Ye Ting, who was surrounded by the Amazons, turned into a phantom and disappeared, and his true body appeared on the Argonaut ship.

Originally, these Argonauts were excited when they saw that Ye Ting was captured and taken away by the Amazons after saving them, and they wanted to get off the ship and launch a surprise attack to rescue Ye Ting.

Now seeing Ye Ting appearing among them again, the heroes were stunned for a moment, and then immediately became happy.

But now was not the time to talk. Jason loudly gave orders, and the crew members immediately returned to their posts, each performing their duties and seizing the time to launch the Argonaut.

The oarsmen worked together to swing the oars, and soon drove the Argo into the sea, away from the coast, and finally got rid of the Amazons.

Until then, everyone was relieved.

They immediately surrounded Ye Ting and expressed their gratitude and admiration to him.

Ye Ting's previous step forward made him immediately become an important figure on the Argonaut and gained everyone's friendship.

Although the original Ye Ting joined them with his profound knowledge and gained respect from everyone, that was just respect.

Perhaps due to the gap in wisdom, perhaps because of his identity as a mage, or perhaps because of his circle of friends, he has always been somewhat incompatible with these warriors.

Only now did Ye Ting officially join them.

After thanking Ye Ting, there was a moment of silence.

In the Amazon territory, they lost too many companions.

In the previous adventures, although some companions were lost, they were only one or two. Although it is sad, it does not stop there. After all, there is a difference between people, and the entire Argonaut Not all of the more than fifty heroes are familiar or close to each other.

But this time is different.

In this battle with the Amazon female warriors, the original team of nearly fifty people was reduced to their early thirties, and nearly twenty people were lost at the hands of the Amazons.

This is about two-fifths of the people on the entire ship.

If it is an army, if the loss exceeds 10%, it may collapse. Although the Argonauts are more elite soldiers than ordinary soldiers, the friendship between them makes them more Can't bear the loss.

The huge loss left the entire ship immersed in deep sorrow.

As a captain, Jason even began to doubt himself, wondering whether the journey was started correctly, or whether it was because of him that so many good friends embarked on a road of no return.

If so many people have been lost here, what next?

At this time, he even had the idea of ​​ending the journey, returning to his hometown, and giving up his inheritance rights.

The sad atmosphere lasted for a long time. God sent messengers to cheer them up and ensure that such a thing would never happen again. Only then did the heroes cheer up again and start sailing again. At this time, Ye Ting was also angry.

This time relying on the Amazons to weaken the Argonauts is indeed a bit risky.

If he had taken control of Hippolyta later, and the Argonauts' casualties would have been greater, the gods might have given up on this plan before the Argonauts gave up on themselves.

If too many people in the Argonauts die, what will they use to fight against Colchis and Mystra Academy?

At the same time, Ye Ting also decided not to cause any big troubles in the future. He had to keep it in check and just kill one or two people.

At the same time, just as Ye Ting reminded Hippolyta, the gods couldn't help but hate the Amazon female warriors.

Although the Argonauts landed at the place where the Amazons had conflicts and suffered losses, it was all because the gods themselves had imperfect plans for the trip (in the eyes of the gods), but the gods were not wrong.

So it must be a mortal who is wrong.

At this time, it is useless even if the Amazon female warrior is a descendant of Ares.

Facing the anger of the entire Olympus, a mere god of war would naturally dare to be angry but dare not speak out.

Who makes these Amazon female warriors so warlike?

Who told them to attack strangers indiscriminately?

Who prevented them from recognizing that the Argonauts were covered by gods?

If they cannot figure out the will of the gods, then they deserve to die.

Of course, we can't take action against them now, otherwise wouldn't it be clear that we are venting our anger on the Argonauts?

Although these Amazon women deserved to die, their death would not occur until after the adventures of the Argonauts were over.

But this grudge has been remembered by the gods.


Over there the gods are planning revenge on the future Amazons, and here the Argonauts sets sail again.

The Argonauts came upon land again, and anchored to rest on the other side of Bithnia, where Phineus, son of the hero Agenor, lived.

Because Phineus abused the prophecy ability taught to him by Apollo, the god of light, he suddenly became blind in his later years.

In order to punish Phineus, the gods sent a harpy with a woman's head to attack Phineus, making the blind Phineus unable to eat normally.

These harpies stole as much of the food in front of Phineus as possible, and soiled the remaining food so that Phineus could not eat it.

Although Phineus was tortured by the harpy and was dying of hunger, Phineus once received an oracle from Zeus: when the Argonauts arrive, he can get rid of the entanglement of the harpy.

When the Argonauts arrived, Phineus, who heard the news, hurriedly left his house and came to the shore. Phineus was so weak that his legs were trembling and he walked unsteadily. When he came in front of the Argonauts, he was immediately exhausted and fainted on the ground.

The Argonauts who had come down from the ship surrounded the poor old man and were very surprised to see his withered appearance.

After Phineus regained consciousness, he immediately appealed to the Argonauts.

Since it was a request from the gods, the heroes naturally agreed to drive away these harpies for the king.

The Argonauts set out a table of sumptuous food for Phineus. Before Phineus could eat, a group of harpies swooped down from the sky like a gust of wind and pecked greedily.

The Argonauts shouted threats, but the harpies were indifferent until they swallowed everything up before flying into the sky and leaving an unbearable stench.

The heroes drew their swords and chased them, but the harpies were in the air and there was nothing they could do against the birds.

Ye Ting knew that these harpies were monsters raised by the gods. The gods did not allow the Argonauts to kill the harpies. The purpose of the existence of these harpies and Phineus was just to find an excuse to A few prophecies from the Argonauts, just a little help.

But will he let the gods succeed? _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation,

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