
You can search “Demon King Doesn’t Have to be Overthrown 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“——— —”

The sudden sound made the eyes of Skien, Lucy and Lilith condensed.


Lucy turned his head abruptly and looked towards one direction.


Lilith was silent, only the evil aura of the body was surging.

As for Skien, [Beyond Fate’s Sensation]’s perception ability was developed almost immediately.

Soon, he turned in one direction and stretched out a hand.

“[Bestow · Burst].”

After a short Magic chant, a huge rock in front of it suddenly produced a very violent explosion, which crushed the huge rock and the surrounding area.

only, in the violent explosion, a few dark shadows were mixed with a strong black light, protecting a person, and flashed out of the center of the explosion unharmed.

The three of Skien almost instantly saw the true colors of the dark shadows.

It was a one by one black robe with a robe and a hood. He didn’t know what he looked like.

Only the silhouette of the one by one black robe guarded in the middle, the body attire is not so conspicuous, even the aura is very weak, but for some reason, it feels impossible to ignore.

At the moment of seeing that person, Skien slightly startled, and got up in surprise.

“Is it you?”

Skien immediately, recognizing the identity of the other party.

Not only Skien, but Lilith, who was standing on Skien’s side, had her eyes widened slightly, as if she was a little surprised.

Obviously, Lilith also recognized the identity of the other party.

After all, that person did something to her, not only planned to lift her seal, but also made her Magic Life with Lifeform Creation Magic.


The opponent, accurately appeared in Kosmos, led the Old Demon Race Faction named [Mirage], did many things in Kosmos, and finally lost in Skien’s hand, which should have been killed by Skien. Demon Race man————Danath.

“Long time no see, Sir Bezthoth, also Goddess Lilith.” Danath is like a promising young man from an aristocrat family. While bowing politely in greeting, he showed a kind smile and said: “No To be more precise, this is our first official meeting. It seems a bit wrong to say that it is long time no see.”

The gentle and elegant Demon Race man smiled so lightly.

The familiar posture and natural etiquette are exactly the same as the Danath in Skien’s memory.

But the other party said that this was their first official meeting in the true sense.

Skien narrowed his eyes.

“Sure enough, the person who was killed by me in Kosmos was not your true body, but the Magic Life you stayed in front of the stage to hide from others?”

This is what everyone from Beastman Priests mentioned to Skien after Kosmos’s incident.

At that time, they said that from the ruins of Kosmos, they found the remains of Danath who had been slaughtered by Skien.

As a result, from the remains, they found that it was not a Demon Race life, but a Magic Life.

A Magic Life created by the real Danath, based on himself, exactly the same as himself.

In other words, the Danath who died was not the Danath in front of him, but the Magic Life created by Danath in front of him, the real Danath’s Shadow Warrior.

Now, the Danath who appeared in front of Skien was the real Danath.


“Could it be Magic Life that was pushed out to block guns again?”

Skien looked at Danath in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Danath seemed to see through Skien’s mind, and smiled and denied Skien’s guess.

“Don’t worry, Sir Bezthoth, the me that appears in front of you now is the real me, not Magic Life.” Danath said sincerely, “Lifeform Creation Magic is very random. Even if there is a prototype reference, if you want to create exactly the same Magic Life, you need some conditions and even luck. Even if I have been exploring this way for a long time, I can’t prepare too many “stand-ins” for myself. “

Danath’s very sincere words are mixed with another meaning that even Skien can easily detect.

“Can’t you prepare too much…?”

In other words, prepare a few, is there a way?

This Danath…

“Who are you anyway?”

Lucy made this question in place of Skien.

Obviously, Lucy is also aware of Danath’s extraordinary.

Even though Danath oneself’s aura is very weak, it does not give people a strong sense of threat, like a noble child harmless to humans and animals, his words and deeds and the one who is firmly by his side by one aura The amazing Demon Warrior is telling others how difficult he is.

