The Devil is Evolution Catalog


I won’t go into the details here, but suffice to say, it was an arduous journey… from me hatching from an egg into a foreign environment, to me recruiting a bunch of subordinates, all the way up to the portal to Purgatory. And not just any old section of Purgatory either, this was a section sealed up by Lucifer himself… Really, does anyone have a tougher life than me?

Thinking back on it however, I was able to scrounge up a whole bunch of benefits because of that. Chief amongst them had to be the identity granted to me by Lucifer. Because of that, I was able to run amok in Purgatory, all the while protected by Lucifer’s words. The strongest opponents I could possibly have were all Overlords, and they didn’t dare lift a finger against me.

Hmm… actually, my luck is pretty good isn’t it… now, if only I can turn back into a male…

“No wonder your holiness required an Overlord’s level of offerings in order to summon, and not just an ordinary Overlord at that. That explains it…” Paliseth exclaimed, having solved one of mysteries surrounding me at last.

Initially, her idea was to offer me up to the not-yet-my-godmother godmother because I was supposedly a successor of the Devil King of Pride. Bluntly speaking, this Devil King was merely a demigod, not at all comparable to an entity like Lolthe.

Basically, it was a ‘not like you can do anything about it’ kind of attitude that drove her to make this decision. After all, the stronger the entity was trying to cross dimensions, the harder it was for that entity to succeed.

Naturally, while I spent relatively more time recounting my Devil experiences than I did with my human experiences, it was still a summarized version, one which took a few minutes to fully tell.

My voice might have been calm while I was recounting these events, but those memories were more than just events in a history book. They were actual experiences, and not easy ones as well. Many things could have gone wrong like, what if Yi Yi didn’t help me reincarnate? What if I wasn’t able to reincarnate anymore? Or what if I reincarnated into a non-humanoid, like a beast or maybe even an insect.

Makes my head hurt just thinking about it… blast, I’ve gone off tangent again.

“Master? Are you alright?” Seeing my brows knit together in frustration, Jezsere anxiously leaned in on me. “Master… it’s alright now… everything is over…”

By the time I came back to my senses, I found myself in the embrace of Jezsere, an ironic reversal to be sure. It had always been me comforting this timid little girl, yet now it was her comforting me instead. That same fragrance wafted into my nose and those same perky hills pressed into my arms like before… is this the legendary secret x-rated scene I’ve long heard about… sheet…

What is she up to now? That searching look is now a thoughtful look… she’s definitely up to something!

It was at that point that the match below ended. The Dwarf had won. His defeated opponent was currently lying on her side on the floor, gazing at him while she slowly lifted up her slender legs. Her shapely legs were in full view right now, and one could even see that black lace-like material she wore on her thighs. Next, she used her right hand to prop her chest up, just enough that the Dwarf could see her bountiful chest and curvy waist. Her left hand then caressed her lower abdominal region, barely an inch away from her groin.

Yet that wasn’t the end of it either, her lips formed into a seductive smile that threatened to suck the soul of anyone who stared at them for too long. In the first place, this Dark Elven assassin was definitely above average in the looks department. With her obvious efforts at seduction, her natural beauty was even more pronounced.

Honestly speaking, any man would have been moved by this scene. Of course, this did not include me, because Jezsere was way more beautiful than some assassin. My timid little bunny is perfect in every way except for her timidness and clinginess. Not at all like that used good down there.

Going back to the colosseum, these matches were actually just a way for Dark Elven females to cherry pick the best DNA for their child. After the match, the rare breeding stock that were these gladiators would bring the defeated Dark Elven female to the inner chambers of the colosseum where they performed some sausage polishing… as for the details… there was a sausage and a bun, nothing else needed to be said.

Naturally, there was no denying that there were also those weird ones who wanted to do it right there and then in front of the audience… Either way, the Dark Elf had to obey the victor.

At least, that was how this whole scene was supposed to have proceeded. The long-awaited catharsis never happened. The Dwarf never even spared his defeated opponent a single look, instead throwing down these words before leaving, “you’re too skinny.”

You’re too skinny… too skinny… skinny…

What the fish?! What do you mean she’s too skinny? Look at her! She even fainted because of your harsh words. I swear… this place is just full of uncivilized barbarians who do not understand the sacred waifu. Just imagine for a second, what if all the Dark Elven females were all like your Dwarven females… oh jebus… urrrggh… better destroy this world just to be safe!

No, that Dwarf is just being prudent. He knew that his ugly mug wasn’t worthy of that Dark Elf. That’s right, that’s why he left like that… It’s just a pity that the lady had to suffer because of that…

The moment that Dwarf walked off, the audience stands erupted in thunderous booing. There were even some who questioned if her sausage polisher was even functioning. Then there was talk if this sausage was actually a bun, not a sausage at all! All manner of slander was tossed about to explain this strange sight, and it was mostly the females who were slandering too. The scene was even worse than a fish market right now.

As for me, I was devastated by this whole turn of events. Yes, I did not hope to see a beautiful girl like that assassin die if possible, but the same could be said for an innocent like that Dwarf as well. But the fact was that I needed souls. Also, where is my promised soul?

At this rate, when will I even get my healthy body back? My face progressively became blacker at that point.

“Your holiness, do not mind that Dwarf, their race has a different sense of beauty from ours.” Paliseth shook her head lightly and smiled. “Paliseth knows that your holiness wishes to relax so she had someone prepare for a more exciting match later. I’m sure your holiness will be surprised as well.”

“Surprised?” I turned to find a confident Paliseth smiling back at me. “What kind of ‘surprised’ are we talking about here?”

“Your holiness will see soon enough.” Having said that, Paliseth turned her attention back to the colosseum.

Well, since you put it that way, I guess I will just have to see then.

The crestfallen assassin had already left the ring and the new challengers had been chosen. Not too long after, a man and woman walked out from opposing sides of the colosseum.

Because we were seated at the highest point in the colosseum, and also because of my heightened Devil senses, I was able to clearly see what was going on down there as if I was actually there. I was even able to see the slight change in both the challengers’ faces.

The two challengers had fully stepped into the ring at this point. The man was a tall, lanky and handsome Dark Elf. The woman was a human warrior wielding a sword and shield and was roughly twenty-seven years old.

The man wore a set of leather armor that allowed for easy movement. The leather armor itself was adorned with intricate weavings that were only matched by the pair of engraved longswords he wielded. Longsword held in a reverse grip in one hand, the Dark Elf arrogantly turned his nose up at the female and even snorted.

Oh boy, there’s your typical arrogant rich kid attitude.

The woman looked decently pretty had it not been for that awful hemp clothes she had on now. Her golden flowing hair reached up to her shoulders. Her peach-shaped face and high-nose matched well with her golden eyes to give her an almost heroic look. Somehow… she seemed even more arrogant than that rich Dark Elf over there. Of course, that could just be her trying to protect the last shreds of her dignity. Or she could have just been born with that kind of face…

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