The old man was buried in the tomb.

"You all know that the demons were rampant at the beginning, and then many forces joined forces to suppress them in the demon cave."

"However, the foreign demons were rampant not only in Nanzhou, but in the whole world. It's just that Nanzhou took the lead in suppressing the demons, which enabled it to achieve a hundred years of stability."

"And in other parts of the world, demons are still rampant!"

"Therefore, the three holy places, including Taiqing Holy Land, have been committed to resisting and killing demons over the years, and Cui Xuanlie is a big man sitting on the battlefield!"

The elder explained to Su Baiwei patiently in a low voice.

Cui Xuanlie!

A top saintly being, one of the elders of the Taiqing Holy Land, and also one of the big men who was stationed on the frontline battlefield of Nanzhou, he was called King Xuanlie!

He had been fighting against demons for a long time, and he had been stained with blood.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately stunned everyone present!

Especially those sharp eyes like swords, which were extremely fascinating. Anyone who looked at him could not help but feel a stinging pain in the eyes, and felt the boundless killing intent coming at them!

For a time, many young people were trembling with fear, and they felt cold all over before the terrifying aura.

Li Che felt something in his heart and looked over subconsciously.

He happened to meet the sharp and fascinating eyes of King Xuanlie.

I don't know if it was an illusion.

Li Che seemed to see that the cold-looking King Xuanlie seemed to smile at him?

Before he could figure it out, everyone who came to their senses had already saluted.

"Greetings, King Xuanlie!"

Both the young generation and the old generation of strong men looked respectful.

King Xuanlie not only has a strong cultivation base, but also has been suppressing demons for a long time and maintaining world stability. It can be said that he deserves the respect of everyone in the world.

"No need to be polite, fellow Taoists."

King Xuanlie acted decisively. He stretched out his hand and asked everyone to sit down. He spoke directly without any nonsense.

His loud and heavy voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"First of all, on behalf of the Taiqing Holy Land, I welcome you all."

"The Taoism Conference is held every ten years. It is mainly to invite you to sit down and discuss Taoism and exchange cultivation experiences. At the same time, it is also to take this opportunity to explain to everyone in the world about the situation of fighting against demons on the front line, so that the world can rest assured."

At this point, his eyes sank, and the breath that had just subsided became fierce and boiling again.

"But now, the situation has changed. Maybe we should put aside the discussion of the Dao first. I want to tell you something else first!"

Could it be...

Seeing his solemn expression, except for some young people who were still a little confused.

Many of the old masters present had already reacted, and some bad guesses came to their minds, and their faces changed.

"King Xuanlie, is there something wrong with the front battlefield?!"

A master stood up and asked, looking surprised.

King Xuanlie nodded and said in a deep voice:


"Everyone, now the demons have shown signs of revival after a great war a hundred years ago!"

"Even though we have been trying hard to suppress them over the years, as time goes by, the demons have become more rampant. Even Fengyazhou, next to Nanzhou, has been occupied by ancient demons and completely fallen!"

As soon as these words came out, many people changed their faces completely.

They all knew that demons still existed, but in recent years, the Holy Land suppressed and strangled the remaining demons, while the top forces in Nanzhou suppressed the demon caves to prevent them from taking advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos. The two cooperated with each other and thought that they could gradually eliminate the demons.

But now, something unexpected happened!

Even Fengyazhou was completely occupied by demons!

Although Fengyazhou was only a small state and could not be compared with the vast Nanzhou, it was still a complete region with countless creatures and many masters.

But they are still no match for the demons? !

In an instant, discussions arose, and countless people showed doubts and shock on their faces.


King Xuanlie shouted and suppressed the somewhat chaotic crowd.

He looked at everyone with a serious look, and said slowly:

"The situation is serious now. After occupying Fengyazhou, the demons are using it as their base camp and are attacking Nanzhou. They plan to cooperate with the demons in the demon cave to cause chaos in the world!"

"Now on the front battlefield of Nanzhou, the three holy places, including my Taiqing Holy Land, are no longer enough to resist the increasingly powerful demons."

"We need all the major sects in the world to send people to resist the demons together!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion at the scene.


Everyone was shocked.

One was shocked by the seriousness of the situation, while the other was hoping for the best and unwilling to send people to the battlefield.

After all, there were countless monsters on the battlefield, all of which were brutal and powerful.

If we send people to fight, we will surely die, and the strength of the sect will be greatly affected.

"King Xuanlie, it's not that we don't want to join the fight against the monsters, but our sect has spent countless efforts to suppress the demon cave, and we are really powerless!"

Some people looked embarrassed.

As soon as he finished speaking, others responded.

"That's right, everyone has a responsibility to fight against the monsters, but if we are empty inside and the demon cave riots, giving the monsters an opportunity to take advantage, we will become sinners in the world!"

"I don't think the situation is that serious. Why don't we discuss it again after a while?"

"We are not as good as a small sect, and we don't have the strength to join!"

Everyone spoke up.

To put it bluntly, it means that they are hoping for the best, and they don't want to waste their own strength. They want several holy places to rush to the front, and then they can hold on.


A cold snort like thunder sounded, which instantly shocked everyone.

The whole audience was silent.

Cui Xuanlie's sharp eyes swept the whole audience, and his aura was impressive. The huge and terrifying aura was revealed without any concealment, filling the nine heavens and ten earths.

"Everyone, I hope you can figure it out!"

"I am not asking for your opinions now, but giving you an order!"

"The war is imminent!"

"Otherwise, let the demons break through the defense line and release the demons in the magic cave. With the cooperation of both sides, the world will surely usher in a catastrophe again!!!"

Cui Xuanlie's words were like thunder!

His voice was full of tyranny and unquestionable!

For a while, everyone was silent, and everyone's faces were changing and thinking constantly.

Occasionally, someone would discuss with the person next to him in a low voice.

In the direction of Lingxu Sword Sect, when they heard the news, everyone's faces changed wildly, and Liu Lingli and other young people almost jumped up in shock.

"What a joke!"

"The demons are attacking Nanzhou, let the holy places take over, why are you recruiting us?!"

"They are holy places, isn't it their responsibility to protect the world?!"

Liu Lingli looked anxious and didn't want to respond to the call.

Just kidding.

They are the disciples of the master of Lingxu Sword Sect, and they have a brilliant future. How could they go to the front line to fight demons!

What if they get hurt? !

Yu Shuang'er pouted, not hiding her dissatisfaction.

"The demons are attacking Nanzhou, isn't it too early to break in? The recruitment should let the older ones go first!"

"I don't want to fight those demons!"

Those demons are disgusting, and when they fight with the demons, they will be as dirty as beggars, which will affect their image!

"The demons are causing chaos among the people, so let the people fight against the demons!"

"Why should our Lingxu Sword Sect go?!"

Zhao Yuansen was also very resistant.

He is the Holy Son of the Wuji Demon Sect, and he is asked to fight against the demons and protect the people?

It is simply ridiculous!

The elder was frightened when he heard several people venting their dissatisfaction without any scruples, and said angrily:

"Keep your voice down!"

"Do you really think the person above is deaf!"

As he said, he looked forward carefully, and happened to meet Cui Xuanlie's cold eyes. He was immediately shocked and lowered his head quickly.


Cui Xuanlie snorted coldly, looking at the people of Lingxu Sword Sect who were full of resistance and reluctance, his eyes full of coldness.

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