Under the watchful eyes of the Death Eaters and Ye Ting, the duel between Voldemort and Harry began.

No, this is not so much a duel as a one-sided torture.

Voldemort raised his wand, and before Harry could defend himself or even move, he was hit by the Cruciatus Curse.

Severe pain took over everything, and he didn't know where he was... The white-hot knife pierced every inch of his skin, and his head must have been so painful that it was about to split. He screamed, he had never made such a scream in his life -

Fleur lowered her head and Hermione closed her eyes, but the Death Eaters became excited.

Then it all stopped and Harry rolled over, shaking uncontrollably like Peter had just done after his hand was chopped off. He stumbled against a wall of Death Eaters, who pushed him back towards Voldemort.

"Pause," Voldemort said, his two slit-like nostrils dilating with excitement,"rest for a while...it hurts, doesn't it, Harry? You don't want me to do it again, do you?"

Harry didn't answer, he was going to die like his mother. Those cruel red eyes were telling him that...he was going to be killed and there was nothing he could do about it...but he wouldn't give in, He won't be at Voldemort's mercy...he won't beg for mercy.……

"I ask you if you want me to do it again," Voldemort said softly,"Answer me! The soul is out of body!"

Suddenly, Harry felt that there were no thoughts in his mind. This was the third time in his life that he felt this way... How happy he was. He didn't have to think. He seemed to be floating and dreaming... Said"No"",……Say it... say"No.""……

I won't say, said a stronger voice in the back of his mind, I won't answer... say"No.""……

I won't say, never say... say"no""

"I will not say!"

These words burst out of Harry's mouth and echoed over the cemetery. The dreamy state suddenly disappeared, as if a bucket of cold water was poured on his head - all the pain left by the Cruciatus Curse in his body came back. ——He realized again where he was and what was in front of him...

Although Harry himself was very weak, which made Ye Ting look down on him, Ye Ting had to admit that Harry was able to defeat Voldemort in the original work, which proved that he still had power. There are some redeeming features.

Just now, he actually broke free from Voldemort's Imperius Curse by his own will!

Although the reasons are very complicated, for example, Harry has fragments of Voldemort's soul in his body, and Voldemort is just holding and playing with him. Attitude, he did not cast the spell with all his strength, but this was enough to prove that one of Harry's advantages as a savior-a strong enough will.

Even Ye Ting nodded approvingly and gave him a high look.

"you do not say? Voldemort said softly. The Death Eaters stopped laughing."You won't say 'no'?" Harry, I'm going to teach you the virtue of obedience before you die... maybe with a little more pain?"

Voldemort raised his wand, but this time Harry was prepared. With the agility he had learned during the Quidditch game, he jumped to the side and rolled behind the marble tombstone. The spell missed, but he heard the tombstone. Enlightened voice

"We are not playing hide and seek, Harry," Voldemort said softly, the cold voice getting closer, and the Death Eaters were laughing,"You can't hide from me, does this mean you are tired of our duel? Do you want me to end it now, Harry? Come out, Harry... come out and duel... quickly... not even painful... I don't know... I haven't tasted death.……"

At this time, Ye Ting looked back at the two girls

"The time has come and I'm going to take action," he reminded,"be prepared."

The two girls were a little nervous. They knew what it meant for Ye Ting to take action: the curse was quite conspicuous. Once Ye Ting took action, their sense of presence would greatly increase, which means that the potion that reduces the sense of presence cannot be hidden. Their traces were found, and they had to face Voldemort and a dozen Death Eaters head-on.

This was a scene that even Dumbledore might not be able to handle.

However, they looked at Ye Ting and nodded firmly.

They They decided to advance and retreat together with Ye Ting and entrusted everything to him.

Ye Ting thrust several red heart badges with"+1" written on them into their hands.

"The experiments in the maze have proven that this life-saving badge is effective," Ye Ting said with a smile,"But I don't make many, so you have to be careful."

At this moment, Harry was huddled behind the tombstone.

He knew that everything was lost - there was no hope... helpless. He listened to Voldemort approaching step by step, and there was only one thought in his mind, which transcended fear and reason: He couldn't Like a child playing hide-and-seek, he would die curled up here; he could not kneel at Voldemort's feet... He would die standing up like his father, dying in self-defense, even if self-defense was impossible...

Waiting for Voldemort's snake Turning his face away from the tombstone, Harry stood up... He clenched his wand, held it in front of him, and rushed out, facing Voldemort. But

Voldemort was also prepared.

Before Harry was about to shout"Expelliarmus!""At the same time, Voldemort shouted:"Avada Kedavra!"

However, Voldemort's killing curse had already been cast, but Harry's disarming curse stopped in his mouth.

A faster disarming curse was shot out from behind a tombstone that no one expected, and it hit in the blink of an eye. Harry was staggered by the attack, and the wand in his hand flew out. At this time, a man stood up from behind the tombstone. He reached out and grabbed Harry's wand.

Until this time, Only then did Voldemort and the Death Eaters discover that there were still people hiding behind the tombstone, and there were three of them!

They couldn't believe it at all. There were actually three people hiding under their noses, but they knew nothing about it.

However, for Voldemort For him, another thing that happened now was even more important to him. The green killing curse hit Harry, and he flew out like a rag doll, hitting the wall of Death Eaters, and then He fell softly to the ground.

At this moment, his mouth was half open, and there was no color in his eyes. He was dead.

However, at the same time, Voldemort himself also made a common sound, fell softly to the ground, and died. The disciples immediately ignored Harry, and did not care about the sudden appearance of Ye Ting and the other three. They crowded around in a panic, wanting to see Voldemort's current state.

Because Voldemort died after Harry rebounded the spell, but he had a criminal record. ——Although there was no scene of the curse rebounding just now.

But Ye Ting knew why this was. This was because the fragments of Voldemort's soul in Harry's body were destroyed. At this moment, he himself suffered from the destruction of his soul. He weakened due to feedback - of course, he could recover quickly.

However, even so, Voldemort still forced a hoarse voice

"I'm fine!"

With the help of the Death Eaters, he stood up again, and then looked in the direction of Ye Ting and the others.

"Let's see who the little mouse is that sneaks in."

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