The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 49 - Two Months Later

A very big and fancy wedding is being held at a church and the bride is sitting in front of the mirror in a limousine car, smiling and looking at herself, she is looking really beautiful in her white wedding gown and standing at her right side is her very best friend Jiang yanran, she is the chief brides maids for the occasion and on her left is Mo Lin, she designed her dress and the dresses of all the entourages,

Yue Ling turned and looked at jiang yanran when she was done with her makeup,

"how do I look" she asked smiling at her...

yanran: Yue Ling you are looking beautiful as ever,

Mo Lin : Ling you'll always look beautiful after all I'm in charge here", she said smiling at her,

Yue Ling : thanks I never imagined that I'll be this happy on my wedding day, Mo Shira is the best thing that has ever happened to me, how I wish my mom and dad are here with me on this occasion it would have been lovely" she said as her eyes began to wet with tears but she didn't allow it fall to her cheeks,

yanran: come on Ling if both your parents were here they will be happy for you, in fact I know wherever they are now they are happy for you" Jiang yanran said trying to comfort her friends, as she hugged her tight,

Mo Lin : and please you shouldn't spoil your make up with tears okay,

Yue Ling : please yanran once Mo Shira and his family arrive please behave and don't play any pranks on Mo Jihnu today, you know he is a changed person and he regretted what he did.

Mo Lin : yes dear although even I found it very difficult to forgive him but I eventually did, and infant everyone including Mo Shira, grandpa and my mom has forgiven him you should do that too.

yanran: what are you guys saying, he did something wrong and I haven't given him a piece of my mind first and you want me to just forget about it no way, she said as she pouted her lips as if she was really angry at what Mo Jihnu did,

Yue Ling:"..."

Mo Lin :"..."

Yue Ling: and what about the trouble you've been giving him since you came to this country aren't you satisfied??

Mo Lin:yes Jiang yanran, there is no day my brother doesn't complain about you he said if not for the fact that it is his brother who is getting married he wouldn't have come here because of you,

Yanran: you see why I said I'm not satisfied, he still has the nerve to complain about me, I'm so going to teach him a lesson after today's wedding, and I won't change my mind,

both Yue Ling and Mo Lin sighed they admit they can't get jiang yanran to change her decision about making Mo Jihnu's life hell,

After what happened between Yue Ling and Mo Jihnu, she couldn't hide the incident from her friend jiang yanran as she told her about everything that happened, she couldn't come up with a good excuse of why she disappeared after her engagement, so she had to tell her the truth and since then jiang yanran has promised to teach Mo Jihnu a very good lesson that he'll never forget,

at first Yue Ling thought she was joking but when jiang yanran came to visit her last month she troubled Mo Jihnu a lot that he began staying away from her and Mo Shira in other to avoid jiang yanran's childishness, but even after all those trouble making Jiang yanran still isn't satisfied.

soon the bride was called to the alter

when she got to the entrance of the church she saw Mo Shira in his grey colour suit smiling at her, and Mo Jihnu was standing beside him as his best man.

she walked in majestically followed by her entourages, once she stood closed to Mo Shira, the priest began the ceremony

do you Mr Mo Shira accept her miss Yue Ling as your wife through good and bad situations,

Mo Shira: yes I do

Yue Ling : yes I do....


soon the marriage ceremony was over and the couple went in a limousine to the reception area,

the reception was held at a very big and famous hotel hall, they were given a customized sit at the front with the entourages beside them,

Mo Shira and Yue Ling were busy receiving congrats from people present there when someone suddenly called her xiao Ling,

both she and Mo Shira raised their head only to see her best friend Qin Yang,

"congrats to the both of you, I never imagined that my friend will be getting married and she wouldn't even invite me"

"it's not like that Qin yang I just... "

"it's okay xiao ling I'm not angry I'm happy at least you are happy with him" he said with a little sadness with his voice but he try as much as possible to conceal it,

"and you Mr Mo make sure to always make her happy otherwise I'll take my friend back from you,"

"don't worry Mr Qin I won't give you the chance to do that " he said as he pull Yue Ling towards him with his left hand and shakes Qin yang with his right hand.

he handover a present to them before living.

Mrs zhao lifei and grandpa Mo Shen couldn't hide their happiness as the person they were afraid will never get married actually did and they were sure he is going to dot on her given the way he looks at her with care and warmth in his eyes and the way he was worried when Mo Jihnu kidnapped her. they were extremely happy and was busy going around speaking with friends and getting congratulations from Every one,.

soon piece of paper was being passed around to some certain persons among the entourages, female precisely, by Mo Lin, she asked them to pick one piece each, people were surprised as they didn't know what it was all about but she told them it was going to be an interesting game but they shouldn't open the paper yet.

soon she went on stage and called out the female she gave piece of paper to, they were ten of them,

Mo Lin: ladies and gentlemen to make today's party spicier I have decided that we'll play a game, these five persons standing here have all selected a piece of paper which has a male's name written on it and please you don't have to be scared, the guys are also part of the entourage, let's just say it's the entourages that are going to give us a sweet performance. they will open the paper and tell us whose name they are all carrying and then the guys will have to come out and dance with them at the end of the day the audience will select screen two persons each from each round and in the third round they'll pick a winner and the winner will have a very sweet package.

{A/N: thanks for reading this chapter, I'm not too good at writing wedding stuff and that's why I have really skipped it a little bit, please b.a.r.e with me,

I have been facing some kind of mishap I think it's done now,

if there is anyone who can help me with a cover photo of this novel, I'll be really grateful. }

please don't forget to vote, comment and review my book,

much love from your author ????????????

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