The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 32 - Beginning of a new relationship

Yue Ling became really scared, and nervous at the same time, she had many thoughts in mind like; what if it doesn't work again, or what if it remains bent, or what if he wouldn't be able to i.m.p.r.e.g.n.a.t.e any woman again,

her eyes became watery as she felt pity for his rod, she couldn't help but feel bitter for it, as it was her fault for mistaken it for a snake, so she took hold of his rod and started breezing and rubbing it, as if that could make it better

some moments pass by, and Mo Shira's rod was no longer hurting him, but he still pretended to be in a lot of pain just So he could give Yue Ling a hard time. and because he was also really enjoying it.

He was really surprise and although he was also happy, that she was trying to take good care of him, but he was also feeling very jealous as she was giving all her care to his rod and not him...

Mo Shira: it is such a pity that she is caring only for my giant bukosa, hmm but all the same it also belongs to doesn't it?? he asked in his thoughts,

Mo Shira: ahh! it hurts, he spoke in a hoarse voice,

Yue Ling: I'm so sorry Shira my love I didn't mean to do this, are you sure it is still gonna work??

Mo Shira:"..." did you just say my love??

Yue Ling: of course you know I love you too, just answer is it gonna work again?? she said out of worry, without thinking about what she was saying,

( A/N: "of course she is completely in love with him, she doesn't want him to know, due to her reasons that we all know")

Mo Shira: I don't know unless I test it first, he said in a low seductive voice, as he held her hands that were holding his rod tightly, and wink at her,

Yue Ling: "..." oh my you mean you have been fooling me?? like seriously, she said in a mocking tone while she stood up moving towards the bed side,

Mo Shira: ugh... not actually from the beginning it is just that...

he didn't finish what he was saying when she used a pillow to hit him about three times and he was trying to dodge and collect the pillow from her which made her loose her balance and she fell on his b.a.r.e c.h.e.s.t.

time stopped for some moments, making it look like they were the only ones in this world, and everywhere was silent.

Mo Shira: do you really love me too, I mean are you're finally accepting my proposal,

Yue Ling: I don't remember saying such a thing, she said trying to avoid his eyes and getting off him,

Mo Shira: please stay I really like what I'm seeing, he said staring at her plump b.r.e.a.s.t, which were actually staring back at him.

Yue Ling traced his line of sight, and found out that she has been n.a.k.e.d since all this while, our of embarrassment, she quickly ran into the bathroom trying to cover her back side that her small hands couldn't even completely cover.

Once she was inside the bathroom, taking a look at herself in the mirror, she fainted at of shock, due to the fact that her whole body, we're covers with hickeys that looks like bruises, she hasn't seen anything like that before and that was why she fainted.

(A/N: damn this is the second time this girl is fainting out of shock, o don't know why she likes fainting..)

Mo Shira who was still smiling after looking at Yue Ling's embarrassed face, stood up to put on his clothes when he heard a loud bang sound that came from the bathroom, so he rushed there only to see her lying on the floor.

So he picked her up and carried her to the bed, before calling the doctor.


After some time Yue Ling finally woke up, looked around and saw that she was still in Mo Shira's room, but he is not here now.

She sat there biting her lower lips as she really didn't know how to apologize to Mo Shira for her rude behavior and accusations this morning.

After fainting, it felt Like she was dreaming, because she started remembering what happened the previous night, starting from when she was still in Chu Feng's party, what happened when they we're in the car, and when they got home.

She couldn't believe that she actually did those things, Mo Shira really did save her life, and yet she accused him of ****, and even triggered him to the point that he actually really wanted to force himself on her,

And besides, she remembers how he really restrained himself from having S.e.x with her, if it were to be other men they would have taken complete advantage of her without calling the doctor to know what really happened but Mo Shira actually did call for the doctors help and actually saved her life, she should be thanking him instead.

Mo Shira came in with a tray of food, and its aroma filled the entire room, and then Yue Ling's stomach made a weird sound, as she just discovered that she hasn't eaten since morning.

Mo Shira smiled at her and placed the food on the bed

Mo Shira: awake now, how are you feeling my love?

Yue Ling : I'm fine just hungry

Mo Shira : I guessed so.

But just as Yue Ling was about to put food in her mouth, he stopped her abd collected the spoon from her hand

Yue ling looked at him in a confused looked but the next thing he did startled her,

He quickly started feeding her, and she has no choice of my objection but to allow him feed her,

It really gave her a feeling of warmth, apart from Jiang Yanran and Qin yang she hasn't felt like this in a long time, though this feeling is somehow different she really wants it to continue.

This actually threw him off guard, he never thought that she will one day show her feelings this way.

Yue Ling : Shira I'm sorry, I Really shouldn't have accused you wrongly this morning, it is just that I thought you took advantage of me as I couldn't remember anything from Last night, but...

Mo Shira: shhhh you need to sleep

Yue Ling : no I can't have a good sleep without apologizing to you, please forgive me my love I wont doubt you anymore I promise,

Mo Shira twitched his eyebrow, "did she just say my love? "

Mo Shira : look xiao Ling, you know I love you and will always protect you, but please stop apologizing okay, you calling me your love is okay for me,

Yue Ling: oh!, she just realize what she said, and her face became hot while her cheeks we're red ???? as tomatoes as she couldn't hide her blush,

She has decided to face Her feelings for him, she knows he is never gonna let her go, so the best she could do is just let herself loose and try to give in to him, as she knows his feelings towards her are true.

She then smiled at him, and kiss his hand again,

Yue Ling: you know I'm not just saying it she said in a low voice,

Mo Shira was taken aback at her words but he was really happy as this is what he actually wants for her to love him back and live all her problems and trouble to him as he will try his best to help and support her in every way.

But he decided to tease her a little,

Mo Shira:then what do you mean I don't get you, he said while smirking

Yue Ling:hmm I mean... I'm.. Ready to be your girlfriend now,

Mo Shira frown a little looking disappointed, "what do you mean by that, haven't you been my girlfriend since then? He asked

Yue Ling: oh it isn't like that Shira, I mean I am ready to love you and to always make you happy,

Mo Shira: I understand my love, and I am really happy that you've decided to do so, I love you dear, he kissed her forehead and then hug her.

Yue Ling: I love you too, she said in a low voice trying to savor this moment with her lover,

And that is it, a love story has started between this two, but will that love story stay long,

(A/N: please try and continue reading my novel, I know you guys will think I'm not serious with my novel, but you guys know how I was feeling, I was admitted into the hospital, mg phone, laptop and other gadget we're taken away from me by my parents so I will be able to recover quickly.

And I just got my phone, so I will be able to make a few calls but I actually activated my web novel app on it so I'm writing with my phone for the meantime please stay tone and be patient with me thank you ????????

And please don't forget to vote, rate and comment on my novel so I'll know your opinions on my novel,

And I will be really happy if you try to review my book, I really do have a low review,

Thanks once more

From your dearest author ????????????????????????????????????

My next two chapters will be for tomorrow

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