The Devil's Origin

70. Outside: The Being of the Brave

A brave man.

I've been a brave man since I was born.

He was a "brave man", whether he wanted it or not.

I never wanted that before.


I had to be a "brave man”.

Since childhood, there has been one scale.

The power is unusually strong and I can see the Spirit.

The trusted parents treated me like a brave man.

Because you are a brave man.

You're a brave man.

For me to be a toddler, my parents were not sweet subjects.

Gradually, I was more alone.

I knew they were carrying excessive expectations.

So I didn't really want to be with my parents.

The same goes for the boys of the same age.

Take me as a foreign object.

The parents also thought that if they played with the “brave man" and even let him get hurt, they would keep the child away.

I was always alone.

It was easier to be alone.

It was any better to be alone than to be able to keep looking at it with the kind of anticipation that was going to be squashed.

I encourage training on my own.

Because you have to be strong, brave.

The demons who lived in the woods compared good powers.

Every time I defeat the Demons, I feel my power grow stronger.

No matter who could not be taught, the power grew as strong as it was engraved in the soul.

Of course, as much as fighting back, it can hurt.

However, I had already remembered the magic to repair it.

By the time I was ten, I felt void in that raw.

How much stronger... no one will look at me.

"That's brave! I can't believe I'm going to be that strong at ten!!

Yes, my father turned black in front of me when he told me.

I'm the one who hurt, gasped and got stronger again and again. Kilratur.

Not because you're a brave man. I'm stronger. Because I've been fighting demons because I feel like I'm throwing up blood reflexes. Yet......

Nobody, nobody, they don't look at me.

I was desperate for myself, a brave man.

Who, what did you entrust?

God bless, I can't believe it.

God does not give us peace as human beings, even if He gives us strength to slaughter the devil tribe.

Nobody looks at me.

It was despair and loneliness because it was a “brave man”.

I was more and more obsessed with killing demons.

The only way to prove yourself is with power.

If being a “brave man” was all I had to do was get my strength.

By the time I reached the age of thirteen, the level was over 300.

And take a turn.

"My demon king!!!

That's what the demonic king who attacked the king's capital called it.

Something that ravages the king's capital to the best of his power.

I... I laughed.

That my raison d 'être finally showed up.

Slaughter a wolf defending the Demon King with one blow.

I was the one who wanted confrontation with the Demon King more than anyone else.

Only the Demon King wants me.

The Demon King is the only reason I exist.


A lightly wielded blade of sword pierces the Demon King.

"Ugh, if you defeat me... the Demon King will soon be resurrected... until then... dream temporarily... mortal..."

You're lying, aren't you?

Oh no... I can't believe you fell so lightly.

He approached the Demon King in advance, but the Demon King disappeared like a rush of sand.

"Young brave man!! THANK YOU for defeating the Demon King!!!

The king who heard the noise is saying something.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

Oh no... I...

From now on, what do I do?

I've only lived with the goal of defeating the Demon King... and that Demon King has disappeared lightly.

Staring at the sword of a brave man from a young age.

I can't believe the Demon King is so weak...

No, you're not.

Am I too strong...?

"You beat the Demon King well!! This is cheap for hundreds of years!! Brave man!! Well done!!

"Yes... no..."

"What good is the reward? A giant fortune? Is that your status? I'll give you anything, okay?

"... no, nothing"

I don't need anything.

So give me a reason to exist.

You can exist for me, give me a reason.

Somebody, please...

- Look at me.

It wasn't long after that.

Celebration in the blur.

I was to be served as a brave man.

It was also decided to show its presence as a brave man to other countries.

As king of this country, brave men would have been very convenient to show off.

I was to be successfully “used” by the interests and interests of the adults and other scumbags.

Being a “brave man" to the king made me a more user-friendly tool than anything else.

"Oh, can you be a brave man? I want you to get rid of the demons that threaten our country."

"Yeah, I don't mind."

I killed the Demon Clan, which I have left many times as a tool.

Because even if the demon king perished, the demons themselves did not perish.

If they called, they killed him, and when they found him, they killed him, and they killed him, and they killed him, and they killed him.

The more I noticed, the higher the level was over 800.

Killing the Demons became my new raison d 'être.

"God will bless you, too, who are the best in history"

Ku... blessing, huh?

God says nothing. I don't even bless you.

God only gives strength.

Salvation doesn't bring me anything.

There's no reason why it has to be me.

There is no such thing as why it has to be me.

I just wish there was a being who exercised the power of God.

That doesn't have to be me.

... people used me and my youth is over.

In the mid twenties, there are things that come to light.

How ugly are people? How much is society stirred up by rights and interests?


I'll dance you as a “brave man”.

- If that's my existential value.

That was the time.

I met my destiny.

In a city a little far from Wang Du.

I thought I was lost and I rang, little kid.

"What's wrong with you?

As an adult, you must not leave strays alone. That's the obligatory voice I called.

The moment I turned around, I was struck like I'd never felt before.

Eyes loose with tears.

Plumpy red lips.

The brain knows. A mediocre boy.

A boy like anywhere else.

"I'm lost..."

Words that sound mellow and sweet.

Oh, driven by the urge to lick those tears off.

What is this?

What is this emotion?

"Yes, that's sad. Don't cry. Let's look together."

A small hand to be fearfully extended.

Oh, no. Be imprisoned.

The last time I take this hand.

I can't help but be trapped by this girl.

A small child who also looks frightened.

The kid seemed hesitant at first, but he held my hand softly.

Oh, I am.

Am I born to see this girl?

Grab that little hand back.

A boy named Mao.

I get my head full about the boy.

This has never happened before.

I can't believe you got your head full about someone.

Mao, as I walk with you, I'll be full of happiness.

Just think of little him, just hold hands like this with little him.

I feel alive.

"See you later, Kira. Stay."

Few people call me Kira.

Because I didn't forgive you.

Kira. Kirlatur.

I can be a Kilratur, not just a brave one when that girl calls me.

Only when I'm with that kid can I exist as a killer, not a "brave man”.


God the Curse.

Though I've always hated you for giving me this power.

I thank you now.

If we can protect the world he lives in, we'll use as much of this power as we can.

As a “brave man," let's hunt the Demons.

As a “brave man," let's protect him from all evil.

I would like to thank you for giving me someone I love.

Has all my life been for this?

(Wait... Mao Tan... stay, I'll do anything for Mao Tan. I will destroy the rest of the demons and give them peace. Ha, ha, and Mao Tan will wait for me at my place on a naked apron to take a bath? Make it a meal? Or mao? I don't know what kind of inquiry you made, but I definitely slammed on Maotan's body in the front door and stuck it in Maotan's little underneath mouth with my Excalibur - eh)

"Lord Brave... Lord Brave"

"... what?

My consciousness was flying for a moment, but I reply with a face that didn't eat anything.

"A boy named Mao, I couldn't find him in the neighborhood"

"Really... I wonder if you're from a little far away"

"And I was curious."

This informant has a strong mouth, in credit.

"Recently, the rights to the nearby woods have been shifted from the nobility of this city."

"Is that it?

"Apparently, the name of the new rightholder... is Mao."

"Let's hear more about it."

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