“Madara-sama, this matter can be regarded as tricky, I didn’t expect that this Uchiha alone forced the two villages to surrender at the same time, his strength has greatly exceeded our imagination, I’m afraid it’s not a chess piece that we want to fiddle with!”

In the dim stone cave, Bai Jue did not have the intention of joking at this time, as a spy figure, all the big war situations could not escape Bai Jue’s eyes, originally he was already waiting in the dark for the critical moment to recover the seriously injured and dying, but unexpectedly, the two major villages could not take down a person, but were forced to surrender, and more importantly, the strength of the departure has exceeded the scope of control.

Uchiha was silent, his dirty old eyes didn’t know what he was thinking, and after half a sound, he sighed slightly, and said in a deep voice: “This Uchiha deserves to be a wizard of my Uchiha clan, completely suzaku, this is the pupil technique of the eternal kaleidoscope, this kid can use the eternal kaleidoscope against the enemy, he must already have this pair of eyes with eternal light!” ”

“Madara-sama, didn’t you say that if you want to evolve into an eternal kaleidoscope, you must transplant your brother’s eyes, this Uchiha is far away, as far as I know, his parents died when he was a child, and he didn’t leave any younger siblings, and before that there were no brothers and sisters, so where did his eternal kaleidoscope come from?” Bai Jue looked tangled, he really couldn’t figure it out.

Uchiha is also a strange look, this eternal eye is absolutely confidential in Uchiha, no, it should be said that this is simply a pair of unrecorded eyes in the clan, the clan only knows the kaleidoscope, but does not know the eternal kaleidoscope, Rao is a wonderful change when he opened the eternal eye back then, and it was only a wonderful change when he transplanted his brother’s eyes in helplessness, in other words, before that, he did not know the so-called eternal kaleidoscope.

This is also where Madara wonders, with such secret eyes, how does Uchiha know how to evolve? And, even if you understand, whose eye did he transplant? Not to mention that the object of this transplant must be a biological brother, even if it is not, who opened the kaleidoscope of this Uchiha family, Madara can be said to know the roots, but the entire Uchiha has no one except Uchiha who has opened the kaleidoscope, so how did the eternal kaleidoscope of Uchiha evolve?

Seeing that Madara was silent, Bai Jue was a little anxious, it was okay to ask him to probe the intelligence, but this brain-using thing was indeed a little difficult for him, and he was also an acute person, Madara didn’t speak for so long, he couldn’t hold back, and asked, “Madara-sama, isn’t this Uchiha eyes an eternal kaleidoscope?” Or did he use some secret technique or method to forcibly elevate Susanoo to full body Susano? ”

When Madara heard this, he glanced at Bai Jue lightly, and finally spoke, “I, as a person of the Uchiha clan, have completely interpreted the stone stele, and what other secret techniques in the family I don’t know?” Moreover, even if there is such a powerful secret technique, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye will not be used! ”

“Why?” Shiro blinked his eyes in bewilderment, and Madara almost wanted to strangle him.

“Complete body Susanoo requires incomparably huge pupil power and Chakra, in terms of Chakra, Uchiha is lucky from this kid, got the cells between the pillars, check the increase, it is not impossible to maintain a complete body Susano, but the key is that if you want to control such a powerful Chakra, the required pupil power can drain the light of the kaleidoscope in an instant, so even if Uchiha has a secret technique to use the complete body Susano. It can only last for a moment, and his eyes will be blind! Madara glared at Bai Jue, and the hatred on his face was not steel.

“That’s not right, let’s talk about it, then what is going on with this Uchiha, if there is an Eternal Eye, then how did he evolve?” If there is no Eternal Eye, then how does he use this complete body? It seemed that he didn’t see the unhappy look on Uchiha’s face, and Bai Jue seemed to be talking to himself in his head, and seemed to be inquiring.

“The Sharingan eyes of the Uchiha family involve the six immortals and another goddess of the year, from the era of the six immortals to the present, it has been thousands of years, among which the secrets are unknown, the eyes are also from the original pair to the current hundreds of pairs, this eternal eye even I opened it in ignorance, unable to explore the mystery, perhaps this Uchiha also got a more special result in some special circumstances, but no matter what the method, One thing is certain, his eyes must be the eyes of eternity! “Speaking of this, Madara is also helpless, this kaleidoscope is called ten thousand flowers, it is really elusive, even he has awakened the eye of reincarnation now, and he also knows little about this chakra eye.

“Namadara-sama, what attitude should we have towards Uchiha Departure next?” Having said that, I’m back to business.

“Uchiha has now opened the Eternal Eye, obtained the cells between the pillars, and also mastered Mu Duan, it is not very possible for us to continue to use him as a pawn, unless I return to the strongest state, otherwise it is difficult to take him, this person we don’t have to move for the time being, anyway, with his current behavior, he is just addicted to the limitations of a family, no different from me at the beginning, there is no hindrance to our plan, once the plan is successfully implemented in the future, he will not be able to return to the sky!” Madara shook his head and said lightly, his eyes returning to the state of Gujing Wubo.

“I see, Madara-sama!” Bai Jue nodded, and then silently sank into the ground.


“S-class missions are only seventy percent complete?”

After returning to Ghost Lantern City, the first thing is to check the progress of their tasks, seeing this seventy percent of the data, a little puzzled, it stands to reason that after defeating two villages in a row, the rest of the major villages should be full of jealousy of the Uchiha family, and can have the strength to force the two big villages to surrender, isn’t the Uchiha family a well-deserved number one family?

“Host, people’s hearts are unpredictable, you appeared when it was the time of the battle between Shinobu and Konoha, although you forced the two villages to surrender at the same time, but others will inevitably think that you are just taking advantage of the two villages to carry out a sneak attack when both villages are defeated, although they will still be afraid of you, but it is not a subservience, I hope you can take this factor into account!”

It seems that he is afraid of misunderstanding something, and the system can’t help but explain.

After hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, and he understood in his heart, shook his head helplessly, and muttered, “I thought that I could complete this S-level task this time, but now it seems that it is not such a simple thing!” ”

There are always some people who are pretentious, the shadow of Sand Ninja Village is known as the strongest wind shadow in history, the shadow of Yunnin Village is known as the strongest shield and the strongest spear, and even can beat the eight tails down with physical skills, even the tailed beast jade can’t hurt him in the slightest, the shadow of the Iwa Ninja Village is an old stubborn, even if he admires it from the bottom of his heart, he won’t say it on his mouth, as for the fog hide, it’s even more impossible, people are controlled by Uchiha and don’t know what to be afraid of.

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed not completed the task!

(PS: It’s the end of the month, call all brothers and sisters to give some tips!) )_

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