I had a dream again.

A dream of pale blue, melting into the world.

It's an afterimage of the world that quickly disappears.

"I don't know why... our demon king doesn't wake up... I don't know..."

The young man wearing glasses with a rainbow iris turned sideways in agony.

"We who are immortal have the power to cure all illnesses, but with that power, we will not awaken the demon king." This faint body lacks a soul. If you have a body and no soul, it must be just a doll. "

A young man with very beautiful colors of red and orange gradient in his throbbing hair speaks sadly.

If this egg is the cause, let's break it.

Too cold an icy voice asks.

The voice of a young man with blonde eyes and ice blue eyes resounds too cold.

The demons around pale at the young man's remarks.

If you guys can't do it, I'll do it.

His expression was too cold, too vain... his eyes were stolen from his precious things.

I'll smash the Demon King's eggs for you.

Every step you take, you're surrounded by the mad magic emitted from your body.

So, if she's coming back...

With a sad voice like saying you don't need anything but her.

I feel like I've had a dream again.

I have the feeling that the beautiful young man with a fake expression in his eyes was talking about some kind of noise... but I can't.

The dreams I had just seen were foggy and I don't remember anything.

"Well, at the moment, it's more than a dream..."

Did you wake up?


After all, you're pulling me up on the bed and staring at me with your arms and your pillow!!?

No matter what you see, you'll be amazed!!!

The beauty of waking up is bad for the heart after all.

Rather than being thrilled, your heart sounds faster.

It's supposed to be the third day, but I'm not used to this beauty at all.

When I checked the time of the cell phone on the desk, it was only 6: 00 in the morning.

Much earlier than the usual Monday waking hours.

I'll take a bath first so I can get ready in the morning.

While I was taking a shower... and a morning shower, Velk seemed to be preparing breakfast for me.

Place the scrambled eggs on top of the toast and add plenty of ketchup.

I'll take it. What a hand-to-hand bite into a hot toast.

I only ate breakfast mechanically like a routine every day, so it felt like a noble thing to just eat a warm meal with two people.

“I'm sorry, Velk. I have work to do on weekdays.”

I know what you mean.

I plan to finish it at regular time and come back, but I think I'll be back early at 19: 00...

"I heard that there is a disease in this country called pseudopathy."

Oh, that's one I don't even know.

Don't you want to give me a break?

"I'd like to help Velk find something, but I'm sorry." Leave me alone. "

I know it. However, it seems that my heart sounds too weak in my heart. This could be serious enough to require medical attention. ”

I don't know anything about it...

I'd rather take care of myself, but I feel like I want to stay here.

Hey, I'm seriously ill, but I haven't changed my expression at all!!!

“I'm just kidding. It's important to get the money. It was written in the book I read last night that [Shigototo Wadashidochiga Daijinano] is a bad man who troubles his opponent."

No, what kind of book did you read...?

I don't know anything about this world yet, so today I will investigate the world quietly until Masumoro returns.

"Um, yeah. That's right. I'll leave you a list of books, games, and cartoons that I'd like to recommend, so if you have any concerns, please take a look.”

Lightly explain to Velk how to use a tablet or game console that he hobbies while preparing for work.

I subscribe to several subscriptions (subscription services), so I will introduce them as well.

I was up earlier than usual, so it seemed like I had enough time to leave the house to explain them.

While wearing shoes at the entrance, Velk handed over his lunch.

It's a simple thing, but I made a sandwich so that you can eat it with one hand. Please go to lunch. "

Nonsense... you made lunch for me along with breakfast.

"Not too high spec..."

I'm looking forward to your early return so that I don't have to go to work.

At the end of the day, I got a handshake.

I'm going.

Welcome home.

Leave the house while Velk drops you off.

This... this has to go back to full time.

I slapped Paschin on the cheek and put my temper in it.

There are people waiting for me. That alone seemed like a stretch to my work today.

A train earlier than usual gave me more room to look around than usual.

It was snowing last Friday, but today the clear blue sky was spreading in the cold air.

I only buy chocolate and coffee at the usual convenience store.

I put my hand on the stimulant nutritional drink I usually buy and stop using it.

Even without it, my consciousness is shaky.

Well, I guess I'll do my best today.

Isn't the beauty (Velcro) effect amazing?

Today, I was working on my morning job with the goal of returning to work on time, but if I did my job in an orderly manner, the workload would have progressed differently than usual.

Of course, there was a job at home on Saturday, and there was a big project completed by last week, but this is it.

Normally, if nothing happens, I'll be able to go home on time.

"Soundless (no sound), this is from the presentation on Wednesday..."

"Ah, Director, here are the materials." Let me explain the product in this way. "

"It's early, have you put it together already?" Hmm, the data is a bit weak. Were there any data that could be compared to the previous year? "

Well then, I'll add it there.

Yeah, that's enough to fix it.

Add that data in the morning and enter the meal break.

I have a sandwich that Velk made for me today.

I'm so happy that I'm drowning.

There were several types of sandwiches, from simple sandwiches with ham and cucumbers, to simple sandwiches with teriyaki chicken and scrambled eggs.

He said he made it for breakfast, but I was in the shower for a short time.

If you prepared it in the meantime, isn't it too easy...?

The flavor of the sun-roasted chicken spreads through the mouth as it rubs.

"It's not too much to say..."

I ate it slowly, and when I noticed it, I ate much more than I usually ate during the lunchtime on weekdays.

"It was a feast."

It was delicious... I think I can do my best in the afternoon... It was a lunch that was filled to the point that it seemed serious.

