
That day, behind the Castle of the Demon King, a funeral was held for Veerwolf's brother.

My brother said Legina and my brother Lex.

I made many apologies for not making sense while holding Lex.

I couldn't protect Regina as the Demon King.

I couldn't live up to my promise.

"Demon King, show your face. I couldn't help being a brave opponent. Yeah, it's not the Demon King's fault."

Rex laughs more with a face that leaves tear marks.

"Thank you, Demon King. Don't hesitate to go to my brother's rescue. Thank you. You took me back to that. I could see my brother again."

I look up in tears.

"I have a favor to ask. Give me a clan so I can take my brother's enemies. Strong clan."

Those eyes were - black and cloudy with hatred for humans.

The mating with Veerwolf became spectacular.

Lex, who forgot me in anger, chews off my arm and eats my guts.

I learned more grief than pain.

It was a mating like hearing Lex scream about losing his brother.

I... could have given him twenty Veerwolf eggs.

That's all he could do.


I seemed to see Velk's quiet anger.

"I know what you're trying to say."

"I don't know. Why don't you call me? Make me look like this."

After the mating, it seems I was being held crying by Rex, who returned to sanity.

Verk halved Rex.

"Don't blame Rex too much. It's due to hatred. I have no choice."

"There's no way"

stroke Verk's cheek with his remaining left arm.

"If you lost a clan, you know what I mean. I had no choice."


Verk attaches his own hand over that hand.

"Lord... why must you give until you are hurt"


"I've seen you get hurt many times. It's a hell of a sight for me."


"I want to take you away from me where no one is, no demon, no brave man. I want to hide you out of sight."


"If you just snort a word, I will."


To Verk's just overflowing love, I weep.

"Still, I'm the Demon King"

- You can't throw out that role.

Would it have been ten days?

Both the lost arms and organs seemed to have been regenerated.

That's Demon King cheat skills, physical resuscitation. Bump your freshly grown right arm.


Also, they seem to be here today.

"Come on, why don't you come in?


The presence in front of the door seems frightening.

A being who delivered flowers every day.

I hear a terrible door open.

"I'd like to thank you for the flowers. Is it time?

It was Cobolt who helped out in the woods ten days ago who gave me a good look.

"Demon King... uh... how about that... plus or minus?

"Much better."

"It is! That's great!!

I can shake it and its tail happily.

"Come here more"

Yes, sir.

Cobolt, who helped from the brave, did not seem to have forgotten his benevolence for a long time.

I haven't had a mate in ten days, I thought this cobolt would do it.

"So, what's your name?

"Yes. It's called Copel."

Submit to me.

"The Demon King is a benefactor of life! I will serve you my whole life!!

Kopel shakes his head vertically with joy. They shake their tails together and they're adorable.

"Then I'll give you a family."

"Huh!! Me, me?!??

I wonder who else there is besides you.

"Me, not me. It's the worst thing in my village, it's not for girls, and I feel sorry for my kids when I'm a seed parent."

I've never seen this type before.

"You delivered flowers to me every day. Who? The one stronger than you in that village? You're not. I like you. Now take off your clothes."


Copel starts taking off his clothes in the first place.

"Ma, demon king...... how do you do mating?

Kopel nodding his crushed eyes and asking me.


Akan. This is Akan.

The one I have to lead.

I roared as I took off my clothes.

A naked copel is sitting right in front of me.

"Uh, first......"

Yes, sir.

Hard to do.............

"My lips, cheeky"

Yes, sir.

Nanny and Kopel's face approaching.


"I kissed the demon king."

Copel covering his face properly. You're our biological daughter!

"Keep it up, kiss me"

Kopel keeps kissing me all the time.

You wouldn't expect to tangle your tongue.

"Open your mouth a little, tongue down"

"Like this?

Copel with Leron and tongue out.

Oh, it's the one I've seen this before. Dogs do it when it's hot.


"It intertwines with my tongue, just a little bit."

Push your own lips against the half-opened Kopel lips. When I sucked my tongue all the time, Kopel sucked my tongue in the same way.

Feels good. Again, my sexy belt seems to be in my tongue as well.

"What am I supposed to do next, huh?

"Next... uh, touch my body"

Kopel began to touch clumsily.

When I hit my nipples, my voice leaked like it was on my nose.

"Do you feel good here?

"Well, I guess so."

Kopel began to stroke him with his tongue, supposedly thinking.

