The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 18 - Trying to make him understand

Mo Shira: okay fine I want to know what is wrong with me, why is it that anytime I hurt her it also feels as if I'm hurting my self, why is it that each time I see her with other men I Become angry,

I know that this might sound foolish to you but, I know I want her to quit from my company, but I also want to be seeing her around I don't get what is wrong with me, please tell me, this is the first time I'm feeling like this in my entire life.

Clinton started laughing at him with the way he was speaking like someone has actually done something to him.

Mo Shira: stop laughing and tell me already.

Clinton: Mo Shira you've lost

Mo Shira: what do you mean I have lost,

Clinton: you lost the bet man,

Mo Shira: what bet? I don't remember betting anything with you.

Clinton: okay I will remind you, do you remember the period when Sony and Mengqi were fight because of you, they both wanted you for themselves,

but whenever you see them you will just walk pass them like you didn't see anyone,

but each time they came to your house you always sleep with them,

Mo Shira: I know, you normally used to tell me that I treat the both of them like strangers but I always make out with them in public, but what bet are you talking about.??

Clinton: "ha ha" Mo Shira you still don't remember, I told you time will come when you will want to do everything for a particular girl, that time will come when you will want to fight any man because of a particular girl, but what did you tell me, you said that day in a cold voice; girls are nothing but items that can make you feel relax after a long day, you said you will only be with a girl just for s.e.x and nothing more,

And then I made a bet with you that if you loose you will buy me anything I ask for, and if I loose then I'm not a good psychologist.

Mo Shira: what are you trying to say Clinton, I'm I in love with Yue Ling, you don't mean it do you??

Clinton: I'm 100% sure you are in love?

Clinton: (see Mo Shira, that day at the airport, if it were to be the old Mo Shira, he would have laughed about it and forgot it, but you didn't , you took it as embarrassment, and wanted to punish her for it, meaning you sure wanted to see her again. and you even wanted to go live at mountains lake so that you will be able to see her all the time.

The other day at the office was due to the fact that you didn't know how to control yourself that's why you wanted to throw her out.

and for those other office punishment, you thought you were punishing her, but you only wanted her to be by your side, and that's why you always stay with her using monitoring as an excuse.

I have also confirmed that you can't stay without her, that's why the day she didn't come to the office, you went to her place personally, when you could have sent someone else, you only wanted to make sure she doesn't have any excuse of not coming.)

Mo Shira: all these things you are saying I admit that they are true but it can't be love, I don't think I can fall in love I don't think so,

Clinton: (see Mo Shira you are a very good friend of mine and I can't lie to you,

see the Mo Shira I know never take anybody's words seriously, even when your mom cried her eyes out and even ended up in the hospital, just so you get married, but you still didn't,

but just these harsh words Yue Ling said to you, you felt a pain in your c.h.e.s.t,

when you see her close to any man, you become jealous and angry, you wanted her to always notice you,

that's why when she and your brother were together in that position in your office, you were angry, and you also don't want him to marry her, because you want her for yourself)

Clinton tried very hard to make him understand, maybe it is because this is his first time of fallen in love, that's why it was so difficult for him to understand.

but after sometime, he became satisfied with all of the explanation.

Mo Shira: so I'm in love, good, I thought I didn't have a heart, but it turn out that I'm like other humans.

but tell me Clinton does it have to be Yue Ling? I mean it is not like we are even close, what about ye lyra?

Clinton: stop asking me all these questions, I will live the rest for you to handle on your own, I will text you what I want from you later, at least I won the bet, good bye.

he then stood up and left.

Mo Shira, didn't know how to react now that he has fallen in love, he just sat there, thinking of what to do.

Mo Shira: I don't know what to do right now, but I know one thing for sure, I won't let my first love live me.


Yue Lings apartment

once Yue Ling was inside her house, she went straight to her room, took out the letter her father gave her, and started rereading it, she couldn't help but cry more, she really does missed them a lot now, after what happened today,

she couldn't help but imagine what would have happened to her, if that stupid Mo Shira didn't show up,

she then went to her luggage, took an A4 plain sheet, wrote her resignation letter, and put it in a white envelope.

she then took off her torn clothes, and threw them into the waste bin basket before, going to her bathroom to bath,

while she was bathing, she could still remember Mr huos hands touching her, she then started washing her body thoroughly as if she wants to remove her skin.

when she was done, she didn't eat, as she was feeling disgusted by everything she lays her hands on before fallen asleep.

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