The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 36 - decision making time

Yue Ling got home crying, and thinking about what she just did, how will she be able to face Mo Shira now, she knows he might do something bad to her, but she couldn't bring herself to tell the truth in front of everyone and then break their hearts, and now she has hurt the one she loves, because of her Mo Shira's family quarried him for no reason and Mo Lin also him forcing her back at the office, she couldn't even defend him, what kind of a person is she she thought to herself as she sat down on her bed

Yue Ling: "oh! my gosh what have I done, never imagined I'll ever find myself in this kind of situation, I think I should talk to someone who can advise me on this I'm really failing in my decision making now " she said and I phone screen lit up showing Mo Lin's name;

Yue Ling: hi

Mo Lin: Ling I really want to apologize on behalf of Mo Shira, I know he forced you but you don't have to be scared okay, you have the whole family at your back

Yue Ling: thanks Mo Lin but I'm the one who should be apologizing, I mean I know your brother forced me and I didn't love him then but...

Mo Lin: it's okay Ling, don't worry Mo Shira can't harm you, just tell him who you want and don't be scared okay...

Yue Ling: okay thanks once more Mo Lin I appreciate

Mo Lin: huh! grandpa said to tell you that you should take your time in thinking this matter through and that anytime you are ready to make your decision you can come to the mansion okay bye...

Yue Ling: Mo Lin just made the matter worse, she didn't even let me talk how I'm I going to tell the truth if they don't let me speak... I think I should call Jiang yanran maybe she could advise me better.

Yue Ling: hello yanran how are you?

yanran: I'm fine Ling I should be asking how you are fairing your voice is sounding somehow

Yue Ling: how??

Yue Ling: exactly yanran you understand me so well, well that's the reason I called you, I..............

she narrated everything to Jiang yanran who was really shocked at how dumb her friend is

yanran ohh! Ling how could you do that to your boyfriend, I mean you already knows he has short temper and still you fell in love with him, and so you should always stand by your love dear, don't think about what others think about your relationship just follow your heart my dear friend follow your heart.

Yue Ling: so in your opinion I should go against his mom and grandpa and be with him, I don't get you

yanran: dumb a.s.s, do you love Mo Shira?

Yue Ling: of course I do I already told you,

yanran: and do you love Mo Jihnu?

Yue Ling: no of course not, I only take him as a friend

yanran: then that's it problem solved

yanran: what don't you understand huh!, you don't have to go against anyone, all you have to do is to tell the family you love your boyfriend, just explain everything to them, although they might get angry with you for some time but they will eventually talk to you, they can't stay angry at you for too long you see my point now

Yue Ling: you know they've done a lot for me I don't want them to be angry at me,

yanran: so you wanna share the family into two parts huh? can't you even think Ling, you shouldn't play with people's heart like that you see, I only want the best thing for you as I love you very much

Yue Ling: but...

yanran: no buts I think I have said enough and you can take your decisions on your own okay bye...

Yue Ling: but... hello... hello

that brat actually end the call on me, now what should I do, oh God please help me make the right decision I don't want to hurt anyone what should I do now??

she stood up and started moving forward and backwards in her room thinking about how to handle the situation better but then her thoughts got disturbed by continuous knocking at the door which was not really pleasant to the ear as the knocking isn't stopping.

she quickly ran to the door and observed that it was Mo Shira her feet became cold and sweats started fuming at her forehead and even her back became stiff, her heart was really beating fast due to fear, she knew she was going to face him sooner or later but now that he is outside her apartment she really feel so scared, she can't predict what he'll do to her

she had no other choice but to open the door, and as soon as she opened the door, he came in like a wild animal ready to devour his prey.

he quickly closed the door with a loud bang held both her arms and shook her very hard,

Mo Shira: why did you do that, Yue Ling why? he said with his eyes wet with tears, he has been really heart broken due to what Yue Ling did to him and has been drinking since he came with the intentions of punishing her but he wouldn't do that he only came to give her his piece of mind and then she can make whatever decision she thinks is best for her, he is done forcing her to do what he wants he won't force her any more,

if they are going to separate because of this then so be it he doesn't want to destroy her life neither will he destroy his brother's life and he has also promise to himself to not force any other woman into any form of relationship with him, he has made up his mind to always respect and treat women in a good way, he has a feeling that he's gonna loose his love because of the bad things he did to women in past.

And now he wants to correct all his mistakes but that doesn't mean he has giving up on his love he is gonna try and save his relationship with her but he wouldn't force her into anything as he has learn from his past mistakes and wouldn't want them to repeat themselves...


A/N: I agree with you Mo Shira at least you've learnt your lesson and wouldn't want your mistakes to repeat itself but if you dare play smart on me and break your promise thereby hurting Yue Ling I will surely make you suffer in this book...

guys what do you guys feel about this chapter, do you think Mo Shira should be cold on Yue Ling thereby teaching her a lesson or he should continue on his new life of being a good boy??

drop your answers at the comment sections, show your characters what you expect from them

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