The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 41 - Yue Ling you are mine...

when Daniel came close to her and held her arm harshly, Yue Ling knew that Mo Shira might have told him something about their relationship,

Yue Ling: Daniel...what's ...wrong, she said in a scared tone,

Daniel: how dare you betray me, you are your boss's girlfriend?

Yue Ling: Daniel... please calm down we can talk this out smoothly stop shouting,

Daniel: Tell me one thing do you love him?

Yue Ling: i ... m ..., due to fear Yue Ling could not make out any word,

Daniel: answer me Ling, are you in love with him??

but Yue Ling still couldn't talk,

Daniel: since you can't talk means you are coming with me, he said before dragging her towards the elevator

Yue Ling: stop it Daniel stop it, let go of me, Daniel please let me go,

she screamed hoping that Mo Shira would hear her scream

just as they were about entering the elevator, she used all her strength to get free from him before shouting...

Yue Ling: yes I love him, I love him so much and I can't do without him, no one can separate me from him no one not even you... she said in one breath, not even caring what he will do to her after this,

but she was still wondering why Mo Shira isn't coming out yet....

as soon as Daniel heard what she said, he started working towards her to get hold of her, but she instead moves backwards,

Daniel: what did I tell you about fallen in love with another man except me huh?

Yue Ling became extremely scared due to his words and she was still moving backwards,

then he tried dragging her again but unfortunately she move two steps backward and her back was now touching the wall

and all of a sudden she felt the wall move from her back and then she closed her eyes as she taught Daniel was going to slap her only for her to hear Daniel scream, so she opened her eyes and found Daniel on the floor with his nose bleeding, and that Mo Shira was standing at her front

that was when she realize that the wall she felt moved was Mo Shira and he gave a very hard punch to Daniel that sent him flying with a broken nose,

Mo Shira: dare to come near my Ling again then I'll definitely kill you,

then he called the police to arrest him and when they came they asked what happened there,

Mo Shira: take him away, he was physically and verbally assaulting my secretary,

police: young man please come with us

Daniel: wait, what proof do you have against me?

that was when Mo Shira brought out his phone and showed the police the video of how he was harassing Yue Ling a while ago,

Daniel: "you bas***d" he said through gritted teeth and was about to rush towards Mo Shira, but the police held him back...

Daniel: Mr you have to come with us as whatever you do or say will be used against you in the court of law...

then they started dragging him out as he refused to cooperate,

Daniel: Yue Ling, I'll definitely come back for you, you are mine Yue Ling, Yue are mine, and no one else, he screamed and was taken out.

Yue Ling sighed in relief,

"you have a lot of things to tell me about your past so something like this won't happen again" Mo Shira said as he pulled her into his embrace, and she nodded positively,

Mo Shira: how did you even get yourself hooked with such a disgusting man, I must say he isn't human,

Yue Ling: do you think he is going to come back for me like he said, she asked still feeling scared,

Mo Shira: I will make sure he doesn't have the chance to do that, you are mine and no one else,.

Mo Shira: oh sorry but you are mine right... he asked making his face look somehow hurt,

Yue Ling: yeah you are right, I'm all yours...

Mo Shira: that's more like it, come on let's go out for lunch,

Yue Ling: okay, she said as she rushed to her desk to get her bag...

as they were coming out, they started hearing some gossips from some of the workers there, and the worst is that they heard two girls saying negative things about Yue Ling,

gossip 1: I think it's all because of that secretary, ever since she came here, this company has been getting into one trouble or the other,

gossip 2: you are right, I think she slept her way to that position, I know she is a s.l.u.t that's why our President is favoring her, she is sleeping with him for sure I bet you,

gossip 1: you are right, it is because of her that our dear best friend Jessica was sent to the branch, it's all her fault,

gossip 2: I heard the president sent his assistant hu wuting to the look after the branch so the both of them could gain privacy...,

Mo Shira: you two over there, he said pointing at them, with Yue Ling by his side....

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