
Well... I don't really like humans myself.

But only human dessert thinks it's the highest dish.

"Hehe, a small village exclusive matcha sweet parfait, so delicious!

That sometimes sweet thing made by the legendary pedestrian that the shopkeeper is a stranger or only stops at a small village, in search of it I was infiltrating a human village.

Verk won't stop me from going out these days.

Although one has to do with me getting stronger.

Another thing I think is that he thinks it's important to see the outside world.

I'm happy to be able to travel in search of something sweet this way.

"Are you kidding me?

I was spoken to by a child about five or six years old who was eating parfait in the same way.

"Yeah, that's right."



Cheeks Parfait in an upbeat mood.

Then something rushed the village.

"What a long time you guys are doing! It's almost 5: 00, I'm in the cabin ASAP!!

Is it also a code in this village that children have to leave when it is 5: 00?

If you're wondering, the child's parents, well, shouldn't! and hastily pulled the child's hand and fled into the nearby cabin.

Me, too, getting my aunt's hand pulled out of my voice and going inside the cabin.

I wonder what it is.

Then I found out why I had to go into the cabin and why.


I heard a tremendous roar.

The cabin trembles with its roar.

Hey, what's that voice!? Thinking so, my aunt told me.

"That's Wyburn's survival."


"Oh, the brave man exorcised me two years ago, but apparently there were eggs left. He's been attacking this village recently."

"Oh yeah..."

"But it's okay. I'm sending a request to the country, and I'm sure the brave ones will help me again."

Whether it was mine or you thought you were scared, spin words so your aunt can reassure you.

This has to protect Wyburn quickly.

"I'm always rampaging around for about an hour at this hour, but if you're in the house, you'll feel safe."

That said, my aunt hugged me all the time.

"Kuma, I'm scared"

Pompous, I can hear children.

Blurring and leaning against her aunt's busty chest and belly, she saw the child leaping out next to her mother, where she was headed towards the place and the door.

The mother doesn't realize if she's talking to another person or how it is.

The door will not open.

Even though I don't know, I'm more oppressed than I expected.

No one will notice!!

I rushed out of my aunt's belly, no. I jumped out of my chest, following the child out.


"The kid popped out there!

Jump out and look for children.

Looks like the kid's gone back to get the stuffed animal he left behind.

I rushed back to my child.

"Go back to your mom with your brother because it's dangerous!!

"You were there, weren't you?

"Kuma's with me!

Then worst of all, Wyburn came back.

He has mad eyes on his mighty body.


Wyburn, who found us, growls.


Me, Demon King!!

I can be a slave!!

But a flame rolls out of Wyburn's mouth before he hangs the words of a slave.

We need to help the child!!

Second, I notice.

Children are human beings.

Who am I trying to help?

- Which one are you trying to help??

I got lost, and...


Protected the child.

Protected children will strip the Demons of their fangs when they grow up.

As the surviving Wyburn was.

Don't let that negative chain end.

But children are children.

I couldn't have stopped that life.

"Retreat! Wyburn!!!!


"There's no point in rambling here! Get out of here!!!

I will solve the demonization and show that I am the Demon King.

((What are these signs... Demon King... Dear...?))

I can hear Wyburn directly in my brain.

"That's right, get the hell out of here!!

((Why, protect it))

The wrath of Wyburn is transmitted.

((That's human!!))

I don't have a clear answer to that question.

But I...

"I won't allow you to hang small things in your hands because of how many people you are"

That's the only answer I get.

((Is that your answer, Demon King?))

"I know I haven't been able to answer your question. But will you give me some time? to guide the answer to that question."

((Demon King, we obey you, understand))

But Wyburn answers as if he's not convinced of his heart.

"First, let's get out of here. Together"


When Wyburn could snap my neck, he put it on his back and winged it.

"Come on!

"You go home to your mom!!

Yes, when I told the child, I went up with Wyburn in the sky.

......... although we'll talk later.

It was when I went to that village for an exclusive chocolate deluxe parfait this time.

In that village, a bronze statue of a brunette boy about ten years old was built.

Apparently, he's offering as a holy boy without a Virgin who saved a child and got rid of Wyburn.

No, I'm, uh, festived.

When I asked for the parfait softly, I walked out of the village.

I may never go to this village again.

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