
You can search “Demon King Doesn’t Have to be Overthrown 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


Seeing Demon King turned to the Hero girl, Skien finally couldn’t sit down calmly and couldn’t help taking a step.

Skien did the same thing in his dream.

But that time, Skien was based on the faintly discernable idea, knowing that things would get bad, so he couldn’t help taking that step, subconsciously trying to stop the Demon King girl from acting.

But this time it was different.

This time, Skien knew very clearly who was the Hero girl who was being watched by the Demon King.

Not solely is the first generation of Hero, not solely is a friend valued by Goddess and Demon King, and it is a very important existence to him.

The girl’s immature face and appearance coincided with the young woman in Skien’s mind, so he had to step out of this step and had to shout this.

What a pity…

“This is the reproduced past, and it is also a vital past that cannot be separated from the Demon King. We are the only bystanders of this era, who are the passers-by here, and cannot change this past.”

Goddess, holding the spear of the Lord God, said indifferently from the side.

In this situation, the dark and indifferent Demon King of the complexion hit the Hero girl with an ordinary and extremely terrifying punch.

That punch was obviously terrifying, enough to fly Almighty Goddess to the end of the world, but for some reason, it was so slow.

Unfortunately, Hero’s girl didn’t realize this.

Maybe the power carried on that strike was too terrifying, which completely aroused the fear in the girl’s heart. The girl of Hero finally uttered a silent to shout and stabbed the Holy Sword in her hand.


Holy Sword runs through the heart of Demon King.

Holy Sword went deep into Demon King’s chest.

Demon King’s seemingly ordinary, but indeed ordinary punch, was so stuck in midair.

On his face, the indifferent and beautiful charming face finally showed a trace of relief.

The hero girl stared blankly at this scene, blankly looking at the Holy Sword deep into the heart of her friend that she was holding tightly in her hand, completely plunged into sluggishness.

Time seems to have stopped in this brief moment.

At this moment, an accident happened.

“bang! “

I saw that the Demon King whose heart was penetrated by the Holy Sword had extremely terrifying power erupted all over his body.

That power, an instant breakthrough in the sky.

That power shattered the earth in a flash.

In front of this power, the endless sea of ​​flowers finally could no longer hold the appearance and completely collapsed.

“This…what’s going on!?”

Skien cried out in astonishment.

Goddess responded to his consternation.

“This is the biggest accident of this life that made me and her both moved and remembered hard.”

Goddess seemed to suppress his emotions, and finally his tone was no longer calm and indifferent.

“Hero’s Holy Sword is indeed Demon King’s natural enemy, but the Hero who was summoned to this World, before the limit of breakthrough life and the achievement of transcend, Holy Sword hasn’t exerted its true power at all, showing true Looks like.”

Such a Holy Sword, even if it is powerful, can threaten the Devil of Transcendent Level, but it is definitely not enough to threaten the Demon King.

The Holy Sword, who can kill the Demon King and defeat the Demon King, should be the Holy Sword that is free from all constraints and shows the true appearance of the transformation, rather than the Holy Sword that has not grown to the limit, the breakthrough limit.

“Such a Holy Sword can only show half-hearted power. It can hurt the Demon King, but there is absolutely no way to kill the Demon King.”

“On the contrary, Holy Sword’s sacred power is indeed the power that restrains all evil and restrains the power of the Demon King.”

“At that time, the Demon King had just started the Initial Mastery with his own power, so that he could barely enter this World without destroying this World.”

In the past, Demon King who had not grown up and controlled her power, the little girl holding the red Baoyu, was forced to destroy the world created by Goddess because of the loss of power again and again.

Thanks to this, Goddess will be extremely hostile to her.

Until this World named Omni Pertensen was created, the Demon King, who grew up from a young girl to a young girl, barely controlled his power and could enter this World safely.

“This kind of power was suddenly stimulated by the sacred power that was enough to restrain oneself, but was only half-hearted. Naturally, there was only one end.”

