The Devilish CEO Vs His Secretary??

Chapter 9 - Visiting the Mo mansion

Yue Ling car came to a stop at the front of a very big mansion, painted in grey colour.

The mansion is very big, and there was still some space left that can fit in another mansion.

But Yue Ling wasn't in the mood to appreciate her surroundings right now as she is very nervous of the fact that she was supposed to be at the Mo mansion by 5:00pm, but now it's already 6:30pm.

She can't help but curse herself for not being able to wake up on time, even though it was because she was studying stuffs about the Mo corporation, that she slept late.

she Knew that grandpa Mo must have called her but her phone battery is already dead.

'Yue Ling still inside the car'

" oh God please help me with some idea on what to say to Grandpa Mo, because I can't possibly say grandpa I slept late so I woke up late, or that it was because I went for shopping and the market to buy food stuff, neither can I say it is due to the fact that I went to retrieve my car, even though I know that is all what happened."

she stayed there for sometime, and still didn't know what to say, so she sigh, opened her car door and came out why adjusting her dress

she was wearing a off shoulder body fitted peach colour gown, with a bag and shoe to match with.

she went straight to the huge front door and rang the door bell, soon an average Man of about 40 to 45 Years of age came into sight, after opening the door.

he told her that the old master has been expecting her, and led her to were he was.

on getting there, Yue Ling did not only see grandpa Mo, there was also two women sitting with him, the first looks like a woman in her late forties, she must be Mrs Zhao lifei, and the other should be in the same age as Yue Ling she is very pretty, with fair skin just like her mother, she must be Mo Lin.

Yue Ling quickly worked towards the three people, little by little, as she got closer to them she felt like something was off,

they were all looking at her with cold gaze, and Yue Ling could feel the sweat that broke out from her back, but she didn't dare stop, she continued walking until she was only a bit far from them,

she greeted them in a polite way and suddenly


Yue Ling: I ..

Zhao lifei: you what Yue Ling, what do you take us for, that we'll sit here and wait for you till the world ends who gave you that stupid Ideal "ugh!

Mo Lin: don't mind her grandpa, she thinks she is coming to her father's mansion, well let me tell you Yue Ling this is country M and you are under our care so you have to do all that you are told can you understand?

the three of them were all lashing at Yue Ling with different words, and their face are really black as the under of a pot, without giving Yue Ling any chance to speak,

Yue Ling didn't know what to do as her face is already pale, and she is in the verge of crying, she couldn't hold it any longer as she started retreating her step moving backwards while still facing them.

the moment old master Mo saw this his face was filled with emotions that he bust out laughing, soon the two women joined him and they all laughed their heart out,

Yue Ling couldn't move any more after seeing them laugh like that, she stood there looking dumbfounded.

Mo Shen: my dear did you get scared, we were only trying to scare you a little after making us worried about you,

Zhao lifei: we tried your number a couple of times but it didn't went through, we became worried to death, I can't let anything happen to my best friends daughter,

Mo Lin: yes Yue Ling, so as soon as "Butler gan" told us you were here, we quickly devised a plan to scare you okay, we aren't angry at you a little bit.

Mo Shen: come my dear have your sit, we are really sorry to scare you that way, how do you like our pleasant welcome?

Yue Ling was really shock to the core that she didn't know how to react or what to say,

after seeing the reaction on Yue Ling's face, Mo Lin quickly stood up and took Yue Ling's hand so that she can sit close to her.

Mo Lin has always wanted a female like her that she can consider her friend and sister, all her life she doesn't have any friends, all the ones she had before, only wanted to be friends with her so they could spend her money, and also come come to her company to get clothes on credit base, as she runs a fashion house, why others wants to be friends with her just to get to her two lovely brothers, she is really tired of those cheap people.

Mo Lin is a smart and very intelligent girl, she is almost the same height as Yue Ling only a small difference as Yue Ling is taller than her, she is 20yrs old her skin is snow white just like her two brothers and mother, their grandpa use to say they all inherited their skin colour from their mother.

After Yue Ling sat down with Mo Lin, they started talking about her, asking her various questions, as time went by, Yue Ling began to see the warmth the three of them have for her, they are such rich people but still behave humbly, she couldn't help but be comfortable and free with them.

she began to tell them what happened after she came back to China, she also told them the incident about her parents and the reason why she recently found out about the Mo corporation, during the time they were discussing about the Mo enterprise, grandpa Mo was very happy, because Yue Ling in a short period of time was able to tell him about Mo corporation from the beginning when it was created, and also some important matters he was really impressed.

he knew for a fact that the secretary position should be really diligent, calculative and smart, and he found those ability in Yue Ling.

" I know my grandson wouldn't find a better secretary compare to Yue Ling " he said in his heart.

they were all heartbroken, and were really angry at the Yue family for treating her that way,

grandpa Mo was about to take some actions and teach those cheap people a lesson, but Yue Ling stop him and told him to calm down, that She'll handle everything bit by bit.

grandpa Mo understand so he calmed himself down and told her whenever she needs his help she should always let him know.

when they were done discussing, they led Yue Ling to the dinning table for them to have dinner together.

after dinner they all started discussing again.

Zhao lifei: my dear don't hesitate to always come here, it feels so good having you around.

Yue Ling: thanks aunt I really appreciate, I really can't say how happy I am to have you all, you have given me strength to move on I can't thank you enough,

Zhao lifei: no thank you okay, consider us your family now, this mansion is also yours from Now onwards, and please stop calling me aunt call me mother okay.

she is already having the thought of matching her with one of her sons,when she is married into the family she will always call her mother so there isn't any need for her to call her aunt.

" I will make sure to get her married to Mo Jihnu if Mo Shira doesn't want her, that son of hers is always so difficult to handle, she only prays that someone captures his heart very soon."

after thinking about it she started smiling and thought again that Yue Ling will be working close to Mo Shira from now, maybe she will find a means on getting them closer.

Mo Lin: mother what are you thinking about?

Zhao lifei got out from her thoughts and smiled widely at Mo Lin,

" nothing much my dear, I'm just thinking that Yue Ling is a very nice girl.

Mo Lin: oh! that was it, I thought you were thinking of something else, hmm Yue Ling, you know you will be working with my brother from tomorrow, he is a bit too cold and annoying sometimes but he is a very nice person at heart I promise you okay so don't get too frightened by him.

Zhao lifei: yes yes my son is really very impatient and stubborn but his heart is very neat okay

grandpa Mo:"hey_" both of you stop painting that brats picture to white in front of Ling, she will definitely find out about that immoral, and careless attitude Mo Shira has, so it is okay stop disturbing her.

Yue Ling couldn't help but laugh, the three of them looks like little kids fighting for one thing.

Yue Ling: grandpa, mother and Mo Lin I should be heading home now, it is already late now.

Zhao lifei: yes my dear, you should be going, please drive safe, and inform us once you've reached home.

Yue Ling: yes mother I will make sure of that.

she gives everybody a hug and headed for the door, with Mo Lin seeing her out.

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