“Speaking of which, it seems that I have never reported my true origin.” Danath suddenly said: “In that case, please allow me to introduce myself again.”

With that said, Danath looked straight at Skien and smiled suddenly.

“I am Danath, belonging to Old Demon Race of Old Demon Race Faction [Primordial Devil].”

“Some people call me the ambassador of [Star].”

“Some people call me Young Master.”

“Because, my father is the founder and leader of [Primordial Devil].”

When this word came from Danath, whether it was Skien, Lucy or Lilith, the complexion changed.

“The Ambassador…”

Skien in the eyes bright light.

“The son of the leader of Old Demon Race Faction [Primordial Devil]…!?”

Lucy was even more shocked.

Until this moment, they didn’t know how big this gentle and elegant Demon Race man appeared in front of them.

Not only is there only three of the [Primordial Devil], but one of the ambassadors whose status is only under the leader, or the son of the leader?

What does this show?

Explains that the seemingly weak Demon Race man in front of him is actually an influential figure in the true sense of [Primordial Devil]!

Skien stared at Danath closely, the body burst into shocking Magic Power.

Lucy also reacted, and body aura also skyrocketed.

There is no doubt that the person in front of you is a pivotal existence in [Primordial Devil].

As a member of the most mysterious, oldest and most powerful Old Demon Race Faction, and has a high status in it, such a character appears in front of him, and Skien and Lucy have no response. That is a strange thing.

Their ideas are surprisingly consistent.

That is, get this person up.

“Should I thank you for running out by yourself? Your Ambassador?”

Skien couldn’t help taking a step forward.

Danath took a step back, as if he was afraid, but still carried a calm smile on his face.

“It seems that you are very hostile to me, Hero-sama.”

Danath seems a little troubled.

“What did you say?” Skien step by step walked in the direction where Danath was. As he walked, he said: “I don’t want to think about how much trouble you [Primordial Devil] has given me, and then you have to me How many hands have you made?”

“So, does Qing want to vent my anger?” Danath laughed and said, “As expected, he is regarded as the most special Hero in history. The previous Hero was not as impulsive and domineering as you.”

“That’s really sorry.” Skien smiled and said: “I that’s it.”

At the same time that this sentence was said, Skien’s form suddenly flashed and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Danath.

“Come over here obediently!”

Skien finally stopped suppressing his offensive, moved towards Danath’s direction and stretched out his hand, trying to catch him.

Unfortunately, Danath seems to be prepared.

“Shuā! “

Without any warning, a Demon Warrior who had always supported Danath took Danath and disappeared.

“bang! ”“bang!” “bang! ”…

The other three Demon Warriors stayed where they were, and in the split second that Skien started, the terrifying aura burst out all over the body.

The majestic aura not only shook the atmosphere, but also made the ground tremble slightly.

“Extreme level!? And all of them!?”

Lucy saw this scene and was shocked.

Known as the extreme level expert that is rarer than Transcendent Level, here, it is one after another.

The Demon Warrior who supported Danath were all extreme levels.

It was too late and it was fast, but the one by one Demon Warrior turned to Skien in an instant, releasing berserk’s lightning.

The Magic of Lightning System, in the hands of these three extreme Demon Warriors, showed an extremely amazing formidable power.


In the corner of the ruins raze to the ground by the meteor shower, the rumbling sound spreads abruptly.

Berserk’s lightning resembled a thunder pool that suddenly exploded, turning the surrounding area into a thunder field, violently moving.

Some of them fluttered on the ground like snakes, and some bombarded them like falling lightning, causing the arcs to flash crazy in the air, causing great damage.

Such an amazing destructive power is already inferior to the top tier Lightning System Magic personally performed by the Legendary Great Magician.

Skien’s figure sprang out of the lightning of berserk and dashed all the way into the air.

“Good fellow, compared to the previous time, it is simply the power difference between Heaven and Earth.”

Skien was also a little surprised when he looked at the clothes that were scorched.