That is out of control.

Natura told Skien that the first generation of Hero had not yet grown up and challenged the Demon King before he was killed by the Demon King and died extremely miserably.

Now, this ending, in front of Skien, has been reproduced.

“Eh …Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah Aaah ——!!!”

Unable to restrain his power, the Demon King was out of control, groaning in the center of the broken world.

The Hero girl who stood closest to the Demon King and held the Holy Sword in her hand naturally suffered the most.

without any surprise.

There is no suspense.

In front of the terrifying power that could destroy the world, Hero’s girl was crushed by berserk.

It looks like a thin piece of paper, but also like a tiny ant, being torn, crushed, and crushed directly.

That is just a matter of split second.

It’s just the effort of split second. The young girl in the flower season exploded into blood in front of the friend whose heart was penetrated by her.


Skien clenched his fists hard.


Goddess watched this scene quietly, as if watching his sins.

The first generation of Hero, Nien, died tragically on the spot.

As for the Demon King, it also disappeared.

Perhaps, that was her last reason.

Continue to stay in this World, its body’s out-of-control power will definitely destroy everything in this World.

So, she disappeared in this World with full of grief and tears on her face.

Only Hero’s Holy Sword was left, stuck in the broken ground, bathed in a pool of blood, looking holy, dazzling, but sad and miserable.

Not long after, Goddess appeared here like a flash.

Looking at the blood on the ground and the Holy Sword stabbing on the ground, Goddess fell to his knees.

She cried.

Like a cuckoo cuckooing blood, Goddess wailed in grief and finally settled down, and this World, which was almost destroyed, rained heavily.

The heavy rain washed away everything on the ground, like a great flood in the myth, washing away all evil and all darkness for the earth.

But it can’t wash away Goddess’s grief, it can’t wash away her despair.

Skien and Goddess watched this scene and were silent.

The heavy rain in the sky, not a drop of rain fell on their bodies.


“The turning point is here.”

Goddess suddenly spoke, making Skien refreshed, raising the head.

Then, Skien saw that in front of the crying Goddess, the girl with black hair and red eyes quietly returned.

Well, naturally it is Demon King.

“I don’t know how much time it took, but at this time she was completely in control of her power, letting all the power out of control be controlled by herself.”

Goddess explained indifferently.

The Demon King who had completely grasped the runaway power, once again returned from in the sky and returned to this world.

And, toward the desperate Goddess, spit out his wish.

“Let’s revive her.”

This is the only thing the Demon King wants to do and must do at this moment.

Fully resurrect the dead, this is something that even Supreme God can’t do.

No, Supreme God can’t do such a thing.

As Almighty Goddess, Supreme God wants to bring a person back to life. It couldn’t be easier.

However, she cannot resurrect the people killed by the Demon King.

For the person killed by the Demon King, for the Supreme God, whose power is completely incapable of being restrained by the Demon King, it is impossible to resurrect the life that has disappeared in the true sense by the equivalent to it.

As it should be by rights, Demon King cannot bring the dead back to life.

Although she is powerful, she is not almighty like Goddess. She is good at miraculous. Killing a person is as simple as eating and drinking water for her, but she wants to save a person, which is another matter.

It is because of this realization and knowing that Hero, as a friend, can no longer come back, Goddess will be so sad and desperate.

But Demon King is desperate instead.

“I once left some power in the child’s body. Those power should protect her soul in the end. Her existence itself kept her from being completely destroyed by my power.”

Demon King pointed to the Holy Sword standing between himself and Goddess and still blooming rays of light, and said this.

“Holy Sword still exists, not broken, this is the evidence.”

If Hero is dead, then Holy Sword will be broken and disappear into this world.

Holy Sword since it hasn’t broken or disappeared, it proves that everything is still possible.

The only problem is that Goddess’s power cannot be applied to the Hero girl who was killed by the Demon King, and the Demon King himself has no ability to resurrect others.

