The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 43 - A grand entry

ut by the time she entered the hall it was empty, it was just the two of them there, the person outside told her that the place Was fully booked then what happened??

Yue Ling: oh I see, I know this must be your doing sir!!!

Mo Shira: what did I do, I didn't do anything, I just help this place out by paying for everything

Yue Ling: oh, but I'm sorry sir, I'm having a headache, I don't think I can watch movie anymore

Mo Shira:"..."

Yue Ling: what's with that look ugh!, you are the mighty Mo Shira, you shouldn't be upset because your money just got wasted,

Mo Shira: "..."

Yue Ling: I mean that your account is loaded right, so it isn't such a big deal if you just waste some of it, but if you want me to watch while I'm still having a headache no problem come on let's go sit down...

Mo Shira: no no, come on let's just go home, your health is more important, and besides I don't mind wasting my money at all, it's all for you...

Mo Shira: I love you too xiao Ling.

Yue Ling was very happy seeing that Mo Shira's plans were ruined by her, she knows exactly what he is capable of, people are outside wanting to buy tickets for this film, and him, went to buy all the tickets so he can be alone with her inside this big place, only heavens knows what he will do to her it they were left alone here she thought and she smiled.

Mo Shira looked at her face and saw the devilish smile she has, he is sure she purposely stop them from watching this movie,

Mo Shira: don't worry my love, we have a lot of time to do all those which he has in mind, once they are married, he'll surely spoil her...

that was it they went home to relax and had a good time.



The company's anniversary was held at a very fancy hotel called 'the sparkling suite', the hall was sweetly decorated, people were already inside dressed in different high and fancy costume, and by the way they were dressed you could tell they weren't just ordinary people, they were rich and influential people from all corners of country M and beyond.

they were drinking and conversing with one other,

soon a black fancy limousine drove in and then the driver came out to open the door as the Mo family stepped out, first it was grandpa Mo, and then madam Mo, then Mo Lin... the rest of them hadn't arrived yet

they walked right into the hotel, with cameras and flashes were one them, some of the reporters were busy asking questions, they also asked if the two brothers would come to the wonderful occasion, they gave their answers and then entered the hotel.

soon a white sparkling Maybach drove in, and then Mo Jihnu came out with his white colour suite smiling at the reporters, and it blew their minds away, the reporter couldn't help but stare at him, some even forgot to take pictures of him, he was actually really handsome,

reporter1: look it's Mo Jihnu, he looks really handsome in his suit,

reporter 2: I have only seen him in movies before, this is the first time I'm seeing him in reality, he looks really good now compare to the movie,

reporter 3: how I wish I were a movie actress I would have loved to act along side him,

reporter1: have you seen yourself in the mirror, stop talking such nonsense which you know will never happen, and concentrate on your work here.

then they all gather around and started asking some questions to him and he answered all of them not living any question unanswered. before going inside.

right after some moments a black Rolls - Royce drove in, as it stopped nobody came out, the reporters were very curious as to who was inside the car as the car isn't opening.

And the worst is that Mo Shira was with her in the car, she knows the reporters are going to question her, they'll think she is one of those women Mo Shira will use and dump, as it is said that Mo Shira never goes to a party or any occasion without a woman, and he has never Carried any of those women with him for another occasion for the second time, the only woman that has gone with him to an occasion more than once is Ye Lyra and that too just three times, he never takes any woman serious, she doesn't want that people will look at her like that.

Mo Shira: Yue Ling it's okay you can do this,

Yue Ling: Mo Shira I'm scared I don't want ...

Mo Shira: it's okay my love just put yourself together I'm here with you right my love,

she nodded positively and then he kissed her before telling the driver to open the car door for them.

once the door was opened Mo Shira stepped out, his face just as cold as it always used to be, the reporters already started taking pictures of him, as he was someone who doesn't wait for anyone, if you don't do what you are supposed to do now, then he doesn't care he'll just walk pass them and they wouldn't get the opportunity to have any news about him,

he is not like his brother who is easily reached, he is someone that's really hard to reach.

