The devil's cave doesn't need me to guard it? Then why are you crying after I leave?

Chapter 141 Li Che is famous all over the world? It’s time to harvest!


A shrill scream suddenly sounded.

Then the crowd watching on the side saw an extremely horrifying scene.

Miao Xiu did not make any movements, nor did he make any earth-shattering noises.

Just after the cold and indifferent voice fell.

Everyone only felt a flash of light in front of their eyes, as if there was a flash of decay, and then the middle-aged men who were grinning and trying to snatch the token suddenly screamed.

In the horrified eyes of the crowd, the bodies of several people began to decay rapidly!

The hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, the tough and elastic skin began to loosen, wrinkles appeared, the vigorous blood gradually dried up, the teeth kept falling, and the eyes full of brilliance became more and more turbid and lifeless.

It was as if.

There was an invisible time and years washing away like crazy!

Several big men looked terrified and tried desperately to struggle and escape.

But the body seemed to be bound by something invisible, standing firmly in place, struggling with fear on the face, but unable to stop all this from happening!

Their lifespans were passing away madly, and time seemed to have suddenly pressed the accelerator key on them!

Their lives were gradually exhausted, and their spirits were drained!

It was as if there was an invisible horror, madly devouring everything they had!

In the horrified expressions of the onlookers.

The several big men who had taken action became extremely old in the blink of an eye, as if they had finished their lives at a very fast speed, and they looked like dying old men. Where was the strong and healthy look just now?

The screams became weaker and weaker, and the struggles gradually became weaker.



The lifespans of several men were completely gone, their breath dissipated, and they all died!

Several extremely old corpses shook, knelt down in front of Miao Xiu, and then fell to the ground!

For a moment, there was silence.

Everyone was shocked by this horrific scene, and their scalps were numb, and their eyes were terrified.

After reacting.

The crowd of onlookers retreated madly.

The surroundings were suddenly empty!

Everyone was farther away from the terrifying young man, and the way they looked at him was like looking at a demon from hell!


"Where on earth did this young man come from? He is so terrifying!!"

"Fuck, I was scared to death. Fortunately, I didn't have any evil thoughts just now, otherwise, there might be a part of me among the dead bodies now!"

"What kind of method is this? Is it a curse?!"

"Too scary! Too scary!!!"

"Sure enough! I knew that none of those who can get the token of the Ascension Competition are simple!"

The crowd seemed to explode.

Everyone in the inn subconsciously stayed away from Miao Xiu, and they were terrified as if they were avoiding snakes and scorpions.

The eyes looking at him were filled with incomparable horror and fear.

Even thinking that they were in the same inn with him just now, so close, everyone was terrified.

I was so damn brave just now!

How dare I stay with such a terrifying person for so long!

If I offended him without knowing it, wouldn’t I become a pile of dry bones?

For a moment, many people were trying hard to recall whether they had said the wrong thing just now.

Have they offended this terrifying young man accidentally?

“Haha, you are so bold that you dare to attack Daozi. You really don’t know how to write the word death!”

The Taoist guardian on the side was not surprised and even had the mood to laugh.

Looking at the corpses of the unlucky guys on the ground, his eyes were full of ridicule.

They are the Immortal Mountain!

Sticking to their own immortality in order to achieve immortality.

But at the same time, they can also deprive others of their vitality and give them decay and end!

“Just a group of ants.”

Miao Xiu said lightly.

He easily killed these guys with ill intentions in seconds, and his expression was calm, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

He glanced around casually.

Seeing everyone panic and fear, no one dared to think of rushing forward to snatch it.

He then slowly put away the token in front of him, stood up, and walked out of the inn that had become a ruin.

Then, he looked at Daoyi Jianzong not far away.

The leisurely and indifferent look on his face gradually disappeared, and a trace of high fighting spirit gradually emerged in his eyes.

"Li Che also got a place in the Ascension Competition!"

"Very good!"

"He is also qualified to be my opponent!"

Miao Xiu's eyes were shining, and the whole person was in high spirits. He looked in the direction of Daoyi Jianzong, like a hunter who had set his eyes on his prey and couldn't wait.

"Now, Li Che's reputation is at its peak!"

"It's the best time to defeat him now!"

"Not only can I step on him to improve my ranking on the Qianlong List and promote the prestige of Bu Laoshan, but I can also take the place in his hand."

"Best of both worlds!"

Behind him, the old-looking guardian elder was also full of expectations.

Seeing Miao Xiu's high-spirited and confident appearance, he laughed with relief.

"Of course!"

"If Daozi takes action, he will definitely be captured!"

"Who is that Li Che? How can he be compared with Daozi? Daozi's personal action has already given Li Che a huge face!"

"I'm just waiting for Daozi to win a great victory, and use Li Che as a stepping stone to become invincible!"

He was arrogant and didn't take this challenge seriously at all.

In his opinion.

Li Che was only worthy of being a stepping stone for Miao Xiu. The quota in his hand was destined to become Miao Xiu's trophy and help Miao Xiu reach a new peak!

"Haha, let's go!"

"Now, let's go meet that Li Che!"

Miao Xiu laughed loudly, his eyes were fiery, and he soared into the air with a fierce momentum.

He went straight to Daoyijianzong!


Their conversation fell into the ears of everyone in the inn around.

It immediately shocked a group of people.

At this time, as they left, these people could no longer hold back and exclaimed.

"Hiss, Bulaoshan has also appeared?!"

"That young man is actually the Taoist of Bulaoshan? No wonder he is so scary!!"

"It is indeed a world of great struggle. Even an ancient hidden force like Bulaoshan has appeared. I really don't know what the world will be like in the future!"

"No, they just said that they are going to challenge Li Che in Daoyijian Sect?!"

"Fuck, that's right! This is a big deal!"

"My God, Li Che has long been a world-famous supreme genius, and now this Bulaoshan Taoist is also mysterious and terrifying. Now the two of them are actually going to clash? Who will be better?"

"Hurry up, this is big news, and you must not miss it!!"

"That's right, let's go, why hurry up, we should be able to catch up!!!"

The Taoist of Bulaoshan is going to challenge Li Che!

This news instantly ignited everyone's emotions.

Even the competition for the quota of the Ascension Competition was too late to pay attention, and all attention was attracted by the upcoming confrontation between the geniuses!

The whole place was in an uproar. Everyone was extremely excited and rushed to Daoyijianzong without saying a word.

They wanted to witness this unprecedented scene with their own eyes!

It wasn't just the people in the inn.

As everyone called their friends, the news spread.

For a moment, the clouds moved in all directions!

This upcoming war attracted the attention of countless people.

All those who had time were frantically gathering towards Daoyijianzong!

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