The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??


Once Yue Ling was done with work Jiang Yanran called her so they could see and have dinner at a very popular restaurant in town to celebrate her victory,

when she got to the restaurant, she saw Jiang Yanran waving at her so she told the body guards to wait outside while she went in to meet Jiang Yanran,

they chatted and laughed about everything, unknown to them that a pair of fierce eyes were curiously looking at them from the far end of the hall,

"you see that miss Yue Ling there, I want every information about her, she has got something that is making me feel like I want her, I want to know her more" Cheng Gimming said, talking to his close friend Gu Zien while they were drinking their wine,

"I thought she is your sister in-law, don't tell me you want to go for the other sister instead" Guys Zien spoke raising his brown,

"what different does it make, the Yue family and my family made a special business agreement, but the agreement doesn't state that I have to marry Yue Rong, it states that I'll have to marry one of the daughters of the Yue, and after seeing Yue Ling that day I had a change of mind" Cheng Gimming said without blinking his eyes,

"what! you must be really crazy man, you want to make changes after engaging Yue Rong, and then marry Yue Ling instead, you are really insane man,

"I might be, but she has something that is calling me towards her, just help me check and see if there is any man in her life, I want her all to myself.

Meanwhile at the table Yue Ling is oblivious of what was being said about her, she doesn't even know that there has been an agreement between the Yue family and Chang, whereas others thought that Cheng Gimming really does love Yue Rong,

they decided to stay at an hotel to avoid the Yue family for causing trouble for them,

by the time they got to the hotel they each went to their separate rooms, but then just as Yue Ling opened her door, her lips were attack by an hungry lion,and he only let her go when he was satisfied.

"you really did a great job today my love" Mo Shira said as he saw her on the sofa, he knows she must be very tired,

"sit here I'll get you a cup of coffee,"

when he handed her the coffee, he sat down beside her and they discussed about everything that happened today, and she also shared her next action with him, he refused some and even added his own, and at the end if the day they finally concluded on a perfect solution, they both knew that the Yue family is going to make a come back after sending Yue Fang to the station..

At the Yue Mansion Yue Rong was busy scattering the house,

"you both are so incapable, you can't even do anything to that weak Yue Ling instead she sent my brother to the station",

"honey don't speak like that to your father and I, we tried our best but we didn't even know that that bitch was smart enough to turn the tables on us", Qin wan said trying her best to comfort her,

they've always spoilt Yue Rong that's why sometimes she acts like a spoilt child, and talking rudely to her parents when things doesn't go as planned.

"mother you always say so, but the truth of the matter is that you both can't really do anything, you both are incapable" she roared at her mother, and her words angered her father that he scolded her, which made her huffed and went to her room closing her door with a bang,

she is really furstrated, this is the first her father is yelling at her, and that Cheng Gimming, she has been calling his line but he isn't even picking up his calls, she even sent him numerous messages but he didn't even reply to any, she got so angry that she threw her phone on the ground that it broke,.

"if my parents can't even get her down, I'll have to do something on my own so that she be forced to even commit suicide, I will not rest until I finish you off Yue Ling" she said to herself in full confidence as she quickly ran into the bathroom to cool herself down,

she just realized that it's not the time to be crying for nothing, she has to calm herself down so as to come up with a good plan.


" you shouldn't have screamed at her like that, you know that she is a little down," Qin wan said to her husband as she sat down beside him trying to also calm him down,

"I can't help it wan, take a look at this," he shove his phone to her, what she saw made her really want to faint,

it's the new headlines of Yue Fang going to the station for stealing the Yue company's money,

they wanted that they will find a way to Bail him out, but now everyone already knows about the issue, and so they'll have to go to cult, and with so many proofs against him he'll surely go to jail,

the only way to save him is for Yue Ling to withdraw her complaint, otherwise he'll surely go to jail,

"and now what do we do?"

"I think it's high time we use the man and woman against her" Yue Jinna said, as he couldn't even think of other ways to put Yue Ling down, he has no other choice but to bring back these two persons as they are the only weakness they could think of now.

"no we can't do that, if they should come back doesn't it mean we'll give up everything we have" Qin wan question,

"no I'm not going to bring them out I'm only going to use them to threaten Yue Ling to back out on what she is doing, Yue Jinna said ,

"okay whatever you say, but you have to know that that girl is smart now and I think she has a great backup, and we have to find out who it is," Qin wan suggested.

once they've concluded their plan, they finally went to bed to sleep,

(A/N: only God knows which people they are talking about please Yue Ling don't fall for their tricks)

what do you guys think of this chapter, who do you think they are talking about, please drop your comments,

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