but the reporter were curious why he isn't going inside, and then they noticed that there was someone inside, as they look at Mo Shira he was looking warmly at the person inside the car, which was really rare for him to do, as far as they know he doesn't look at any lady like that except for his mother and sister which they were sure was inside right now, their minds hit something,

even the people inside was looking at the entrance as they are also curious as to who was inside the car,

maybe it's Ye Lyra, she isn't here yet, I supposed he has fallen in love with her now, they thoughts but their minds were blown away when they saw the mesmerising beauty that came out of the car, she is really beautiful, skin really smooth,

she wore a pitch colour dress that matches Mo Shira suits colour as he was also wearing a pitch colour suit,

Mo Shira held her hand and walked her inside, but the reporter were too curious about the Beauty as they rushed closed to Mo Shira throwing questions to inquire about the woman standing beside him forgetting the fact that he doesn't like reporters questioning him,

"Mr Mo, is she your new girlfriend?

which family is she from?

are you no longer with super model Ye Lyra anymore?

what's the special relationship between the both of you?

is she your cousin or family relative??

so many questions were thrown to Mo Shira at the same time, so he stayed still and answered while everyone kept quiet as they want to hear all what he is going to talk about,

Mo Shira began greeting some important business men there, who were also congratulating him on the anniversary of the company, and also introduced Yue Ling as his date to them,

then Yue Ling excused herself as she went to meet some of the staffs she knew and that were kind to her at the company,

staff 1: miss Ling looks like you and the CEO have a very special relationship,

Yue Ling: you can say that,

staff 2: are you perhaps dating him??

Yue Ling: I...

chu feng: miss Ling hi,

Yue Ling was about to answer to that questions, although she knows she has to keep it a surprise, thank God chu feng came at the right time.

Yue Ling: hi chu feng how are you,

Yue Ling: thanks you look good too,

"sir, miss drinks?" a waiter asked,

she wanted to refuse, but chu feng made her collect a glass of juice as he collected one for himself,

so she didn't have a choice but to drink the juice, as she was drink, she was talking to chu feng and smiling at him at the same time, she doesn't know why, but she feels really comfortable and free around him.

Mo Shira who was busy talk to some of his clients he saw Yue Ling and chu feng talking and she was smiling widely at him,

Mo Shira: I am her date, but she is busy smiling with someone else, he said to himself before walking towards them and putting his hand on Yue Ling's shoulder,

chu feng: congratulations sir,

Mo Shira: thanks chu feng, please enjoy the party, hmm... Ling come let me introduce you to some other clients,

Yue Ling: okay, and then she followed him,

"boss is really possessive over this girl, I'm glad he really do loves her," chu feng thought to himself.

Mo Shira: why were you busy smiling at him,

Yue Ling pouts her lips and asked, and why can't I??

Mo Shira: because you are my girlfriend,

Yue Ling: oh I see, so I can't smile to other men, see I won't follow your Order, she said smiling devilishly,

Mo Shira: do whatever you like, but don't blame me if I'm a bit too harsh on you later tonight, he said, smirking at her,

Yue Ling: you monster, I hate you,

Mo Shira: but I love you he said smiling at her.

and at that moment Mo Lin came to meet them, and excused Yue Ling from there,

she took her to introduce her to some of her business associates in the line of fashion...

but then they heard a commotion outside...

at the entrance the reporters were surrounding a lady wearing a body fitted blue backless gown, she was so gorgeous and s.e.xy as well, she was smiling wide at the reporters as she answer them wholeheartedly.

Miss Ye Lyra: I heard you travelled to country F for a modelling contest?? a reporter asked

" yes yes I just got back from the modelling contest in country F and as you know I won, and that's why I'm late today, she answered still smiling,

were you invited by Mr Mo??

yes I was specially invited by Shira she answered her smile broaden

are the both of you still together?? another asked...

"of course we are still together we never broke up at all, he would have come to pick me up at the airport but I asked him to just carry on as I know I was going to make him late, this is his party after all,"

she said feeling proud,

Mr Mo came with someone else are you aware of the relationship between them? a courageous reporter asked,

Ye Lyra face became somehow pale, but she still try hard to remain calm, she already saw the post of Mo Shira and the other girl online, he only said there was something special between them and then he also said she isn't his girlfriend because she Ye Lyra was his girlfriend.

"she could be his very special friend"

once she said that she then entered the party...

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