soon the both of them started transferring the things to the other bag, when Jiang yanran's hand suddenly touched something,

yanran: what envelop is this it looks old, and you haven't opened it yet.

Ling: yes this envelop I saw it in my things two years ago, just because of the sudden change in the Yue family I didn't had the chance to open it so I just kept it in this bag.

yanran: what since two years ago, hmm okay let me open it for you, in case if maybe it is a love letter okay,

she smiles while trying to open the envelop,

Ling: give that to me it is mine, she immediately took the envelop from her hand and opened it, " uhh! it contains two envelop again, okay let me open this brow envelop first,

yanran: fast okay I'm getting impatient,

Ling: shut up,

she opened it and saw that it is a job reservation, it is written boldly at the bottom of the paper, "THE MO ENTERPRISE ". it states in the paper that, the secretary position of the Mo enterprise has been reserved for Yue Ling, and she has to commence work immediately after she receives this information.

it also clearly states that it doesn't matter how many years it takes for her to receive this letter, the sit will be vacant till she comes.

yanran: Ling I can't believe this, the Mo enterprise, like seriously, that's is one of the biggest, and fast growing company we have in China, wow! this is brilliant.

Ling: yanran how come I have never heard about that company before and how come I have to go work there?

yanran: stupid girl you should be happy that you have that opportunity, but

yanran: I heard the CEO of that company is very handsome, but he possesses a cold aura, he doesn't like to familiarize himself with anyone, I mean he has that high eagle, and above all he is very flirtatious, he changes women like tooth brush, and most of his women are from the entertainment industry, there is a rumor that is going on now that he is with Ye lyra now

Ling: you mean the famous model Ye lyra? Yue Ling was really out of words and surprise was really written all over her face, her thoughts are if my boss is dating Ye lyra, then it means my boss is really wealthy, hmm I will have to go see that company.

yanran: of course the super model Ye lyra, the worse is even after gaining Ye lyra, Mo Shira is still flirting around with other women, and in fact women are still running after him, even when they know he wouldn't take them seriously.

Ling: fine let me open the white envelop now, " she opened the envelop and found another letter inside with two keys in it. she dropped the keys and started reading the letters,

yanran: what keys are these?

Ling: I don't know ma, " after opening it she, it was written boldly ; A LETTER FROM YOUR LOVING FATHER

Dear Xiao Ling,

Hope you are fine my dear, I know you will be shock of the sudden change in the Yue family, even I was also shocked, I could not believe that my brother would want to plan evil things against me, assuming he told me he wanted Yue enterprise I would have gladly given it to him, but he didn't he even told me that it was a great idea of me giving you the company, but I didn't know he was burning inside.

my dear, I don't know if you have seen the Brown envelop, but you have to hurry as fast as you can to live country H and go to Country M, Yue Jinnan will stop at nothing, if he doesn't kill you,

the two keys in this envelop, one is for a car I bought for you, I was supposed to give it to you on your 18year birthday, it is a white Ferrari car, when you get to country M go and claimed it at the addressed written below, then the other key is an apartment key, I bought it for you, it's address is mountain's lake, Number 8, don't worry my dear, you will be safe there.

The most important thing is that you will have to work in the Mo enterprise so as to be able to gain a lot, and make sure to go claim what rightfully is yours once you know you are ready for it, also find they time to go see grandpa Mo Shen, he is a very good friend of mine, he has already reassured me that he will definitely keep that position for you no mater how long it takes, and I trust him completely, please my dear make sure to take good care of yourself.

but remember one thing, if anything should happen to me or your mom, your uncle is to be held responsible.

thanks my dear, father loves you.

yours loving father.

After gathering enough courage to read the letter to the End, she couldn't hold herself anymore so she started crying, she could not believe her dad did all this for her before living, and here she thought she doesn't even have anywhere to go, she does not only have a home to stay she also has a place to work, that too at one of the top most company, she couldn't help but cry more.

yanran: hey it's okay stop crying, or do you wanted me to cry too,

Yue Ling dried her tears and started laughing after seeing the baby made face of Jiang yanran,

Ling: don't ever try make your face like that again, it doesn't really suit you at all. it just make you look like a clown, you really are so funny.

yanran: at least it made you laugh

she looked up into the sky as if she is looking at something there,

Ling: papa, mama, I promise to do exactly as you have said, I will make sure to work a lot more than the Yue family and also come back to take what rightfully is ours, and I'll make sure to deal mercilessly with the Yue family, I promise, this is also my priority in life now.

Jiang yanran knows that once Yue Ling is bent on doing something, she will make sure to fulfil it no matter what.

yanran: and no matter what, I will always support you, this I also promise. before I forget don't hesitate to call me once you need my help, I will come like flash to your rescue booommm.

they both started laughing again, and didn't notice when Qin Yang entered the room,

Qin Yang: when the both of you are done laughing can you please make me laugh as well. so tell me girls when is Ling going to Country M?

yanran: what do you mean when, obviously tomorrow, dull brains

Qin Yang: that soon, I mean, Ling we both are really gonna miss you a lot, make sure to always update us on what's happening to you okay

Ling: Yang I know you are sad because we three have always been together and now I have to live the both of you, but I won't ever forget what you and yanran here, did for me, and I'm also going to miss you both a lot.

yanran: it is okay love birds, instead of the both of you to be like I will miss you, you are like I will miss the both of you, please stop adding me, I don't get you guys, " the both of them are just so dumb, this can't confess his love, and the other is not understanding even without being told" she said in her mind.

Qin Yang: I will book the flight for 10am, but please Ling, be careful of that flirt Mo Shira, you know you are going to be seeing him almost everyday, just don't fall in his traps.

Ling: what do you mean by that, he isn't going to be interested in me, someone that is dating ye Lyra how will he have eyes for me, Ye Lyra is a supermodel with beauty, right yanran?

Qin Yang: what made you think so, do you think you are any less than Ye Lyra, if it were you to be in her shoes you would have gone far in the modeling, Ye Lyra beauty cannot be compare to yours, you know she even did plastic surgery on most parts of her body, especially her face.

Yanran: Qin Yang is right you need to be really careful. it is not easy to be a producer in the film industry, " Qin Yang manages his own business on fashion world and he is also a producer in the film industry so he has to have knowledge concerning these facts."

Ling: okay guys I will definitely heed to your advises. besides I don't have anything to do with men for the now, I have so many promises to fulfil that are bigger than that, so you don't have to worry about anything.

Qin Yang: okay guys it is time to go to sleep, you guys have a busy day tomorrow. " yes my dear, I wouldn't even allow you belong to someone else, not even that Mo Shira, you are only mine, Qin Yang said in his mind before living for his room.

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