And he starts sucking all over with his mouth.

"Oh, you don't have to do that!!

"Ra, Mayuhima, Kimochi looks good"

It makes me feel weird when I talk while I can.

Even the unbridled caress of Kopel brought a little of his own son.

"Demon King, you're being picked on."

"Yes, don't."

"Is it okay to hang around here?

I am flabbergasted when I reply.


My lower back moves when I'm stimulated by my chubby and tongue.

Kopel keeps masturbating like he remembers my sexy belt.

"Hey, don't swallow semen from Ike."

"Phew Phew."

So don't talk like that!

My head turns white and I ejaculate from my penis.

"Mayushama, I'm not kidding."

Kopel is holding his mouth.

"Spit it out in my hand. Yeah, you're a good boy."

This time the opponent is a virgin. I have to untie the back myself.

I decide to untie the back with my own semen spit out.

Ha, exhale all the time, and puff your slippery fingers in.


Keep your voice down and slowly plug one in.

He then slowly put a second bottle of guppoop in it and poured it into the hole to pour the cloudiness that was flat in his hand from that gap.

Ha, and it was when I exhaled.

I'm concerned about Kopel's rough breath.

This punk is so excited about my masturbation.

"That's how you solve it, demon king"

"Look, your fingers are thick and you have nails, so I'll do it this time. That's good."

"Yes. Demon King, it looks very tasty."

Or hard to do...... If you add a third bottle of kupupupu.

Pull it out of the way. I guess it's time.

"Well, here, I'll put yours, that one,"

Yes, sir.

Copol covered me with a swollen penis on my lower abdomen.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I'm not coming in, Demon King..."

"You bastard..."

As I endured shame, I drilled a hole with one hand and put my hand on Kopel's penis with the other.

"Now you're in."


be inserted plumply.


"Demon King, are you okay!?

"Fine, come in more... come on... good boy"

After a long time, Kopel's penis comes in the back.

"Demon King... Mayusa... Kisano... no... oh! It's... going to happen."

"Well, it's too soon!

The cali that inserts the guppet irritates the prostate in me.

"Mmm... wow... oh..."

"Demon King... looks good... here? Does it feel good here?

Kopel comes stimulating the same prostate like a freshly remembered dog.

"Damn... yeah... you're a good boy... hmmm"

"Let's go... demon king... I'm going... ahhh!!

Copel barked comfortably, spitting cloudiness in me.

< < I got the LV10 aligned voice in mating with Cobolt! I've produced 40 Cobolt eggs!

"It's okay, come on in."

"Yes, sir"

Nanny and Kopel come in.

"Um... isn't Master Velk here now?

"He should be in the breeding room by now."

Kopel is peeking out the door for a moment.

When I exhaled, I decided to call another dog.

"The door is open. You can come in, Rex."

A snack and its giant come in. The tail was pinched either because of tension or between the crotches.

"Demon King... the more you add... the more you..."

"It doesn't matter. The only characteristic of the Demon King lies in his ruggedness."

"also, sorry!!!!"

but Lex sat down.

"Already. 'Cause it's okay"

More than that, I was worried about the mind that was too big for that lost thing.

"Are you okay now?

"Yes... sorry for the inconvenience"

Rex nods with a face stronger than before.

"Fine then."

"Shit, Lex says he wants to ask the Demon King something!

"Me too, put me in the Guard of Demon King's Castle!

"You can tell Verk that."

It is Velk who is almost in control of the castle.

Rex gives a desperate look.

Uh, no. Werk killed me half.

"Okay. I'll keep it from me. Don't ask me to do this again."

Rex's expression became brighter. The tail that was shrinking is also shaking well.

"Why are the dogs and animals here? I thought you told the Lord never to come near you again?

A voice echoes from outside the door wondering if there was a lid on Verk's Hell's Cauldron.

"" Hit. ""

Two dogs' tails hide under the crotch.

"Don't tell him that, Verk. I like dogs, too. Don't take what I like."

Verk had a crease between his eyebrows, but he seemed to have lowered his drinks in my words.

"Ma'am, I'll be back!

"Excuse me!

The two turned bright blue and walked out the door.

When I giggle at the way it looks, I call Verk and give him a hug.

Verk held my body quietly.

"If I had you, I'd be fine. So stay put."

"The future will last forever... only for you."

Verk's lips fell on his eyelids.

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