you know you are a very stupid person Yue Ling, if you like don't behave well today and dress your best, you will only be disgracing yourself after all no matter how beautiful you are you will never be a match to my Rong Rong "

oh mother stop it Yue Rong said before living the room laughing, followed by her mother.

After making sure there was no one around, I reached out for my phone and dialed Jiang yanran's number " yanran and I have been friends since childhood and we know a lot about each other, she always usually came to my house to see me I also do the same, but after the tragic death of my parents my uncle and aunt stopped her from coming to see me, but we usually reach each other through phone" I can't possibly think of anyone else to call as she is my only best and the one I can trust at this crucial moment, I would have loved to also call Qin Yang but I lost his number recently, " Qin Yang is also a very good friend of I and yanran he has always been there for us and has always made sure to protect us , yanran says he's got a crush on me but I never believed it anyway as whenever we all go out together he always seems to get along well with yanran and always stick to her, if he really had a crush on me he should be able to tell me right, not like I will reject him, I also like him a lot, but he is just too dumb" well let's forget about that as of now,

I took out my phone and called yanran telling her about the situation and also how those people wanted to execute their plans today during the party.

Jiang yanran: this people have really crossed their lines this time, I can't even believe, they will want to do this to you, like seriously those people deserve a death sentence"

Yue Ling: listen to me yanran this is not the time for all those talk tell me what should I do now I really want to live this place"

yanran: Ling it seems to me that you've come to your senses, I have been telling you to live that place but no you want to fulfill your fathers wishes of you becoming the next successor of the Yue enterprise

Yue Ling: please stop all this talk and think of a plan of getting me out of here

yanran: have you already pack up your bags ?

Yue Ling: well yes I have done that,

Yue Ling: see I am supposed to escape unnoticed, as I know they will put people on ground to watch my every movement, so how are you gonna do it??

yanran: oh my God Ling I thought you used to be intelligent, did I tell you I will come up on stage and say Ling let's escape stupid girl, well just live that to me I will handle it trust me ,

Yue Ling: hmm right I trust you but please don't make any mistakes okay,

yanran: yes ma, I won't but make sure to dress's well and also wear what they asked you to wear so as not to make them suspicious and also when you get to the party just be yourself and forget about this whole thing okay , bye take care.

Yue Ling: you too bye.

she sat on the floor, while tears starts to flow down her chick, I wonder why my life turns out to be like this, how I wish you both were here to take care of me but no you decided to live me alone in this cruel world, but at the same time it is good, because you made me see through the people I called my own, and what they conspire against me thank you mum and dad, she said in a very low tone, please always be with me, but if you see that there is no way for me please just take me along with you I will be really glad about that, I just pray her plans work, let me go and take my bath first and lie down a little before the party time or should I say escaping time, she stood up wiped her tears and went to the bathroom for a hot bath.

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