Suddenly, I thought there was still time for noon and decided to extend my legs to a vending machine on a different floor.

I'm sure they'll be here again today.

"Hey, Aoki."

Oh, Mao-chan, it's Friday.

"It's not Mao. Makoro!"

Knock on your usual mouth.

As usual, Hope and Aoki from the sales department drank Strawberry Tart Milk Pudding Juice.

No, I can't imagine the flavor because there are too many ingredients in it.

“Thanks for the clothes on Sunday. I'm drying it today, so I can return it tomorrow."

No, I forgot to leave it completely.

"Thank you for saving me."

No, no, no.

Speaking of which, I'll tell you what I thought I'd hear most today.

Can you buy a ring?

"... are you listening?"

I've been listening to you.

"Hehehe, Sunday morning, 6 o'clock. Although I am sure that the ring size was given as a gift several times, I will check the final check and measure her fingers at the end."

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

"Whoever touches me with his eyes wide open screams at her"


"I'm too scared to expose the ring."

"Oh, oh"

"She asks me if I was going to go shopping alone."


I'm too scared to tell you that I'm going to buy everything after I send Shizu home.


"I want to give it to you, too. I want to go with her."

"Isn't he too handsome...?"

"My jaw is twitching and I'm being told, hugging you honestly!! I thought so.

Shizu-san, that's so cool.

"Congratulations... congratulations..."

"Thank you. I almost found out I was going to propose, but we chose the ring together..." The final fortress is going to be Kimmeled on Christmas Day in the private surprise studio. ”

"I feel like the Aoki guys are going to be kosher for Christmas, but don't do it..."


There's a lot of happy aura fluffing up again today, Aoki.

"The handsome man is a delicate man..."

"Ah, yes. The story will change, but I wonder if it will continue the story we were talking about on Friday night...?" Can I talk to you like that? "

"Here you go. You're welcome to talk about it."

"Hey, hey, hey. If... a person who has completed a task in another world returns to the real world, do you think it would be possible for someone from another world to come after that person?"

"Huh. Don't talk funny."

Is there such a thing as Professor Aoki, who is deep in mythology?

There is a myth. Or in some girl comics, the second part of the story begins when the protagonist who went to another world returns to our world.

"Ah, that might sound familiar." Was it animated? The Four Divine Beasts? "

"That's right. It was after one [Save the world, save me]." In terms of novels, this one is also borrowed from Shizu, but there are also horror novels in cases where the existence originally born in other worlds has flowed into reality. That way, the existence of the world that faces you interferes with it as a "monster". "

"Eh, is that the same series as the anime you used to broadcast on state television?" Everyone is jealous of the good-lookingness of existence, and the worldview is the same with the mouse that comes out. "

I've seen cartoons before, but I'm sure there's a long blonde figure on the top of the Buddha.

"There are also novels that usually come from other worlds to make money, such as Demon King."

"I'm sorry, you're from another world..."

"Well, I think the story structure from Japanese mythology is based on the fact that young Arakami and heroes can come from the Shinto world, overcome trials, and recognize their existence as noble species."

It's the reverse pattern of the last visit to another country.

That's it. Susano no Mikoto, Princess Kaguya, if it's Greek mythology, Hercules was also kicked out of the kingdom of God and raised a martial arts as a demigod.

Well, can Hercules be said to be the structure of the story?

It's not the structure of your exile, but if it's a Nordic myth, maybe the Valkyrie will pick up a dead hero from this world and bring him to the kingdom of God.

"Ahh, that Valkyrie who played so much in the old game?"

"When it comes to games, I'm so scared of quiet hill games and alarm games..." Well, it's not as much of a reincarnation as another world, but it's not just a theme. However, as long as it is not the "god race" that comes to this world, it is said that it will be accompanied by a certain price. "

"... what is the price?"

"In cases where time is not timed in the same time line as the other world, it can cause" "time" "," "something to pay for when you come to this world" "and" "disaster" "" "

"Time... disaster..."

That was the magic power and longevity that Velk offered.

Well, it's just one case.

"... but I guess I want to find something at such a price."

"Do you want to get it at a price?" It might be worth it, but I can only think of knowledge, medical technology, or something like that that doesn't exist in the right world. "

"Medical technology...?"

"In a novel I read a long time ago, there was a time when the history of the medicine for measles in circulation in this world was radically different because it was not in another parallel world, so knowledge is not fashionable."

"Do you get vaccinated against measles when you're a child?"

"Yeah, it's a fashionable disease." It can be life-threatening for an adult. In the first place, even in the history of this planet, until the 1840s in Europe, it was not even clear that the risk of maternal death in puerperium could be reduced by thorough handwashing by doctors, and modern knowledge cannot be fooled. "


"Find out with Zemmelweiss." I can see a lot of things. "

"Oh, it's true. Wow... I guess that means that the number of deaths is different between midwives and doctors... Is this also a case where it was not known that [naturally], which is thoroughly said to be handwashing now, was a long time ago..."

"If I were to take it back from this world, it would be knowledge."

Aoki... you're a handsome and full of habits, don't you say things that sometimes seem smart...

"Mao, what do you think of me???"... it's almost time. "

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's been very helpful again."

No, no, no.

Gugubi and Aoki drink up the sweet canned juice.

Oh, yeah. And Aoki stops me trying to get back to work.

"If I were to take it home, it would be knowledge, but what if it was an object?"

Huh, objects?

"If what you bring back to the other world has a mass,"

Looking back.

I wonder how we can take the objects of this world back to the world, even if the world is coming and going.

Kakon and the empty cans that Aoki put in the trash can made a noise.

[109. What comes from another world]

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