country next to Glare Like a Tiger Watching His Prey, Ragna Empire and Mithras Kingdom while doing unwilling to start the country, give your country to create a top disaster.

in Other Words, if Rara worship and mithras Kingdom have evil, it may cause Rara to worship to Ragna Empire, which causes great trouble to yourself.

In this case, if this problem is attached to the Upgrade TO International, the mithras kingdom is difficult.

Meldo is obviously caught in this, it is intentionally.

“AI, Don’t Say THIS, Meldoqing, SIR Bezthoth is not intentional.”

Next, Misgi is like playing a circular Patted Meldo’s shoulder, which seems to help Skien say good words, in fact, but does not deny that this will be pulled as a handle to handle it.

can only say that this Honored One is also a king of a country, this Method is still tall.

but …

“I don’t mind very much.”

Skien is actually like watching a monkey play. After reading it, I said such a sentence.

The smile on Misgi face is stiff.

“… what do you say?”

Meldo also almost didn’t doubt your own ears.

“孛 … SIR Bezthoth!”

uhler is a bit calm.

As for Nub and Joseph, it is also a little reaction.

“I said, I don’t mind.” Skien Lightly Said: “Tentative is why Mithras Kingdom thinks, I personally, you want to make this is my provocation.”

says here, Skien also shrugged.

“Although in my opinion, I am chartered by everyone.”

This is the case, and the people who are present are not knowing what to do.

“You … Do you know what you are talking about? Do you know how much serious situation caused?”

Meldo shouted at Skien while NOT KNOWING What To Do.

but that is like, how to see it is a bit slight.

Skien laughs.

smiles the head of the leather.

Because Skien’s Smile does not have a half point of feelings, it is hearty to rise.

then, Skien opens.

“This sentence should be what I said.”

Skien lifted eye blind, all the expressions on the face disappeared in an instant.

“You are not happy like this, know how many serious conditions will happen?”

Brigade, skien’s body, terrifying Magic Power finally does not add any conception, and out.

Magic Power agar.

The atmosphere whizes.

Tiandi slightly tremble.

Royal Capital, a sound of exclaiming has also emerged, so that riots and panic are frustrated.

From Skien’s Body, half-step TRRIFYING TRIFYING pressure sweeps, shrouded to the audience.

— – !? “

All per capita in the field has changed, and OR TWO is still like a mountain, it is a mountain, it is likely to be hidden, it is like a large gravity, bending down, and even On the ground, the face is gone, it becomes a pale.

“This pressure …!?”

Misggi has not been up to the ground, watching Skien’s Look is full of fear.

“咕 …!”

Nub and Joseph is One-Knee Kneels, I really want to get it, but I can’t do it, I can only use it to the green gluten.

“Is this Legendary level …?”

Mel is full of pale and sluggish.

“No, this is not Legendary level, or even the limit level, this is …!?”

UHLER is wide, watching Skien with full face.

and even these experts are like this, the rest of the onlookers and the situation of the general Legendary Expert at this time can be imagined.

They have already kneelted, some are dizzy, and some are more mad, and they are actually single Skien’s Imposing Manner is shocked.

Skien is like a strong, such as overbearing, such as Rude and Unreasonable, if the unreasonable is unreasonable to suppress the audience.

Bezthoth Family, those who have not come out are also shocked.

“he … he …”

LELY is already a knot.

“… real Strong.”

vivian eyes dramatically fluctuate.

“This is the strength of Mr. Skien now …?”

Lumia has been scared.


thiel silence, ONLY gazing Skien’s Form.


Only yurin is proud of it.

not, not only yurin, the Lilith, which is woken up, seems to have the appearance of the eyes, watching this scene, a pair of good-looking big eyes bend into the cadres.

Schiffne is also looking at this scene.

“It is worthy of the most special HERO, will not be bound by those boring bar.”

Schiffne is satisfied.

“This is a man worthy of I recognized.”

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