
You can search “Demon King Doesn’t Have to be Overthrown 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At the same time, in the temple of Land of Sealing on the edge of Divine Realm, an unknown dialogue was also going on.

“You mean woman! Shameless!”

“Accounting for me? Still occupying my temple to talk to my Hero?”

“The man who is greedy for me also has no problem, he is still greedy for my property, you are mean!”


Fettered in place by invisible power, Nien, who was basically unable to move even a little bit, breathed out fragrant, foul-mouthed, completely disregarding the holiness and transcendence of being a Goddess, so he didn’t directly point to him. Cursed at the nose of the person in front of him.

Goddess, who looks exactly the same as Nien, ignores his avatar’s open mouth, only has been watching her quietly, as if waiting for her vent to end.

But precisely because Goddess’s attitude made Nien even more angry.

What to wear?

What to pretend!

Do you want to use my benefactor to show your nobility?

If it weren’t for Nien’s consciousness as a female, she would have been swearing now.

We are also people who have read the books that Hero has read in their minds. If we really curse people, believing or not you, the Supreme God, can be scolded to the point of our mentality burst?

Do you really think we dare not scold?

We only save you a little face!

Under Nien’s furious and hateful glare, Goddess standing in front of him finally had a little reaction.

“Did you calm down?” Goddess lightly said: “If you calm down, then use your power to start peeking into the lower realm.”

“Huh?” Nien couldn’t help but startled, but on the surface it was coldly snorted, and said: “If you want to peek into the lower realm, won’t you do it yourself?”

Who is this Goddess in front of you?

Supreme God, the god of almighty, the god of omniscience, the Goddess of origin that no one can match.

She wants to peek into the lower realm, she doesn’t need to do anything at all, just cast her sight directly, she can immediately penetrate the bounds of endless space and even time, and see every corner of the world, right?

If Natura wants to do this, she has to be natural, and she can only peer into a world.

The Goddess in front of me doesn’t need it.

Whether it is Divine Realm, Human World or Demon World, she can see any place with her own eyes as long as she wants.

In this world, the only place where her “eyes” can’t see is the place where Demon King left his power before his death, right?

In this way, why bother to borrow your own power?

Could it be another conspiracy?

Nien developed such vigilance.

Goddess didn’t know if he didn’t find this vigilance, or he found feigning ignorance.

I saw her complexion calm and said something.

The “future” that “my “eyes” can see is only up to today. “

As soon as these words came out, Nien was startled again.

But this time, Nien understood.

“So that’s how it is, will the power of my Hero within the body really awaken?”

Nien’s eyes gradually lit up.

Standing in front of him, Goddess casually dropped a sentence that made her almost rampage.

“It’s my Hero.”

Goddess emphasized calmly.

“Your Hero has returned to his hometown long ago!”

Nien was so angry that his nose was crooked.

But this remark undoubtedly made the calm and indifferent Goddess feel unpleasant. He glanced at Nien coldly, making Nien froze.

Goddess then continued to speak.

“He is about to achieve transcend, and the long-suppressed [Supreme Authority] will also be fully awakened. Therefore, the future that my “eyes” can see is only up to this day, and there will be no way to use my ” “Eyes” directly saw what happened to him. “

After all, [Supreme Authority] contains the power of three supreme concepts, not only Hero and Goddess’s power, but also Demon King’s power.

Such power is awakened, and Goddess’s omniscience almighty power, which cannot be effective on Demon King’s power, naturally can no longer work.

“Everything that happened from now on will become unknown to me.”

Goddess cast his gaze on Nien’s body and said so.

“Next, you can only use your power to observe the development of the lower realm.”

Until now, only Nien’s power can still play a role for Skien.

She is the technique itself of [Hero Summoning], and it is also the domain of control summon. Witnesses, contractors, and facilitators of Skien summon in this World are connected with being Hero and at first. Skien has a great connection.

This relationship is based on each other’s way of existence.

So, even if Skien is about to awaken Demon King’s power, Nien can connect to Skien’s side through the connection between him and Skien, and see what happened to him.

This time, Goddess is here to borrow Nien’s “eyes”.

In order not to intervene in the disputes of the lower realms, and not to interfere with the next development and choice, this is the most appropriate method Goddess can think of.

Knowing this, Nien was suddenly stunned and proud again.

So…you have a day to beg me!


Right now, Nien wanted to reject righteous words.

