The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

Nanzhou, Quanyang Mountains.

"Everyone listen!"

"I am a disciple of Lingxu Sword Sect and I am here to practice. Other irrelevant people, leave immediately!"

At the entrance of the mountain range.

Junior sister Yu Shuang'er brought the sect disciples to Quanyang Mountains for practice. As soon as they arrived at the destination, they started to drive away other practitioners without saying a word.

Quanyang Mountains is a famous mountain range in Nanzhou.

There are many monsters, but most of them are not too strong. There are all kinds of spiritual flowers and herbs in the mountains, which are often used as a training place for low-level disciples by many sects.

While training disciples, they can also harvest valuable spiritual materials.

Therefore, it is very popular.

Yu Shuang'er looked at the many cultivators coming and going at the entrance of the mountain range, and immediately raised her chin, her face full of arrogance, and asked other cultivators to leave without saying anything.

She had done this more than once.

As the direct disciple of the sect master Si Ruyan, she often led the sect disciples to practice here.

Every time it was very smooth, and other cultivators would immediately avoid them when they saw them, and they didn't dare to fight or be presumptuous at all.

But this time, an accident happened.


"Why is your Lingxu Sword Sect so awesome?"

"Quanyang Mountain Range is originally an unowned land. Any cultivator in the world can come and do whatever they want. Why should we get out of the way when you come?"

"Who do you think you are?!"

Hearing Yu Shuang'er drive people away, many cultivators who used to leave immediately and dared not conflict with them did not do it this time.

Not only did they not plan to leave, they even confronted each other and opened their mouths to ridicule.

Yu Shuang'er was immediately furious.

The other disciples following her were also filled with righteous indignation.

They had long been accustomed to the scene of everyone retreating wherever they went, so how could they tolerate it.

"How dare you!"

"You dare to disrespect us? I will teach you a lesson today!"

At that moment, a disciple roared and rushed forward.

The opponent was also not to be outdone. They sneered and attacked without saying a word.

Seeing that the opponent was outnumbered, the disciples who rushed forward began to suffer.

The other disciples of Lingxu Sword Sect shouted and joined the battle. Until the end, even Yu Shuang'er was involved.

For a while.

At the entrance of Quanyang Mountain Range, shouts of killing shook the sky, and various magic weapons and magical powers shone brightly.

After all, Lingxu Sword Sect was weak and had offended so many people at the entrance at once. If they really fought at this time, they would not be opponents at all. They were immediately suppressed and many disciples began to be injured.

Even Yu Shuang'er was covered in blood and wounds, looking extremely embarrassed.


"We are from Lingxu Sword Sect, how dare you attack us, aren't you afraid of revenge from Lingxu Sword Sect?!!!"

Yu Shuang'er's eyes turned red with anger, and she threatened viciously.

In Lingxu Sword Sect, she was like a little princess, and she had never suffered such a big injustice!

The other disciples were also furious, and extremely angry.

They were always treated like stars and moons when they walked outside, and this was the first time they were treated like this.

Many practitioners did not tolerate Yu Shuang'er's threats at all.

They looked sarcastic and cursed loudly.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you threaten us?!"

"What's wrong with Lingxu Sword Sect? Can Lingxu Sword Sect drive others away and dominate the mountains?"

"Threaten us with Lingxu Sword Sect? What the hell is Lingxu Sword Sect!"

"What an idiot!"

"You still want to threaten us? Believe it or not, I'll let you all stay here today?!"

Countless people ridiculed and scolded without any hesitation, making Yu Shuang'er furious and trembling all over.

Her eyes were full of disbelief.

What's wrong with these guys? Did they take the wrong medicine? !

In the past, whenever they saw the disciples of their Lingxu Sword Sect, they were more respectful and cautious than each other, fearing that they would offend them. Why did they suddenly become so abnormal today?

It was as if he saw her confusion and puzzlement.

In the crowd opposite, a cultivator looked at Yu Shuang'er with a sarcastic look, saying:

"Hehe, it seems that many fellow practitioners were too polite to you before, so you forgot your last name!"

After a pause, he curled his lips and said disdainfully:

"Do you really think we are polite because of Lingxu Sword Sect?"


"Before, we were just polite and indulgent to you because of our respect for your senior brother Li Che!"

"If it weren't for Li Che, you

Lingxu Sword Sect is nothing? "

Once this was said, others echoed.

"That's right, we respect Senior Brother Li Che and don't want to offend him, so we give you face."

"As for you? You are just trash!"

Someone else laughed:

"I really don't know if you Lingxu Sword Sect have been kicked in the head by a donkey, and you actually expelled Senior Brother Li Che from the sect."


"Senior Brother Li Che is already a member of Lingxu Sword Sect, who will care about you?"

"You bunch of idiots, dare to show off in front of us, you are simply impatient to live! "

The news that Li Che was expelled from the Lingxu Sword Sect had already spread throughout Nanzhou.

These people naturally knew it clearly.

In their opinion, why would the Lingxu Sword Sect without Li Che make them willing to retreat?

What the hell do you want?!

The ridicule and scolding of the crowd was like a sledgehammer, hitting Yu Shuang'er's heart hard.

It made her face pale as paper, and she was angry and frustrated.

She didn't know it until now.

Before, these people were polite to them, but they did so for Li Che's sake.

How is this possible?!

Li Che is a greedy and selfish villain who harms his fellow disciples!

How can such a person be respected by others?

Yu Shuang'er was angry and frustrated.

She wanted to argue.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she saw a large group of practitioners on the opposite side with sneers on their faces and sharpened their knives with unfriendly eyes.

She immediately backed off.

"Let's go! "

In the end, Yu Shuang'er could only feel extremely frustrated and left with the sect disciples in disgrace.

At the same time.

Lingxu Sword Sect, the Transmission Hall.

Third Junior Sister Liu Lingli sat cross-legged at the top, looking grim.

In the sect, she, the third disciple of the sect master, has always been responsible for imparting cultivation experience and swordsmanship to the disciples in the sect.

At the same time, she would also explain some doubts to some disciples while preaching.

Therefore, she has always been respected and loved by the sect disciples.

However, there was a little accident in today's teaching.

Just now, a disciple encountered some doubts in swordsmanship and asked her for advice and guidance.

But the result was.

After listening to the disciple's question.

She couldn't figure out the reason, so naturally she couldn't explain it to others.

Seeing her standing there in a daze, not saying a word to the disciple who asked for advice, the many disciples who were sitting cross-legged below, waiting for Liu Lingli's explanation, immediately talked about it!

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