In view of this, Demon King said.

“Hero, Demon King also Goddess, these three are the most supreme concept. They overcome each other, but also grow with each other.”

“If you and I inject half of our power into the Holy Sword, and let the power of the three supreme concepts of “Hero”, “Demon King” and “Goddess” form a cycle, it may evoke the greatest Miracle, let the child who has placed the power of these three supreme truths resurrected. “

“You, would you like it?”

This is Demon King’s proposal and the only salvation he can make, the last straw that he can grasp.

She did not collapse, did not let the out of control power destroy everything in nothingness, but desperately controlled and grasped it, maybe, just for this moment.

So Goddess stopped crying.

If losing half of the power can save the child, then why is she unwilling?

In this way, Goddess and Demon King separately stove up, just to save their only best friend in their lives.

They stood on both sides of the Holy Sword, and summoned their gems, so that the brilliance of red and blue seemed to occupy both sides of the entire world. With Holy Sword as the middle boundary, the world was divided into two halves. .

shortly afterwards, they all injected half of their power into the Holy Sword.

On the Holy Sword, the original dazzling golden rays of light gradually showed another color — red and blue.

Gold, red and blue.

The brilliance of the three colors merged together, blooming from the Holy Sword.

The three-color light is so familiar to Skien.

That is clearly the three-color light appearing in his within the body.

Three supreme concepts.

The power of the Great Accomplishment of the Universal Truth.

Hero, Demon King, Goddess.

This is the truth of the three-color light, the supreme and mighty power that combines the power of “Hero”, “Demon King” and “Goddess”.

The fusion of the three supreme powers is indeed as Demon King said, and finally formed a cycle, forming a closed loop of mutual restraint and mutual growth, radiating the greatest miracle.

Even the endless, bloody water on the ground that was not washed away by the heavy rain that was enough to wash away the whole world, gathered on the Holy Sword under the gaze of Goddess and Demon King.

Slowly, using Holy Sword as the medium, just as Holy Sword itself transformed into a human form, the girl of Hero was finally resurrected.

Goddess and Demon King both saw this scene and cried with joy at the same time.


“They only made up for their sins, but did not get salvation.”

Goddess coldly spoke standing on Skien’s side.

“Goddess and Demon King who did not notice the fear in the child’s heart, did not know her resistance to fighting and fighting, and ignored her desire to return to her hometown, were destined to get retribution.”

That retribution is to completely lose the heart of a friend.

Skien clearly saw that the resurrected Hero girl, when Goddess and Demon King approached, she backed away in fear while she couldn’t bear it anymore, holding head and hysterical to shout.

“Don’t come over! Don’t come over!”

“I don’t want to see you! I don’t want to fight anymore!”

“I hate you!”

“I want to go home! I want to go home! Let me go home!”

Until now, the Hero girl barely maintained her strength and cheerfulness, and in this brief moment, she completely crushed.

At this time, what Skien remembered was the record left by Hero he saw in the ruins.

“‘I…I’m an ordinary person. A child born in an ordinary family, neither a Hero nor an incarnation of justice, is suddenly called into such a world, and the defendant must be beautiful in his hands. The ugly sword to kill people, how can I do it?”

“『I want to go home, I want to meet my parents, I want to eat snacks, I want to watch TV, I want to play with my friends, even if I go to a hateful class, it’s better than staying here with nothing In this world, I’m afraid every day, I don’t know when I have to kill people.””

“”I don’t like this World either, even if it is the world created by Omnis, it is the world Cladriss has been seeking. After all, it does not belong to me.”

“‘I want to go back.'”

“‘I want to go back!'”

“‘Really…I’m fed up with this situation!'”

This is actually the wish in girl’s heart.

And the battle at this time, the accident at this time, completely broke out the fear and fear in Hero girl’s heart.

Her hysterical to shout appearance has also become the eternal pain in the hearts of Goddess and Demon King.

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