She just wants to make this Goddess depressed, just wants this Goddess to surrender and let her know that not everything is under her control.

The most important thing is that this is her only time to take the initiative from the opponent’s body and let the opponent bow their heads!

She, Nien, must stand up!

However, when Nien was about to retaliate back, Goddess in front of him threw a sentence.

“Although I can’t interfere with the child who is about to awaken, it is easy to interfere with you.”

Such a sentence caused Nien to choke on the refusal words in his throat and almost didn’t send her away.

Goddess’s implication is obvious.

“If you don’t let me watch, then I won’t let you watch, everyone don’t watch, just be blind and let Skien fly by himself.”

Understand this, Nien’s anger is called the birth of one Buddha and two Buddhas ascending to heaven.

“You threatened me again!” Nien yelled, and said loudly: “You know how to find superiority with me! Do you think you can be so arrogant if you are my main body!?”

Goddess only gave a glance at Nien’s words.

The look in his eyes clearly replied to Nien.


I ■ (Beep) ■ (Beep) ■ (Beep) ■ (Beep) ■ (Beep)…!

Just when Nien was about to explode and breathe in the real sense of fragrance, Goddess finally said something.

“You could it be that you don’t want to know the truth about the summon Hero of the past?”

Goddess’s words made Nien froze again on the spot.

This is precisely what Nien cared about most during this period of time.

In the past, Nien always thought that the Goddess in front of him created himself, and threw himself aside. Every time he could summon Hero, he used power to force her to operate the summon mechanism. Ignore her and use her as a complete item.

Until the Goddess in front of him woke up, from his fancy, Nien knew that from start to finish, the person who used it to summon Hero and regarded it as an item was not her.

This Goddess only summon once Hero.

That is the original Hero, who has the same name as Nien, and the original Holy Sword Hero who inherited the three supreme powers to Skien.

After that, Goddess Omnis, the great being, no longer summoned Hero, and never initiated the [Hero Summoning] technique.

She didn’t even know that [Hero Summoning] had absorbed her past despair and grief and turned into an incarnation of her, so after the war, she would directly abandon and seal [Hero Summoning].

Until this time when he woke up, the Goddess in front of him discovered the existence of Nien, understood himself there is still one incarnation.

At first, Nien naturally didn’t want to believe this.

But she knew that Goddess would not lie, or that there was no need to lie at all.

This Goddess has never even had the disdain to lie. Until now, there is always a saying, what to say, maybe it will conceal everything that should not be revealed, but will not deliberately lie.

That being the case, everything the other party said is highly credible.

Nien also desperately thought about it, if it weren’t for this Goddess, then who was actually manipulating himself secretly, manipulating the greatest miracle of [Hero Summoning] since ancient times?

The existence of the great secret ritual of [Hero Summoning], in this world, can be manipulated by Omnis without being discovered by Omnis, in this world?

This is undoubtedly a matter of careful thoughts, extreme fear.

At least, there is only one person Nien can think of.

But why does this person do this?

This is Nien’s only question.

No, it can’t be said to be a question.

Nien is also a person who knows the grievances between the first generation Hero and Siwon. Naturally, he can make some guesses based on what he knows.

Therefore, Nien can more or less guess why the other party did such a thing.

But she still didn’t want to believe it.

Or maybe I can’t believe it.

There is no other reason, only because in this way, that person is too sad.

Goddess, standing in front of Nien, looked at the gloomy and uncertain Nien, and said quietly.

“Next is the turning point of fate.”

“What choice he will make will directly affect this World and even our future.”

“We cannot intervene in his choice, interfere with his choice.”

“The only thing we can do is to watch quietly here and watch what happens next.”

Goddess’s words, sentence after sentence passed into Nien’s ear.


Nien fell silent.

Goddess waved his hand and directly released Nien’s bondage.

Nien realized that his limbs could move, and glanced at the Supreme Goddess that looked exactly like him, as if carved out of a mold, and finally, coldly snorted.

“Explain in advance, I compromised this time, it doesn’t mean that I will compromise next time.” Nien strongly said: “In any case, I will not give you my Hero.”

“It’s okay.” Goddess calmly and composedly said: “You can’t grab me anyway.”

“You…” Nien almost exploded again.

“Okay, let’s start.” Goddess restrained her with one sentence.

Nien was extremely dissatisfied and coldly snorted, and opened the light curtain in front of him.

The scene of Human World appears here.

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