The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??


Knock .... knock,

there was a loud knock on Yue Ling's door which made her and Mo Shira woke at once,

"it must be Jiang Yanran you go and shower first I'll get the door" Yue Ling said as she got up rubbing her eyes,

"hmm" was the only sound Mo Shira made before going into the bathroom,

once the door was opened Jiang Yanran voice came as if she was screaming,

"isn't today your first day at the office what are you still doing sleeping"

"I...." before Yue Ling could say anything Jiang Yanran gasped at the hickeys on Yue Ling's neck that was very visible because she was only wearing a bathrobe,

"what!, please don't tell me you slept with a wild man, where is he I'll teach him a lesson, he dare to take advantage of you, didn't you tell him you are pregnant, I'll definitely teach him a lesson" Jiang Yanran said breathing heavily as she pushed Yue Ling aside as she went straight inside the room looking for the wild man,

"look, Yanran it's not what you think..."

"you don't have to say anything Ling I trust you I know he must have forced himself on you, don't be scared I'll definitely take care of him for you" Jiang Yanran interjected before Yue Ling could finish what she was saying and even went right ahead to carry a wine bottle that she'll use to hit the man,

Yue Ling could only look and wait patiently,

soon the door opened and Jiang Yanran was about to hit the person on the head, but she pause mid air,

and then there was a burst of laughter as Yue Ling couldn't hold herself, looking at Mo Shira's poker face and Jiang Yanran's shocked expression, her laughter intensified.

Mo Shira:"....."

"brother in-law it's you and not a wild man?" Jiang Yanran asked as she bit her lips nervously, thank God she didn't hit his head before she realized it,

"what's going on, and why are you holding that bottle like that?" Mo Shira asked,

"emm, brother in-law I wanted to give you this drink once you come out, but I didn't know the wine bottle is empty so I can't give you now,


"ha ha ha!!!" Yue Ling's eyes were almost filled with tears seeing the helpless look of Jiang Yanran, didn't she say he was a wild man, only God knows what he'll do if he finds out that his sister in law called him a wild, she closed her mouth with her hand after getting a confused look from Mo Shira but still she couldn't hold her laugh, it was until Jiang Yanran pinched her that she corodinated herself,

"well she is right, even though I told her the bottle was already empty she still insisted on giving it to you" Yue Ling covered up for her,

"I'll be going now I have work to do, you guys better be careful when going to the company, I've already arranged for some people to go with you I don't want that anything should happen to you and the babies okay..." he said, but he still hasn't told her about the attack on the company,

"okay no problem"

"bye" they told him before he left,

once he was gone

"you!!! why didn't you tell me it was brother in-law that was inside" Jiang Yanran asked her face red from anger and humiliation,

"I wanted to but you didn't even let me speak"

they argued for sometime before living the hotel, Jiang Yanran went to her parents house, while Yue Ling went to the company with the escort that Mo Shira provided for her.

In the company, everyone was on standby, the ones that were there to Target Yue Ling also prepared well,

at about 8am, Yue Ling and the escort arrived at the company,

why she was going in her new assistant Pricilia walk beside her, and told her the details on how the company is,

Pricilia has been in the company for about six months now, she has been in the finance field working as an ordinary worker there, but no one knew that she was sent there by Yue Ling to monitor the company and give her each and every details of the company, so she is not lost on where to start from she already knows the situation of the company.

in front of her are two well built bodyguards that she prepared herself,

and beside her, and Pricilia was the companies lawyer who her father appointed before he died, he has always been faithful to the matters concerning the company, and behind him are the body guards that Mo Shira appointed for her.

as she stepped right into the company, everyone was shocked to see how she came, no one expected her to come in such an extravagant way,

"and isn't that, the little Finance girl Pricilia, what is she doing with her," one of the workers whispered to the other,

"yes she is the one, how can I forget the errand girl, so she us actually the new CEO's assistant strange"

but then someone pretended not to pay attention to where he was going as he was about pouring Yue Ling hot tea that was in his hands, but the two bodyguards In front block it off, Yue Ling stood, look at the person from head to toe but she didn't say anything just step into the CEO's elevator going to the top floor,

once she was sited, she looked at the files on her desk, quickly took her phone and told her assistant to call for an immediate board meeting,

In the board meeting, Yue Ling sat at the head table followed by her assistant and the lawyers, the board members was more than 30 members, but the people who responded to her call were few, even Yue Fang and his father sat down looking around as they raised their lips, as if saying you can't even control the persons in your company, how do you plan on heading the company. and some of the higher up that were in the meeting were in Qin Fang's side,

"miss Yue, it seems like the people here are not happy that you are the CEO, looking at the number of persons that showed up for this meeting" one of the members spoke, it was the managing director,

"well miss Yue I think you should rethink this over so that at least let CEO Yue Fang teach you things of the company before you can finally be the CEO,

"I think miss Yue is okay for being the CEO after all her father specifically gave her this position before he past away, he knows she could do it that's why,

hearing the mention of Yue Ling's Father, some of their hearts soften,

"yes you are right, it is the right of miss Yue to uphold this seat, after a she is the only child of her father,

they all kept talking and arguing, some on Yue Ling's side and others on Yue Fang's side, but Yue Ling's face didn't change at all .

"it's okay" she said and everyone kept quiet,

"I know since I've not been around my brother has been taken care of the company, but now I'm back and I'll continue from here,

about the people who didn't turn up for this meeting it's their cup of tea, because they are no longer a part of the Yue Enterprise" Yue Ling said coldly, copying her husband's style.


"thank for reading this chapter, what do you think about Yue Ling's fierce stlye ...

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thanks and God bless you all

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