Mo Shira and Yue Ling arrived inside the ship in their cabin and Yue Ling is busy putting their stuff in its place, while Mo Shira is busy with his laptop,

Yue Ling: is this how you are gonna make me do all the work alone without even helping out?

" I'm sorry dear let me just quickly finish what I'm doing I'll definitely help you" Mo Shira said as he continued with his laptop,

" I thought you took leaf for these days how come you are still working now can't Huo wuting handle everything seems like I came to do my honeymoon alone" she said as she pretended to want to cry,

Mo Shira quickly drop his laptop and held her by the waist, stop saying stuff like this I ask for five minutes of your time but it's okay let's enjoy our honeymoon" he then kissed her on the chick which made her smile and blush"

"oh God she is such a drama queen, you can never understand women, one minute they are happy and another they are sad hmm!"

he sigh before helping her with what she was doing.

Meanwhile Mo Jihnu just arrived there with his things and went straight to the cabin that was reserved for him,

as he was walking he saw so many beautiful ladies who were staring seductively at him,

but then one of them caught his attention, she had a dark brown hair good body figure and a mesmerizing eyes, and her plump lips that were smiling at him showing her perfect teeth. he couldn't help but smile back at her, he thought to himself that this one week Is going to be memorable for him,

(A/N: indeed it is going to be memorable for you dear Jihnu.)

but then he saw Mo Shira and Yue Ling walking closed to him so he pretended like he wasnt staring at anyone,

Mo Jihnu: Mr and Mrs Mo, how are you guys doing? he asked as he hug his brother and shook Yue Ling's hand

Mo Shira: we are fine Jihnu,

Yue Ling:did you come alone, I thought it was supposed to be you and jiang yanran,

Mo Jihnu : well she is...

jiang yanran: I'm here everyone

Mo Jihnu :"..."

jiang yanran: many congratulations to you Mr Mo and my dearest friend, Mr Mo Shira always take good care of her for me,

Mo Shira:i will dear and thanks for the congrats.

Yue Ling: well thank God the both of you made it, well the owner of this ship has prepared a special dinner to welcome everyone and we've been given an invitation to come to dine with the other persons in this ship I'll like the both of you to come join us.

jiang yanran:of cause Ling, I will just go and sought out my things okay take care,

she then walk away living the remaining three.

Mo Jihnu : I will also go and sought out my things okay,

Mo Shira: okay carry on

once Mo Jihnu was gone, Yue Ling and Mo Shira held each others hands as they tour around the ship gaining attention from people around and also earning good wishes from everyone.

Mo Shira wanted that they'll spend their honeymoon travelling round the world on his jet but Yue Ling was tired of traveling on the plane that is why they both settled on sailing around the sea.

when Mo Jihnu reach his room he threw his luggage on the floor,

"I thought that foolish girl wouldn't be coming, I know she has come to ruin my time here but I wont let that happen I'm going to treat her like thin air"

after comforting himself he took his luggage and sought out his things.

meanwhile jiang yanran was smiling at herself, she remembered how Mo Jihnu's was when he saw that she was able to come, but she doesn't want to disturb him anymore as she has thought about it, Mo Jihnu didn't do anything bad to her, and besides Yue Ling has already forgiven him so she has decided that she will only treat him like thin air...

she will only just enjoy herself.

when it was time for dinner she got dressed and came out from her room only for her to luck eyes with the devil, he is standing at the front of the door opposite hers and was kissing a girl with dark brown hair, and she couldn't see her face as she was facing Mo Jihnu who in turn was looking at her, but she didn't say anything she just walked pass them.

when Mo Jihnu was finished arranging his stuff he decided to just lie down but he didn't know when he fell asleep, but some moments later he held a knock on the door, he quickly got up and opened the door only to see those mesmerizing eyes looking at him,

"hi I'm Sheilah Cob" she said bringing her hand out for a hand shake,

"well I'm Mo Jihnu" he said as he shook her hand still looking at her eyes,

"I know I mean who wouldn't know the famous actor Mo Jihnu"

"yeah exactly, so how did you find my room number "

"like I said I'm Sheilah Can and I have my ways"

he invited her in and they both talked for a while and that's when he found out her father is one of the successful business men in country F, she only came to Country M to visit her boyfriend who she caught cheating on her, so she decided to calm herself down by buying this cruise ticket.

after so many discussions, he told her he'll be going out for dinner with his brother and wife, and she offered to come along as she is very bored without a companion and besides she was also given an invitation letter.

but when they got out of his room she suddenly kissed him, he wanted to stop her but he became lost in the kiss that he began kissing her back, but then he heard the sound of the opposite room opening so he raised his head only for him to see jiang yanran coming out of the room and looking at him, he thought that she was going to do something crazy but she didn't even budge at all and she just walk past him like she didn't see anyone there, he felt somehow seeing that she didn't mind him but then he threw the feeling away

"come Sheilah I'll introduce you to my brother and his wife" he said as he lead her to the place they were to have dinner together.

when they got to the place Mo Shira and Yue Ling were already sitted at a table in a far corner end and jiang yanran was sitting opposite them,

"hi everyone meet Sheilah my f... "

"I'm his girlfriend " Sheilah said without waiting for him to finish,

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