The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??


"well it's me Yue Ling the daughter of this family" she said as she smiled widely living everyone in a state of shock and confusion especially in the case of the Yue Family and Cheng Gimming....

"well yes everyone it's me Yue Ling" she said facing everyone while she was still smiling,

"Yue Ling" Qin want said looking unbelievably at her,

"yes aunt it's me"

it's after sometime some persons did some researching on the daughter of the Yue family that they begin to see some resemblance and they were really sure she is the one, but they thought she was dead,

"but we thought you were dead" Yue Fang said looking at her like he was looking at a ghost,

"oh brother Fang thank God you recognised me now, well I didn't die, I was actually saved by a good couple who took really care of me because I lost my memory then and I didn't Know who I was, so after regaining my memory a week ago I decided to give you guys a good surprise after learning that today was Rong Rong's engagement party" Yue Ling said slowly and steadily so everyone will understand while she handed a copy of the report concerning her health which proves that she was really hospitalized and had really lost her memory to the reporters and her family, which made everyone believe that she was telling the truth and they couldn't argue with her anymore as they had to accept her now,

"Thank Goodness nothing happened to you dear, we are all happy to see that you are fit and fine" Yue Ling's Uncle said as he hug her to show to everyone that they also love her her just like her parents,

"of course uncle I'm also very happy to come back" she answered and hug him back but the words she said felt like tiny needles piercing his ears,

"oh yes sister father is right, it's really good knowing you are fine" Yue Fang also said as he hug her back,

"yes brother Fang thank you, at least I'm here to help you out with the business so brother Fang can finally get the chance to settle down,

Yue Fang: "..."

Yue family"...."

"why are you looking shocked brother, you've been helping me out with the Company all these while brother Fang, and I know that's why you haven't been able to get married and settle down, but Don't worry now that I'm here, I'll take over the company and then brother Fang can settle down,

Yue Fang doesn't know how to rebuke Yue Ling because of the reporters and everyone around so he had to comply, and agree with what she said, meanwhile Cheng Gimming kept staring at her non stop, it felt as if he was captivated by her eyes, he wanted to drown himself in those eyes of hers that he didn't even pay attention to what was going on around,

Yue Rong felt something strange with the way he was staring at her so she clenched her hands really tight, she knows what she had done to hook up with such a big shot like Cheng Gimming she wouldn't want Yue Ling to come and spoil everything for her, so she decided to keep Cheng Gimming far away from Yue Ling.


Once the party was over, everyone began to live but not without congratulating Yue Ling on her return, she completely took the lime light from Yue Rong which made her really more unhappy and very angry that she had to live with Cheng Gimming.

once everyone has completely left, the Yue family couldn't keep their anger in check anymore,

"how dare you do such a thing, you came back here dressing all up as if it was your engagement party what is wrong with you? Qin Wan asked not even trying to conceal her anger anymore,

"you want to take back the company, have you forgotten all what we did to you in the past, do you think you'll get a good future by coming here" her uncle asked through gritted teeth,

'Yue Ling I will never allow you ruin my life by taking my company away from me", Yue Fang said with blood shot eyes,

"your company, did I just hear you calling my father's company yours, ha ha ha, you must be really joking Brother Fang, otherwise I'll know you are just a fool," Yue Ling said still maintaining her smile,

"how dare you call me a fool, I'll teach you a lesson today so you'll know never to mess with me" he said as he kept walking towards Yue Ling, but she still didn't move but still remained her smile,

but before Yue Fang could get to her, some group of well built men entered wearing black on black pointing their guns at the Yue Family taking them by surprise,

"surprise surprise, you thought I came alone, oh come on my dear family members, I'm not that stupid to repeat the same mistakes I committed before okay" she said

then she ordered yue Fang to give her the doc.u.ments containing the property, of the company and shares of her father, and he hurriedly went to bring them as he was afraid of his life, once Yue Ling was done collecting it, she asked him to make sure to vacate the office of the CEO as she'll be resuming work on Monday and she doesn't want any slow down in business.

once she was done, she was was escorted out of the Mansion by her body guards and she directly drove back to the hotel where she and Jiang Yanran are staying.

she already predicted that Yue family will go violent on her that's why she arranged up to about 10 bodyguards to go with her and specifically told them to wait outside so she'll see if they've changed or not, but no they are still this thick headed people, they will never change From being bad, she thought to herself.

when she reached the hotel Jiang Yanran hugged her very tight as if she already knew what happened,

"congrats my dear friend I knew you'll make it, it's all over the news about your return"

"what, can't believe such a news will get this wild even before the end of the day, it's really strange,

she took out her phone to brows through the net and was shocked to see the news headlines,

(The presumed dead Yue Ling is actually alive and is back with stunning looks and beauty..)

There were many more headlines that were really surprising, and they were all all carrying photos of her in her Red dress, in all the photos she was really mesmerizing especially with the one that captured her back which was showing her pure and shiny fair skin,...

"oh, if Mo Shira was here and he saw her wearing that backless gown he would never allow her, he already told her not to keep on wearing clothes that shows s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e parts of her body, according to him, her legs, back, c.h.e.s.t and other s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e parts are for his eyes alone, but thank God he can't see it now, she thought to herself before continuing reading the comments online,

all these captions were followed by so many comments;

(wow she is really looking breathtaking, welcome back miss Ling)

(aww!! she looks like a Goddess, compare to her Yue Rong is lost, it doesn't seem like they are sisters at all)

there were so many positive comments online about her, and most of them also wished her good just because her parents were nice people,

but then she noticed that no news channel was even talking about Cheng Gimming and Yue Rong's engagement party, they all seem more concerned on Yue Ling's return.

she knows for sure that Yue Rong must be really furious now but she didn't care as she took a bath and went to bed early as she was really tired, it's not easy for her to wear heels for hours especially with her current condition....

(A/N: how do you guys see this chapter please don't hesitate to comment it would really help recover soon.

tomorrow I'll try my best to at least post on time, thanks for your patience.

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