He remembered that these Demon Warriors were just a group of Magic Life with a level of less than ninety. Although they had a rather tricky skill like [Symbiosis], Skien, who was not at a high level at the time, found it a bit difficult. But in the eyes of Skien today, the Demon Warrior back then was something that could be destroyed at will.

Now, these Demon Warriors have been transformed into extreme Magic Life. How can this not make Skien feel astonished?

Just when Skien was shocked, Danath’s laughter hit his ears again.

“It seems that the performance of my Demon Warrior is tentatively qualified. It was not in vain that I spent so much effort to use the few rare extreme-level Devil Larva that father had so hard to cultivate as the material and refine them into theirs. within the body .”

With the spread of such words, one after another amazing Magic Power skyrocketed from the thunder field of Berserk below.

“Let them play with you for a while.”

When the words fell, Danath’s aura disappeared.

Instead, four extreme Demon Warriors rushed out of the minefield simultaneously, swept into the air, hovered all around Skien, and surrounded Skien.

In the next second, four Demon Warriors simultaneously set off a wave of Magic Power, extending the hand.

The black curse thunder was glittering in their hands, and one after another burst out, blasting towards Skien.

That is not Magic of Lightning System, but Magic of darkness system.

The four Demon Warriors have learned [Magic • Fire], [Magic • Lightning], [Magic • Darkness], and [Magic • Binding]. Sharing life and ability, even Teleportation to the rest of the Demon Warrior.

Just now, Danath was carried by a Demon Warrior, and Teleportation left.

The Magic Skills of Demon Warriors are also shared, and even their lives are shared. Not only can they use each other’s Magic, but if they can’t be killed at the same time, they can be resurrected on the spot.

Skien was besieged by four Demon Warriors, and was hit by a cursed black lightning.

“bang! “

In midair of the ruins, a grand explosion reappeared, making the dark arc glittering in midair.


“[Bestow • Scattering].”

In the center of the pitch black arc, a chant is resounded.

“weng! “

The wave of Magic Power trembled, and the dark arc was wiped out one after another, turned into the residue of Magic Power, and dissipated.

Skien appeared unscathed in the center of the explosion.

“Do you think I’m the same me before?”

Skien raised his eyes, gaze as if a torch.

“[Bestow • Binding].”

Skien used the commonly used Binding Magic, so that the four Demon Warriors who had just raised their hands and were preparing to launch a new round of offensive were all frozen in the atmosphere, unable to move even a little bit.

shortly afterwards…

“——With vast Magic Power, drawing the starts beyond the sky ——”

Skien chanted Magic Spell.

“——The luxuriant mansions are embellished with a lot of flames——”

“——Listen to the dispatch of those who dominate the night sky, and show the mysterious and trajectory of the gods at this moment——”

“——That is light——”

“——That is the powerful strength of the heavens ——”

“——Therefore, Sparkle, O stars ——”

“——Therefore, Come down, Light ——”

Skien without the slightest hesitation used the most Advanced Celestial Body Magic, turning the vast Magic Power emerging around the body into bursts of starlight.

“[Starry Arrays].”

In the shining starlight, the one by one celestial body takes shape.

They hovered around each other, bringing up the incomparably beautiful Star River, which could not help expanding around Skien’s body.

Star River turned into a light strip, and the light strip turned into a vortex, like a ring of stars rotating at a high speed, cutting the air while shaking.

The restrained Bestowal Magic was imprisoned in place, and the four extreme Demon Warriors that were completely unable to move even a little bit were hit by the swirling star’s swirling light.

“Puchi!” “Puchi!” “Puchi!”…

At the next moment, as if torn by an amazing power, the four Demon Warriors were crushed, torn, and cut into countless pieces one after another in a burst of flesh and blood.

The blood appeared in midair like fireworks, it looked so bloody and so pleasing to the eye.

The four Demon Warriors of extreme level can be half-footed into the hands of Skien of Transcendent Level under normal conditions, being torn apart like fragile dolls.

No one is spared.

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